- Support returning info about created PR and optionally add comment to PR being closed. (#48)
- Add new prGetDiff function.
- Add prGetComments function.
- Add new matchingPrsInUser function.
- Add new prGet function
- Make PullRequests class to implement Iterable
- PHP 8
- Remove ExtraCommands.
- repo:statuses
- repo:cat
- Internal commands for analyzing repositories in an org:
- org:analyze
- repo:convert-data
- php 8
- switch-default command to switch the default branch of a GitHub project
- Use pager for org:repo command, and add a repo:info command
- Add a command to list all repos in an org
- Use pager for org:repo command, and add a repo:info command
- Add a command to list all repos in an org (#41)
- Robo 2 (#40)
- Provide default value for pattern arg of matchingPRs
- Factor "matchingPRs" method out of "existingPRs" method.
- Allow pattern '#.#.-' to indicate version might be 5.1 or 5.1.2 (non-semver). (#39)
- Need to match both github.com/ and github.com: when deciding whether to insert github credentials
- Don't add github oauth credentials to non-github repos
- Id means number for pull request merging.
- Add a pr:statuses command
- Fix inconsistent results of checkPr method. (#15)
- Allow 'as' parameter to specify the authentication token
- Define missing property eventLogger
- Update dependencies
- Add a logger, and log created pull requests (and nothing else)
- Add prCreate api
- Add 'allPRs' method.
- Fix existing pull request searching algorithm.
- Fix regex in HubAPI::projectAndOrgFromUrl()
- Add addTokenAuthentication() as a service, to update a provided github remote URL to contain an oauth token.
- Make gitHubToken() method public in HubphAPI.
- Fix release script
- Created from template