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Backends, configuring and extending

Flashmob edited this page Dec 28, 2019 · 6 revisions



What does a backend do?

The main job of a go-guerrilla backend is to save email. Think of it as the middleware.

The default go-guerrilla backend is called a "Gateway". The Gateway manages a set of workers which run in their own goroutines. These workers can be started, shutdown, and new work can be distributed to the workers. The gateway provides a common interface to these workers.

The number of workers to start can be controlled by changing the backend's save_workers_size config option.

Gateway internals

The Gateway receives new email envelopes from the server via the Process function. These envelopes are passed via the gateway's conveyor channel and picked up by an available Worker. The envelope is a value of it's passed as a pointer. Users of the package don't need to be concerned with the conveyor channel details, only use the exposed Process function provided by the gateway, and it takes care of the rest.

The Gateway can perform different tasks, not only save email. Another function it provides is ValidateRcpt which validates the envelope's last recipient pushed. It still uses the conveyor channel to distribute the work, and the task field in the workerMsg

Internally, the task is selected using the SelectTask type. So far, there are two types of tasks: TaskSaveMail to save email, TaskValidateRcpt to validate the recipient of an envelope.

What are Workers?

Each Worker can be composed of individual Processors and each Processor is called sequentially to process each envelope. Think of it as production line in a factory. Each worker works on one envelope which they pick up from a conveyor belt (in this case, a channel). Workers must do a number of steps to complete their work before sending their results back. The steps (Processors) that the worker must do can be controlled by changing the backend's save_process config option.

Workers internals

Each worker is structured using a Decorator pattern. See footnote [1].

The decorator pattern stacks each Processor on a call-stack, making a single Processor out of many different Processors. Each processor in the stack must either chain the call to the next Processor by passing the envelope, or return the result back to the caller. You do not need to be concerned with these details, however, it may be worth to checkout the footnote and also decorate.go (where the decorator stack is built) and processor.go (where the interfaces and types are defined). There's also a DefaultProcessor which is always called as the final processor, if everything went OK.

Here is the interface of a processor

import ""

// Our processor is defined as something that processes the envelope and returns a result and error
type Processor interface {
	Process(*mail.Envelope, SelectTask) (Result, error)

In go-guerrilla's code, Go source files that define a Processor are prefixed with 'p_'

There are a few other details about Processors, if you're interested, please see "Extending" section.


The "backend_config" property holds the configuration for the backend, including configuration values for all the Processors.

The Gateway requires the following settings:

  • save_process - this a processor for saving email, composed by chaining the smaller processors together. Each processor name is separated by a | character and is executed left-to-right. It is called when we receive mail data from a client.
  • validate_process - (optional) similar to save_process, but for validating recipients. It is called when we receive recipients from a client.
  • save_workers_size - how many workers to spawn. Usually just a handful of workers can handle hundreds of clients at a time. Fine tune this by setting to a low value, then observe your server's load average while processing incoming mail. If the load average is OK, slowly increase the value and repeat the steps. An interesting observation is that even if say you have a thousand connections from 1k clients, you only usually need a handful of workers to handle them all.

A note about Goroutines: Those that are coming to Go for the first time may notice that when they view the process list from their OS, they still see the same number of go processes, despite changing the save_workers_size setting. The workers still run in parallel, however, this is not visible to the OS since Go programs run in their own runtime which has its own scheduler that manages goroutines, hence invisible to the OS.

Then add any other settings that each processor may require.

    "backend_config" :
          "save_process": "HeadersParser|Debugger|Hasher|Header|Compressor|Redis|MySql",
          "save_workers_size" : 1,
          "log_received_mails" : true,
          "redis_interface" : "",
          "redis_expire_seconds" : 7200,

To recap, the save_process configures how the worker will process each envelope. Each processor is separated using a "|" (pipe) character, and execution is from left to right. So the one above will parse the MIME headers, print some debug info, generate some hashes, add a delivery header, compress the email, save the body to redis, and finally save some info to MySQL.

None of the above processors validate recipients, but if you have a processor that does recipient validation, you may add it by setting the validate_process config in a similar fashion. For example, MailDiranasaurus a MailDir MTA, demonstrates the use of a processor that can both validate recipients and save mail/

Gateway timeouts

As detailed above, the gateway distributes the envelope to process via the conveyor channel. The envelope is submitted to the gateway via the Process function. If the email is not processed in time, it will return with an error. Currently the default is to 30 seconds.

