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File metadata and controls

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Upgrading Deimos

Upgrading to 2.x

2.x is a major rewrite from 1.0. The underlying library has been changed from Phobos to Karafka. This change has given us an opportunity to fix some issues and deprecated code paths from version 1.0 as well as provide much more functionality by integrating more fully with the Karafka ecosystem.

For a deeper dive into the internal changes, please see ....

There are a number of breaking changes. We provide a v2 generator to attempt to auto-fix many of these breaking changes automatically. To run the generator:

KARAFKA_BOOT_FILE=false rails g deimos:v2


In V1, Deimos configuration was all done in a single Deimos.configure block, including Kafka configs, consumers and producers:

Deimos.configure do
  producers.schema_namespace ''
  kafka.seed_brokers ['my-broker:9092']

  consumer do
    class_name 'MyConsumer'
    topic 'MyTopic'
    session_timeout 30
    schema 'MySchema'
    key_config field: :id
    namespace ''

  producer do
    class_name 'MyProducer'
    topic 'MyTopic2'
    schema 'MySchema2'
    key_config none: true

In V2, the Deimos.configure block now only takes Deimos-specific settings, and is not used to configure producers and consumers. Kafka settings now go in the Karafka kafka setting method, and producers and consumers use Karafka routing. There are Deimos-specific extensions to routing to apply to consumers and producers, either via a defaults block (applying to all consumers and producers) or in individual topic blocks:

Deimos.configure do
  producers.schema_namespace ''

class KarafkaApp < Karafka::App
  setup do |config|
    config.kafka = {
      "bootstrap.servers": "my-broker:9092"
  routes.draw do
    defaults do
      namespace ""

    topic "MyTopic" do
      # Karafka settings
      consumer MyConsumer
      kafka({"": 30_000})
      # Deimos settings
      schema "MySchema" # the res
      key_config({field: id})
    topic "MyTopic2" do
      # these are all Deimos settings since Karafka doesn't actually do per-topic producer configs
      producer_class MyProducer
      schema 'MySchema2'
      key_config none: true

This configuration must be in a file called karafka.rb at the root of your application. The V2 generator will generate this file for you. Without the generator, if you have this file and start up your app with the old Deimos.configure code, you will get notifications of the correct places to put these settings.

Removed deprecations

The following were deprecated in version 1.x and are removed in 2.0.

  • The kafka_producer method for KafkaSource is no longer supported. Please use kafka_producers. (This is not addressed by the V2 generator.)
# before:
class MyRecord < ApplicationRecord
  def kafka_producer

# after:
class MyRecord < ApplicationRecord
  def kafka_producers
  • The record_attributes method for ActiveRecordConsumer now must take two parameters, not one. (The V2 generator can fix this.)
# before:
class MyConsumer < Deimos::ActiveRecordConsumer
  def record_attributes(payload)
    # ...

# after:
class MyConsumer < Deimos::ActiveRecordConsumer
  def record_attributes(payload, key)
    # ...
  • The BatchConsumer class has been removed. Please use the Consumer class.
  • You can no longer configure your application using a phobos.yml file. The V2 generator will not be able to work on apps using this approach.
  • Removed test_consume_invalid_message and test_consume_batch_invalid_message test helpers. These did not serve a useful purpose.
  • The following deprecated testing functions have been removed: stub_producers_and_consumers!, stub_producer, stub_consumer, stub_batch_consumer. These have not done anything in a long time.

Major breaking changes

  • Since Karafka only supports Ruby >= 3.0, that means Deimos also only supports those versions.
  • Deimos no longer supports a separate logger from Karafka. When you configure a Karafka logger, Deimos will use that logger for all its logging. (Deimos logs will be prefixed with a [Deimos] tag.)
  • The :db backend has been renamed to :outbox. All associated classes (like DbProducer) have likewise been renamed. The Rake task has also been renamed to rake deimos:outbox.
  • The SchemaControllerMixin has been removed as there was no serious usage for it.
  • InlineConsumer has been removed - Karafka Pro has an Iterator API that does the same thing. There also has been no evidence that it was used (and was probably pretty buggy).
  • The :test backend has been removed and the Deimos::TestHelpers module is now largely powered by karafka-testing. This means that you can no longer use Deimos::Backends::Test.sent_messages - you need to use Deimos::TestHelpers.sent_messages. (The V2 generator should fix this.)
  • Individual consumer and producer settings now live within Karafka route configuration. This means you can no longer call e.g. consumer.schema to retrieve this information, as settings are no longer stored directly on the consumer and producer objects (it is still available, but via different methods).
  • Consumers should no longer define a consume method, as the semantics have changed with Karafka. Instead, you can define a consume_message or consume_batch method. Both of these methods now take Karafka Message objects instead of hashes. The V2 generator can handle translating this for you, but if you create new consumers, you should take advantage of the Karafka functionality and use it first-class.
  • Phobos delivery_method is no longer relevant. Instead, specify an each_message setting for your consumer. If set to true, you should define a consume_message method. Otherwise, you should define a consume_batch method. (Note that this is the reverse from the previous default, which assumed delivery_method: message.) The V2 generator will create the correct setting for each consumer.
# before:
class MyConsumer < Deimos::Consumer
  def consume(payload, metadata)
    # payload and metadata are both hashes

  # OR with delivery_method: inline_batch
  def batch_consume(payloads, metadata)
    # payloads is an array of hashes, metadata is a hash

# now:
class MyConsumer < Deimos::Consumer
  def consume_batch
    payloads = messages.payloads # messages is an instance method and `payloads` will return the decoded hashes

  # OR with batch(false)
  def consume_message(message)
    # message is a Karafka Message object
    payload = message.payload
    key = message.key # etc.


The following metrics have been removed in favor of Karafka's more robust DataDog metrics and WaterDrop's DataDog metrics:

  • consumer_lag (use consumer.lags)
  • handler (use consumer.consumed.time_taken)
  • publish (use produced_sync and produced_async)
  • publish_error (use deliver.errors)

You will need to manually add the DataDog MetricsListener as shown in the above pages.

The following metrics have been renamed:

  • db_producer.insert -> outbox.insert
  • db_producer.process -> outbox.process


Deimos's own instrumentation layer has been removed in favor of Karafka's. You can still subscribe to Deimos notifications - you simply do it via Karafka's monitor instead of Deimos's.

# before:
Deimos.subscribe('encode_messages') do |event|	
    # ... 

# after:
Karafka.monitor.subscribe('deimos.encode_messages') do |event|
  # ...

Note that Karafka's monitors do not support the legacy "splatted" subscribe:

Deimos.subscribe("event") do |*args|
  payload =*args).payload

The following instrumentation events have been removed in favor of Karafka's events:

  • produce_error (use error.occurred)

The following events have been renamed:

  • encode_messages -> deimos.encode_message (note that only one message is instrumented at a time now)
  • db_producer.produce -> deimos.outbox.produce
  • batch_consumption.valid_records -> deimos.batch_consumption.valid_records
  • batch_consumption.invalid_records -> deimos.batch_consumption.invalid_records

Additional breaking changes

  • key_config now defaults to {none: true} instead of erroring out if not set.
  • fatal_error? now receives a Karafka messages object instead of a payload hash or array of hashes.
  • watched_attributes has been moved from the corresponding ActiveRecord class to the ActiveRecordProducer class. The object being watched is passed into the method.
  • Removed TestHelpers.full_integration_test! and kafka_test! as Karafka does not currently support these use cases. If we need them back, we will need to put in changes to the testing library to support them.
  • test_consume_message and test_consume_batch used to not fully validate schemas when using the :avro_validation backend. Now these are fully validated, which may cause test errors when upgrading.

