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Evan Willhite edited this page Oct 18, 2017 · 5 revisions


  • components/_patterns/ - All components are filed here from smallest (atoms) to largest (pages). Each component contains it's own Twig template as well as the asset files for that component. It may also contain sample data (yml/json) as well as a documentation file for annotations (markdown).
  • components/_patterns/00-base - For top-level needs such as sass variables/mixins, global javascript, etc.
  • images/icons/src/ - any single SVGs here are automatically combined into an SVG sprite via a gulp task. See components/_patterns/01-atoms/04-images/ in Pattern Lab for instructions.


This starterkit automatically compiles SCSS files from anywhere in the components/_patterns directory, so that you can organize your SCSS files right alongside your Twig files. There are a few things to keep in mind with this approach:

  • Use the _UNDERSCORE-FIRST.scss syntax to make sure Sass files get compiled in the expected order.
  • Default patterns use BEM syntax. The simple Twig included in the patterns allows for blockname or modifier classes to be passed into the pattern. See an example below from components/_patterns/00-base/layouts/grid/00-grid.twig:
<div class="grid{% for modifier in grid_modifiers %} grid--{{ modifier }}{% endfor %}{% if grid_blockname %} {{ grid_blockname }}__grid{% endif %}">

This can add the following classes to an element (modifiers unlimited):

<div class="grid grid--MODIFIER grid--MODIFIER2 BLOCKNAME__grid">

If you need more flexibility you can use the more verbose approach below:

<div class="grid{% for modifier in grid_modifiers %} grid--{{ modifier }}{% endfor %}{% if grid_blockname %} {{ grid_blockname }}__grid{% endif %}{% if grid_blockname and grid_modifiers %}{% for modifier in grid_modifiers %} {{ grid_blockname }}__grid--{{ modifier }}{% endfor %}{% endif %}">

This allows for the following classes:

<div class="grid grid--MODIFIER grid--MODIFIER2 BLOCKNAME__grid BLOCKNAME__grid--MODIFIER BLOCKNAME__grid--MODIFIER2">

  • All pattern SCSS is imported into a single file components/_patterns/style.scss and compiled by the Gulp task into dist/style.css.


  • You can write all component javascript inside your component directory. For the sake of the styleguide, all component javascript is concatenated into a single dist/scripts-styleguide.js file.
  • Other systems (including Drupal) should handle adding javascript more elegantly (see JavaScript in Drupal for Drupal instructions).

Pattern Lab

Components are automatically added to the Pattern Lab styleguide. We highly recommend reading through the Pattern Lab documentation, as it is quick and will speed up your process greatly. Here are some quick notes:

  • Twig files starting with an underscore (e.g., _block.twig) are hidden from the Pattern Lab styleguide.
  • You can include stock content in a COMPONENT_NAME.yml or COMPONENT_NAME.json file. See components/_data/data.json for default variables that can be used (or you can create your own).
  • Pattern Lab also makes it easy to create lists as well. See components/_patterns/01-atoms/03-lists/00-unordered.twig for an example and components/_data/listitems.json for the stock variables that are available.