The default can be customized via Backend config:

  • gw_save_timeout - is the duration before timeout when saving an email. String, eg "10s"
  • gw_val_rcpt_timeout - is the duration before timeout when validating a recipient, string, eg "1s"

For formatting options for the duration string, see Go's time.ParseDuration


The decorator pattern makes it easy to create your own Processors. To get started, create a new .go file, then import

import (

From there, if your processor needs a configuration, define your own configuration struct. The struct can only have string, float or numeric fields. Each field must be public and be annotated with a struct tag to map it to the json file. eg.

type myFooConfig struct {
   SomeOption string `json:"maildir_path"`

From there, declare your processor as a decorator using the following pattern:

// The MyFoo decorator [enter what it does]
var MyFooProcessor = func() backends.Decorator {
	return func(p backends.Processor) backends.Processor {
		return backends.ProcessWith(
			func(e *mail.Envelope, task backends.SelectTask) (backends.Result, error) {
				if task == backends.TaskValidateRcpt {

					// if you want your processor to validate recipents,
					// validate recipient by checking
					// the last item added to `e.RcptTo` slice
					// if error, then return something like this:
					/* return backends.NewResult(
					// if no error:
					return p.Process(e, task)
				} else if task == backends.TaskSaveMail {

					// if you want your processor to do some processing after
					// receiving the email, continue here.
					// if want to stop processing, return
					// errors.New("Something went wrong")
					// return backends.NewBackendResult(fmt.Sprintf("554 Error: %s", err)), err
					// call the next processor in the chain
					return p.Process(e, task)
				return p.Process(e, task)

Next, assuming that you're using go-guerrilla as a package, do this before you call s.Start():

d := guerrilla.Daemon{}
d.AddProcessor("MyFoo", MyFooProcessor)

There are additional features which allow you to do some things at initialization and shutdown.

Processor initialization

To load in the config into your processor, you will need to declare and add your own initializer function. Initializer may do other things, such as open database connections, etc.

The interface looks like this (complete example further down):

    type ProcessorInitializer interface {
	    Initialize(backendConfig BackendConfig) error

There's also convenience type defined so that you can create your initializer as a closure or an anonymous function.

    type InitializeWith func(backendConfig BackendConfig) error

Once you've declared your initializer, use the backends.Service.AddInitializer function to register it.

So putting it together, your Processor will look something like this

var MyFooProcessor = func() backends.Decorator {
	config := &myFooConfig{}
	// our initFunc will load the config.
	initFunc := backends.InitializeWith(func(backendConfig backends.BackendConfig) error {
		configType := backends.BaseConfig(&myFooConfig{})
		bcfg, err := backends.Svc.ExtractConfig(backendConfig, configType)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		config := bcfg.(*myFooConfig)
		return nil
	// register our initializer
	return func(p backends.Processor) backends.Processor {
		return backends.ProcessWith(
			func(e *mail.Envelope, task backends.SelectTask) (backends.Result, error) {
				if task == backends.TaskValidateRcpt {
					// optionally, validate recipient
					return p.Process(e, task)
				} else if task == backends.TaskSaveMail {
						do some work here..
						if want to stop processing, return

						 errors.New("Something went wrong")
						 return backends.NewBackendResult(fmt.Sprintf("554 Error: %s", err)), err

					_ = config // use config somewhere here..

					// call the next processor in the chain
					return p.Process(e, task)
				return p.Process(e, task)

Processor shutdown

Following the same pattern of initialization, there is also a sister Shutdown function

The interface looks like this

    type ProcessorShutdowner interface {
        Shutdown() error

And the convenience type to help you pass an anonymous/closure function looks like this

    type ShutdownWith func() error

To pass your function to go-guerrilla, use backends.Service.AddShutdowner function

eg. just after backends.Service.AddInitializer(initFunc) add something like this:

    backends.Svc.AddShutdowner(backends.ShutdownWith(func() error {
        if db != nil {
            return db.Close()
        return nil


Perhaps it can be best described by giving some examples.

  • Example 1: In the api_test.go file in go-guerrilla, about 2/3 down, there is a funkyLogger processor defined for testing. This processor logs a funky message for tasks backends.TaskValidateRcpt and backends.TaskSaveMail. See the TestSetAddProcessor where the processor is added, configured, and a test email is sent to the server so it will get processed.
  • Example 2: MailDir processor - This saves emails to a maildir folder. It also validates recipients to make sure that their Maildir folder exists (set via the config)
  • Example 3: FastCGI processor - This forwards the task of processing an email to a Fast CGI backend, such as PHP-FPM. It can save/process emails or validate addresses.
  • Example 4: MailDiranasaurus - This is an example of using go-guerrilla as a package, and also using MailDir and FastCgi processors.

Share your processors

If you made a processor and want to share it with others? Please send a PR to update our README with a link your repo.


[1]: Footnote 1. This pattern is described in detail here: and this video has a man with an awesome moustache giving a good presentation: