Configurations and scripts for building a network scanning analysis platform.
Python script for cloning service configuration from fofa
You need:
- a fofa account to set the FOFA_EMAIL and FOFA_KEY environment variables
- fapro binary file in PATH
- chrome browser and chromedriver for website cloning
# display usage help
./ -h
# clone the service configuration with ip xx.xx.xx.xx,save it to sensor01
./ -i xx.xx.xx.xx -n sensor01
docker-compose template for ELK configuration.
- change ELASTIC_PASSWORD to you own password,
- change network.publish_host to the server's public network ip address
- change the port mapping if you need
docker-compose up -d
Ansible script for configure or update the sensor server.
# Download the latest version of FaPro, save it to fapro.tgz.
wget -O fapro.tgz
# Use ansible for sensor server deployment
ansible-playbook update_sensor.yml
Ansible script for monitoring the fapro process of the sensor server.
install norecon for wechat message notification,
if you need other message notification, change nowx to other message notification command.
pip3 install norecon
# Configure WeChat notification and set up WeChat message push token
ansible-playbook check.yml
You can set up a cron job to execute it.