New functionality

  • When setting up a Datadog metrics client, you can pass :karafka_namespace, :karafka_distribution_mode, or :rd_kafka_metrics tags to specify the Karafka settings for Datadog metrics.
  • The payload_log setting now works for consumers as well as producers, as it is now a topic setting.
  • You can publish messages without a Deimos Producer class. Karafka producers take a hash with :message, :topic, :key, :headers and :partition_key keys. As long as the topic is configured in karafka.rb, you don't need a special class to send the message. You can simply call Karafka.producer.produce().
  • The only features that are now available on the bare Producer (as opposed to ActiveRecordProducer) class are:
    • Outbox backend
    • Instance method to determine partition key (rather than passing it in)
    • Using Deimos.disable_producers
  • If you need these features, you must continue using a Deimos::Producer.
  • You can now call .produce(messages) directly on a Deimos::Producer which allows for use of these features while still passing a Karafka message hash. This removes the need to add a payload_key key into your payload. This is now the recommended method to use in a Deimos Producer.

New deprecations

  • For testing, you no longer have to call unit_test! to get the right settings. It is handled automatically by Karafka. The only thing this method now does is set the schema backend to :avro_validation, and you can do that in a single line.
  • The skip_expectation and call_original arguments to test_consume_message and test_consume_batch have been deprecated and no longer need to be provided. The assumption is that call_original is always true.

Upgrading from < 1.5.0 to >= 1.5.0

If you are using Confluent's schema registry to Avro-encode your messages, you will need to manually include the avro_turf gem in your Gemfile now.

This update changes how to interact with Deimos's schema classes. Although these are meant to be internal, they are still "public" and can be used by calling code.

Before 1.5.0:

encoder = 'MySchema',
                                      namespace: '')

decoder = 'MySchema',
                                      namespace: '')

After 1.5.0:

backend = Deimos.schema_backend(schema: 'MySchema', namespace: '')

The two classes are different and if you are using them to e.g. inspect Avro schema fields, please look at the source code for the following:

  • Deimos::SchemaBackends::Base
  • Deimos::SchemaBackends::AvroBase
  • Deimos::SchemaBackends::AvroSchemaRegistry

Deprecated Deimos::TestHelpers.sent_messages in favor of Deimos::Backends::Test.sent_messages.

Upgrading from < 1.4.0 to >= 1.4.0

Previously, configuration was handled as follows:

  • Kafka configuration, including listeners, lived in phobos.yml
  • Additional Deimos configuration would live in an initializer, e.g. kafka.rb
  • Producer and consumer configuration lived in each individual producer and consumer

As of 1.4.0, all configuration is centralized in one initializer file, using default configuration.

Before 1.4.0:

# config/phobos.yml
  file: log/phobos.log
  level: debug
    level: debug

  client_id: phobos
  connect_timeout: 15
  socket_timeout: 15

  ack_timeout: 5
  required_acks: :all

  - handler: ConsumerTest::MyConsumer
    topic: my_consume_topic
    group_id: my_group_id
  - handler: ConsumerTest::MyBatchConsumer
    topic: my_batch_consume_topic
    group_id: my_batch_group_id
    delivery: inline_batch
# kafka.rb
Deimos.configure do |config|
  config.reraise_consumer_errors = true
  config.logger = Rails.logger

# my_consumer.rb
class ConsumerTest::MyConsumer < Deimos::Producer
  namespace ''
  schema 'MySchema'
  topic 'MyTopic'
  key_config field: :id

After 1.4.0:

Deimos.configure do
  logger Rails.logger
  kafka do
    client_id 'phobos'
    connect_timeout 15
    socket_timeout 15
  producers.ack_timeout 5
  producers.required_acks :all
  consumer do
    class_name 'ConsumerTest::MyConsumer'
    topic 'my_consume_topic'
    group_id 'my_group_id' 
    namespace ''
    schema 'MySchema'
    topic 'MyTopic'
    key_config field: :id

Note that the old configuration way will work if you set config.phobos_config_file = "config/phobos.yml". You will get a number of deprecation notices, however. You can also still set the topic, namespace, etc. on the producer/consumer class, but it's much more convenient to centralize these configs in one place to see what your app does.