You can build a customized image based on Fluentd's image.
Customized image can include plugins and fluent.conf
We will use this directory to build a Docker image. Type following commands on a terminal to prepare a minimal project first:
# Create project directory.
mkdir custom-fluentd
cd custom-fluentd
# Download default fluent.conf and This file will be copied to the new image.
# VERSION is v1.7 like fluentd version and OS is alpine or debian.
# Full example is
curl > fluent.conf
curl >
chmod +x
# Create plugins directory. plugins scripts put here will be copied to the new image.
mkdir plugins
curl > Dockerfile
Documentation of fluent.conf
is available at [][3].
You can install [Fluentd plugins][4] using Dockerfile.
Sample Dockerfile installs fluent-plugin-elasticsearch
To add plugins, edit Dockerfile
as following:
About deprecated old images, see DEPRECATED.
FROM fluent/fluentd:v1.17-1
# Use root account to use apk
USER root
# below RUN includes plugin as examples elasticsearch is not required
# you may customize including plugins as you wish
RUN apk add --no-cache --update --virtual .build-deps \
sudo build-base ruby-dev \
&& sudo gem install fluent-plugin-elasticsearch \
&& sudo gem sources --clear-all \
&& apk del .build-deps \
&& rm -rf /tmp/* /var/tmp/* /usr/lib/ruby/gems/*/cache/*.gem
COPY fluent.conf /fluentd/etc/
COPY /bin/
USER fluent
FROM fluent/fluentd:v1.17-debian-1
# Use root account to use apt
USER root
# below RUN includes plugin as examples elasticsearch is not required
# you may customize including plugins as you wish
RUN buildDeps="sudo make gcc g++ libc-dev" \
&& apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends $buildDeps \
&& sudo gem install fluent-plugin-elasticsearch \
&& sudo gem sources --clear-all \
apt-get purge -y --auto-remove \
-o APT::AutoRemove::RecommendsImportant=false \
$buildDeps \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
&& rm -rf /tmp/* /var/tmp/* /usr/lib/ruby/gems/*/cache/*.gem
COPY fluent.conf /fluentd/etc/
COPY /bin/
USER fluent
These example run apk add
/apt-get install
to be able to install
Fluentd plugins which require native extensions (they are removed immediately
after plugin installation).
If you're sure that plugins don't include native extensions, you can omit it
to make image build faster.
Use docker build
command to build the image.
This example names the image as custom-fluentd:latest
docker build -t custom-fluentd:latest ./
Once the image is built, it's ready to run.
Following commands run Fluentd sharing ./log
directory with the host machine:
mkdir -p log
docker run -it --rm --name custom-docker-fluent-logger -v $(pwd)/log:/fluentd/log custom-fluentd:latest
Open another terminal and type following command to inspect IP address. Fluentd is running on this IP address:
docker inspect -f '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' custom-docker-fluent-logger
Let's try to use another docker container to send its logs to Fluentd.
docker run --log-driver=fluentd --log-opt tag="docker.{{.ID}}" --log-opt fluentd-address=FLUENTD.ADD.RE.SS:24224 python:alpine echo Hello
# and force flush buffered logs
docker kill -s USR1 custom-docker-fluent-logger
with actual IP address you inspected at
the previous step)
You will see some logs sent to Fluentd.