Following on to what the roles accomplished yesterday, your challenge this week will be querying an api, appending that data to the DOM, working within your github flow, and testing it all!
Though this may seem like a breeze considering all that you have accomplished so far, you will also have demanding clients to please. You are to meet with your clients today to review user stories on Pivotal Tracker, Wednesday for a code review and Friday for a final presentation.
Other than the code reviews from your peers, and your clients, there will also be an external adjudicator from one of the APIs coming down on Friday afternoon to look at the projects.
Select from these three APIs:
- Guardian
- Soundcloud
- Tabbed component
- Realtime content
- Mobile first design
- Hiding confidential information. When querying APIs with API keys, keep in mind concealing the keys from prying eyes.
- Testing will not be one person's sole responsibility. Everyone on the team must write at least one test.
- Dynamic search
- User configurability
- Local browser user session storage
- Look into optimising the loading by queueing or incremental loading of the page