Information at different administrative levels is collected for the consequences of the event, which include building damage, economic losses, and human impact due to the earthquake and its induced effects.
The file Impact_All_ID_0.csv
provides the national summary of consequences reported by multiple sources.
When information is available at finer resolutions, dedicated files for each administrative level available are generated for the building and human impact.
: Damaged building data at administrative level n.Impact_Human_ID_n.csv
: Data of human impact information at administrative level n.
Note: When available, building-level information is included.
Check the definitions of the parameters used in the impact files in the impact metadata section.
Information in different administrative regions is not available.
The earthquake caused 2 deaths and damaged 170 educational centers in Costa Rica. These were in the epicentral zone and suspended classes for the remainder of the 2012 school year to make way for repairs. 1054 houses with some type of damage were registered, of which 60 were totally destroyed. The most damaged building was the Monseñor Sanabria Hospital, which had large cracks in its structure as well as the total collapse of the parts of the building made of unreinforced masonry. The National Commission of Emergencies declared that 1474 people were mobilized due to the earthquake. This includes evacuations from hospitalized patients, uncommunicated communities, and preemptive evacuations. The electricity and drinking water services were interrupted in the areas near the epicenter. Electricity was 100 percent restored after the event while drinking water took a few days to replenish, as pipes were damaged by the earthquake. The distribution of houses in different damaged states can be found in the
reference. -
Estimated economic losses are not indicated in the consulted references and databases.
The distribution of damaged houses at
Adm 2
can be found in the referenceCNE_2012
. Most structures suffered moderate damage.
There were no available detailed online databases for this earthquake.
- Linkimer_2013: Linkimer, L., Arroyo, I., Mora, M., Vargas, A., Soto, G.J., Barquero, R., Rojas, W., Taylor, W., and Taylor, M., 2013. El terremoto de Sámara (Costa Rica) del 5 de setiembre del 2012 (Mw 7, 6), Rev. Geol. América Central, 49, 73-82, DOI: 10.15517/rgac.v0i49.13104
- Liu_2015:: Liu, C., Zheng, Y., Xiong, X., Wang, R., López, A., and Li, J., 2015. Rupture processes of the 2012 September 5 Mw 7.6 Nicoya, Costa Rica earthquake constrained by improved geodetic and seismological observations, Geophys. J. Int., 203, 1, 175-183, DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggv295
- RSN_2012: Red Sismologica Nacional. Terremoto de Sámara de 2012. Last access September 2022.
- Yin_2014: Yin, H. and Wdowinski, S., 2014. Improved detection of earthquake-induced ground motion with spatial filter: a case study of the 2012 M=7.6 Costa Rica earthquake, GPS Solutions, 18, 4, 563-570, DOI: 10.1007/s10291-013-0353-5
- Yue_2012: Yue, H., Lay, T., Schwartz, S.Y., Rivera, L., Protti, M., Dixon, T.H., Owen, S., and Newman, A.V., 2013. The 5 September 2012 Nicoya, Costa Rica Mw 7.6 earthquake rupture process from joint inversion of high-rate GPS, strong-motion, and teleseismic P wave data and its relationship to adjacent plate boundary interface properties, J. geophys. Res.: Solid Earth, 118, 10, 5453-5466, DOI: 10.1002/jgrb.50379
- Wikipedia Spanish and English
- NOAA Earthquake and Tsunami
- [USGS] The USGS reports this earthquake on a different time, hypocentral location and depth. (
- Worlddata
- Learnig_From_Earthqauke