ASSIMP based general purpose model viewer ("turntable") created for the Revision 2021 3D Graphics Competition
Check the wiki for information on how to use it.
- F11: Toggle menu
- F: Refocus camera on mesh
- W: Toggle wireframe / edged faces
- C: Toggle auto camera
- PgUp / PgDn: Cycle through shaders
- Alt-F4: Enter hyberwormtunnel
- Left click & drag: Rotate camera
- Right click & drag: Rotate light / skybox
- Middle click & drag: Pan camera
OpenGL 4.1 is required.
You're gonna need CMAKE
- Open Asset Import Library by the ASSIMP dev team (
- Dear ImGui by Omar Cornut (
- ImGui Addons by gallickgunner (
- OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library by Nigel Stewart (
- STB Image library by Sean Barrett (
- GLFW by whoever made GLFW (
These software are available under their respective licenses.
The remainder of this project code was (mostly) written by Gargaj / Conspiracy and is public domain; PBR lighting shaders by cce / Peisik. Large portions of the code were cannibalized from Bonzomatic.
All HDR textures are courtesy of the HDRLabs sIBL archive.
If you have anything to say, do it at