Notify is an interactive tool built for classroom teachers. It was created as a strategy for breaking down the barrier in communication between parents and teachers. Notify is meant to be a simple and efficient way for teachers to frequently communicate positive messages to parents/guardians. It allows a teacher to give students points throughout class for demonstrating core values. Knowing that class rosters can change, teachers have the option to add and delete students as needed. When a student card is clicked, the teacher will be linked to the core values page for that individual student. It is here that teachers can add core value points. When a point is added, a text is sent to the parent/ guardian of that student with a message that indicates their student earned a point for demonstrating a core value.
Created using React, React-Router, and Redux.
To install the dependencies:
npm install
To fire up a development server:
npm start
Once the server is running, you can visit:
to run your application.http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/test.html
to run your test suite in the browser.
To build the static files:
npm run build
To run tests in Node:
npm test