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Python extension for Skycoin API. A Python extension generated with SWIG to access Skycoin API from Python.

Table of Contents


Download the repository from Execute (python install) to install the library. Although executing (python develop) is a better choice for making changes to the library. However, when using tox these commands are not required at all because calling tox will make any necessary installation and execute the tests.



The exported function in PySkycoin have the following naming format: SKY_package_func_name where package is replace by the package where the original Skycoin function is and func_name is the name of the function. For example, LoadConfig function from cli package is called in Python SKY_cli_LoadConfig


All skycoin exported functions return an error object as the last of the return parameters. In Pyskycoin error is return as an integer and it is the first return parameter. The rest of the parameters are returned in the same order.

Receivers in Skycoin are the first of the input parameters. Simple types, like integer, float, string will be used as the corresponding types in Python.


Some of Skycoin types are too complex to be exported to a scripting language. So, handles are used instead. Therefore all functions taking a complex type will receive a handle instead of the original Skycoin type. For example, having these functions exported from Skycoin:

	func LoadConfig() (Config, error)
	func (c Config) FullWalletPath() string

Config is a struct type that is treated as a handle in Pyskycoin. The usage in Python will be:

import skycoin
def main:
	err, configHandle = skycoin.SKY_cli_LoadConfig()
	if err == skycoin.SKY_OK:  # 0 then no error
		fullWalletPath = skycoin.SKY_cli_FullWalletPath(configHandle)
		print fullWallerPath
		#Close the handle after using the it
		#so the garbage collector can delete the object associated with it. 
		skycoin.SKY_handle_close( configHandle )
		print err

Byte slices

Parameters of type byte[] will treated as string . Example, this function in Skycoin:

func (s ScryptChacha20poly1305) Encrypt(data, password []byte) ([]byte, error)

Will be called like this:

encrypt_settings = skycoin.encrypt__ScryptChacha20poly1305()
data = b"Data to encrypt" #It will be passed as a parameter of type []byte
pwd = b"password"         #As []byte too
err, encrypted = skycoin.SKY_encrypt_ScryptChacha20poly1305_Encrypt(encrypt_settings, data, pwd)
if err == skycoin.SKY_OK:
	print encrypted #Encrypted is string


Structures that are not exported as handles are treated like classes in Python. In the previous example type ScryptChacha20poly1305 is created in Python like:

encrypt_settings = skycoin.encrypt__ScryptChacha20poly1305()

And passed as first parameter in call to SKY_encrypt_ScryptChacha20poly1305_Encrypt.

Fixed Sized Arrays

Parameters of fixed size array are wrapped in structures when called from python.

Given these types in Skycoin:

	type PubKey [33]byte
	type SecKey [32]byte

And this exported function:

	func GenerateDeterministicKeyPair(seed []byte) (PubKey, SecKey)

This is how it is used in Python:

#Generates random seed
err, data = skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(32)
assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
pubkey = skycoin.cipher_PubKey()
seckey = skycoin.cipher_SecKey()
err = skycoin.SKY_cipher_GenerateDeterministicKeyPair(data, pubkey, seckey)

pubkey and seckey are objects of type structure containing a field name data for the corresponding type of PubKey and SecKey. Something like:

	cipher_PubKey struct{
		data [33]byte;
	} cipher_PubKey;

	cipher_SecKey struct{
		data [32]byte;
	} ;

Other Slices

Other slices of type different than byte were wrapped inside classes. Calling the following function:

func GenerateDeterministicKeyPairs(seed []byte, n int) []SecKey

Would be like:

#Generates random seed
err, seed = skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(32)
err, seckeys = skycoin.SKY_cipher_GenerateDeterministicKeyPairs(seed, 2)
for seckey in seckeys:
	pubkey = skycoin.cipher_PubKey()
	skycoin.SKY_cipher_PubKeyFromSecKey(seckey, pubkey)
	err = skycoin.SKY_cipher_PubKey_Verify(pubkey)
	assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK

Example of how to verify address

def addressIsValid(addr):
    addres = skycoin.cipher__Address()
    err = skycoin.SKY_cipher_DecodeBase58Address(addr, addres)
    return err != skycoin.SKY_OK

Memory Management

Memory management is transparent to the user. Any object allocated inside the library is left to be managed by Python garbage collector.

Make Rules

All these make rules require skycoin to be a git submodule of pyskycoin

  • build-libc
    • Compiles skycoin C language library.
  • build-swig
    • Creates the wrapper C code to generate the Python library.
  • develop
    • Install a developer version of the module.
  • test
    • Compiles skycoin C language library, creates the wrapper and execute Tox. Tox installs compiles the Python library and executes the tests.

