- [fixed] Bundle update
- [maintenance] Add app/javascript/packs/components #275
- [maintenance] Fix eslint errors #274
- [fixed] Set label properly #270
- [maintenance] Use bootstrap-vue #269 #273
- [fixed] Fix preview functionality in in_tail wizard #267
- [maintenance] Suppress JavaScript warnings #265
- [improvement] Support filter plugins and label feature #262
- [maintenance] Update rubyzip #263
- [fixed] Fix CodeMirror visualization error#260
- [improvement] Add note on dashboard #259
- [maintenance] Remove unused grok support #257
- [improvement] Improve login page #258
- [maintenance] Update recommended plugins #226
- [improvement] Support relative path #255
- [maintenance] Use test-unit-rails #254
- [maintenance] Introduce ESLint #249
- [improvement] Support AWS credentials for out_s3 #248
- [maintenance] Bundle update
- [maintenance] Organize specs and CI configurations
- [improvement] Support transport section #244
- [improvement] Save owned plugin config properly #243
- [improvement] Make log level selectable #242
- [maintenance] Remove unused partial templates #241
- [maintenance] Remove unused helper methods #240
- [fixed] Update HTML classes #234
- Use rails-ujs npm package
- [maintenance] Use twilio instead of boundio #212
- [maintenance] Use terminal_notifier instead of Growl #213
- [maintenance] Use Rails 4.2.10 #222
- [fixed] Fix multiline parser preview bug #209
- [improved] #190 Use markdown format for ChangeLog.md
- [maintenance] #182 #188 #189 fluentd-ui use ruby 2.1.3 or later. It broke backward compatible.
- [maintenance] #187 Remove needless gem
- [fixed] #186 Fix the bug when server restart while logged in and "Config File" page is visited
- [fixed] #184 Focus some inputboxes when its label is clicked
- [improve] #180 #181 #183 #185 Tweak design
- [fixed] #175 Fix the bug password can be changed without match between new password and password confirmation.
- [fixed] #177 Use '' as host not 'localhost' (If you want to change host, you can use
option withstart
- [maintenance] #170 Update some gems
- [maintenance] #171 Update Rails to 4.2.1
- [maintenance] #173 Add Rake task to clean files under tmp/ directory (for packaging)
- [fixed] #167 Apply bootstrap css to inputboxes in signin form
- [fixed] #168 Fix the behavor mismatch between configtest and update (update failed but configtest is OK)
- [fixed] #164 Display add/remove icons correctly in out_forward settings page
- [fixed] #165 Fix zombie process is created by clicking start button in dashboard
- [fixed] #163 Relax fluentd dependency
- [fixed] #159 Fix latest out_s3 plugin compatibility
- [fixed] #160 Add validation that
required ifbuffer_type
is file - [maintenance] Minor refactors
- [maintenance] #150, #151 minor fix in README.md.
- [maintenance] #149 Make circle-ci result stable.
- [maintenance] #147 Update gems.
- [maintenance] #144 Ignore useless bower files
- [fixed] #146 Fix to enable to too fast input in regex text box (#145 issue).
- [improve] #152 Add dry-run to config edit.
- [improve] #153 Show diff between current config and backup files.
- [improve] #143 Use CodeMirror for setting edit
- [maintenance] #126-#131, #135, #138, #139 #CodeClimate score is now 4.0! special thanks to @rthbound for many pull-requests.
- [fixed] #133 Incompatible config generated on out_s3 version 0.5.x or newer.
- [fixed] #140 Fluentd::Agent#logged_errors methods returned wrong errors.
- [fixed] #136 Caused error on gem list fetching on some environments.
- [improve] #124 Enable to note config history.
- [improve] #137 Add "config test" button to config histories. You can check config before reuse that.
- [improve] Save config history. Now any saved config files can be restored to the current.
- [maintenance] Update components.
- [improve] Add fluentd default plugin settings.
- [fixed] Fix #121. Change to allow utf-8 string instead of ascii.
- [improve] Display current setting for each section. #103
- [improve] Instantly current setting changing. #105
- [improve] Reduce polling access for notification fetching.
- [improve] Recommended plugins are updated.
- [fixed] Plugin installation on td-agent-ui.
- [maintenance] Change httpclient gem as stable version.
- [improve] Don't install ri and rdoc.
- [fixed]
/etc/init.d/td-agent stop
was killing the td-agent-ui on Debian based distributions.
- yanked
- [fixed] td-agent detection on Mac OS X
- [fixed] Auto update fluentd-ui feature
- [maintenance] Update dependencies
- [maintenance] Add dep:list rake task to help package td-agent
- [feature] Potentially support for multiple user name (not have UI to do it)
- [improve] Improve installing plugin processing experience
- [improve] Some messages added or fixed
- [compatibility] Login password is reset as default if v0.1.x user who updates thier password.
- [fixed] Keep changed password after update fluentd-ui gem.
- [fixed] Add missing LICENSE file (Apache license 2.0)
- [change] Remove bcrypt for packaging issue on Mac.
- [fixed] Fix can't setting in_tail with format regexp.
- [feature] Add out_elasticsearch setting
- [fixed] Can't login if password changed from default
- [fixed] Can't install a gem on some environment #70
- [fixed] Can't setup in_tail if recognized as binary file selected #71
- First release!