diff --git a/flytectl/cmd/update/launch_plan.go b/flytectl/cmd/update/launch_plan.go index 58befbbd65..87af549359 100644 --- a/flytectl/cmd/update/launch_plan.go +++ b/flytectl/cmd/update/launch_plan.go @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Activates a launch plan which activates the scheduled job associated with it: flytectl update launchplan -p flytesnacks -d development core.control_flow.merge_sort.merge_sort --version v1 --activate -Archives a launch plan which deschedules any scheduled job associated with it: +Archives (deactivates) a launch plan which deschedules any scheduled job associated with it: :: flytectl update launchplan -p flytesnacks -d development core.control_flow.merge_sort.merge_sort --version v1 --archive