Development setup

It is highly recommended for developers to setup their environment using the available Docker images. Read the PySkycoin Docker docs for further details.

The project has two branches: master and develop.

  • develop is the default branch and will always have the latest code. The submodule at gopath/src/ has to be in sync with SkycoinProject/skycoin develop branch.
  • master will always be equal to the current stable release on the website, and should correspond with the latest release tag. The submodule at gopath/src/ has to be in sync with SkycoinProject/skycoin master branch.

Separate stable development branches will be created to work on releases for supporting the most recent stable version of Skycoin. The name of these branches should be the Skycoin major and minor version numbers followed by dev suffix e.g. 0.25dev. These branches may be forked out of either master or develop branches, and the submodule at gopath/src/ has to be in sync with the corresponding tag of fibercrypto/libskyfiber official repository.

Stable development branches are created most of the time for the following reasons:

  • A Skycoin release increasing patch version number.
  • Enhanced support and bug fixes for a version of PySkycoin compiled against an stable version of Skycoin
  • Backporting useful features added in develop.

Running tests

$ make test


Update the version

  1. If the master branch has commits that are not in develop (e.g. due to a hotfix applied to master), merge master into develop (and fix any build or test failures)
  2. Switch to a new release branch named release-X.Y.Z for preparing the release.
  3. Ensure that the submodule at gopath/src/ is in sync with respect to the corresponding tag in repository.
  4. Update __version__ in skycoin/
  5. Run make build to make sure that the code base is up to date
  6. Update move the "unreleased" changes to the version and add the date.
  7. Follow the steps in pre-release testing
  8. Make a PR merging the release branch into master
  9. Review the PR and merge it
  10. Update files in for simelotech/skycoindev-dotnet Docker image, adding a new file for the new version and adjusting any configuration text that may have changed
  11. Tag the master branch with the version number. Version tags start with v, e.g. v0.20.0. Sign the tag. If you have your GPG key in github, creating a release on the Github website will automatically tag the release. It can be tagged from the command line with git tag -as v0.20.0 $COMMIT_ID, but Github will not recognize it as a "release".
  12. Release builds are created and uploaded by travis. To do it manually, checkout the master branch and follow the create release builds instructions.
  13. Checkout develop branch and bump __version__ to next dev version number.

Pre-release testing

Perform these actions before releasing:

make test-ci

Release signing

Releases are signed with this PGP key:


The fingerprint for this key is:

pub   ed25519 2017-09-01 [SC] [expires: 2023-03-18]
      10A7 22B7 6F2F FE7B D238  0222 5801 631B D27C 7874
uid                      GZ-C SKYCOIN <[email protected]>
sub   cv25519 2017-09-01 [E] [expires: 2023-03-18] account:

Alternative signing keys: account:

The fingerprint for this key is:

pub   rsa4096 2019-01-17 [SC] [expires: 2024-01-16]
uid           Olemis Lang <[email protected]>
sub   rsa4096 2019-01-17 [E] [expires: 2024-01-16]

Follow the Tor Project's instructions for verifying signatures.

Releases and their signatures can be found on the releases page.

Instructions for generating a PGP key, publishing it, signing the tags and binaries:

Creating release builds

Release builds should be created from git tags . After updating release version it is necessary to follow these steps

cd /path/to/pyskycoin
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade twine
twine upload --repository-url dist/*

This is automatically done for travis-ci and circle-ci.

Creating release builds to manylinux

Release builds should be created from git tags . After updating release version it is necessary to follow these steps

For 64bits builds:

cd /path/to/pyskycoin
make bdist_manylinux
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade twine
twine upload --repository-url dist/*

In case 32bits builds:

cd /path/to/pyskycoin
make bdist_manylinux_i686
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade twine
twine upload --repository-url dist/*

This is the same process that skyapi follows.

This is done automatically in travis-ci and circle-ci, and even if there is an option to do it manually, this process should be automatic.

Python wrapper for Skycoin Api

This wrapper is Auto generated by openapi-generator directly from Skycoin Api code for version v0.25.1.

For further details of usage of Python wrapper for Skycoin Api see Autogenerated documentation

To use wrapper for specific node of Skycoin api, just do the next:

# create an instance of the Configuration class
configuration = skyapi.Configuration()
# set new host = 'some_host'

# create an instance of the API class with new configuration
api_instance = skyapi.DefaultApi(skyapi.ApiClient(configuration))