id | title |
json-schema-enabled-decorator |
json-schema-enabled Decorator |
This is a developer's guide on how the json-schema-enabled decorator works and how it is applied to:
- types
- modules
It also details how the configuration file is processed and how these configurations are used for code generation
The json-schema-enabled decorator is modeled as a boolean type in the JsonSchema module in the Attribute model. When a json-schema-enabled decorator value of true is applied to a type or module, then json-schema backend code generation would be based on these:
- All annotated types, as well as all their transitive dependencies are included in the generated schema. When applied to a type, the fully qualified name is used as the key in the attributed dictionary. But when applied to a module, a tuple of (packageName, moduleName) is used as the key
- All decorator configurations for a project are placed in the attributes-conf.json file placed next to the main IR.
The Custom Attribute configuration model is found in the CustomAttributes directory. The main types for the decorator configuration model are the CustomAttributeId, the CustomAttributeConfig, the CustomAttributesConfigs, the CustomAttributesInfo and the CustomAttributesDetails
- CustomAttributeId - a string type that represents the unique id of the decorator
- CustomAttributeConfig - a record type with one field: filePath which is of type FilePath and represents the attributes-conf.json file
- CustomAttributesConfigs - dictionary of all CustomAttributeConfigs keyed by the CustomAttributeID
- CustomAttributeInfo - dictionary of CustomAttributeInfo keyed by the CustomAttributesId
- CustomAttributeDetails - a record type with the following fields:
- displayName - String display name of the custom attribute
- entryPoint - FQName or ModuleName being decorated
- iR - Distribution for the custom attribute IR
- data - the custom attribute dictionary (content of the <unique-id.json> file)
This section explains how the json-schema-enabled decorator is set up for a Morphir project
Decorator setup for a project without an existing decorator(s) Follow the steps below to add json-schema-enabled decorator to a Morphir project.
Step 1 - Create the attributes-conf.json file next to the main IR. Enter the record for the json-schema-enabled decorator as shown below
"json-schema-enabled": {
"displayName" : "SchemaEnabled"
, "entryPoint" : "<PackageName>:JsonSchema:SchemaEnabled"
, "ir" : "attributemodel/morphir-ir.json"
Step 2 - Create a new Morphir model in next to the existing IR. This model would contain a single module named JsonSchema with the SchemaEnabled type defined. This model is place in attributes model folder
Step 3 - Run the make command on the attributes model to generate the attributes IR
Step 4 (Optional) - Create the attributes folder next to the main IR. Inside the folder, create the json-schema-enabled.json file (the attributes dictionary). Leave it empty
Step 5 - Start the Develop UI app. Select and type, value, or module. Tab to the Custom Attributes tab and apply the json-schema-enabled by selecting one of the options (yes/no)
Step 6 - Run the morphir json-schema-gen command to generate the Json Schema
Decorator setup for a project with existing decorator(s)
Step 1 - Open the custom-attributes.conf.json and add a new record for the new decorator
Step 2 - Update the attributes model to include the new decorator type (either on the same or a new module)
Step 3 - Run the make command to generate your updated IR
Steps 4 to 6 remain the same
This section explains how decorator configuration is processed and attached to types, values, and modules in the main IR. Processing on the decorator configuration begins with the launch of the Develop app. The decorator configuration records are read from the attributes-conf.json file and processed record by record. The decorator-conf.json file is keyed by a unique-id. The value is an object with three properties:
- displayName: the display name of the decorator
- entryPoint: the FQName or ModuleName it applies to
- ir: the filepath to the decorator IR
For each record:
- Retrieve the custom attributed dictionary by reading which is in a file name with the unique-id of the attribute using the path field of the record,
- Retrieve the IR of the current custom attribute
- Build the decorator details which have four fields:
- displayName
- entryPoint
- data
- iR
A simple API is created that exposes the processed decorator configuration. This is available via the
The Morphir Develop app makes an HTTP call to the decorator URL to fetch all the decorators. This is then decoded into CustomAttributeConfigs which is a dictionary of CustomAttributeId and CustomAttributeConfig which is a dictionary of CustomAttributeId and CustomAttributeDetails. These are then displayed in the UI using Morphir ValueEditors.