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File metadata and controls

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The MapSetJSON Format Specification

Trey Smith (Carnegie Mellon University)
Pre-0.1 draft
30 Jan 2012
Canonical URL of this document
Further information

MapSetJSON is a format for specifying a set of map layers that are displayed together. MapSetJSON encodes meta-data and links to map content, not the map content itself. A single map set can link to map layers in multiple formats and from multiple sources.

MapSetJSON is designed to be viewer-neutral, in that the resulting map interface can be displayed using a variety of viewers. In practice, we expect most viewers to be implemented as JavaScript libraries, such that a MapSetJSON document is loaded by a user's web browser, which then fetches the linked map content. When used this way, MapSetJSON is also inherently server-neutral, because the MapSetJSON document can be served statically to the user without relying on a specialized web mapping server.

MapSetJSON's primary purpose is to facilitate teams sharing a common map view to improve their situation awareness. One team member can create a map set by importing map layers from multiple sources, then share a link to that map set with the rest of the team. As new information becomes available, new layers can be rapidly added to the map set, and they will appear in the common view for all team members. Because it is easy to customize a map set, even hastily formed teams with minimal computing expertise can assemble map sets to support their needs.

  "mapsetjson": "0.1",
  "type": "Document",
  "extensions": {
    "kml": "",
    "geojson": ""
  "children": [
      "type": "kml.KML",
      "name": "Earthquake Intensity",
      "url": ""
      "type": "geojson.GeoJSON",
      "name": "Fire Vehicle Locations",
      "url": ""
  • The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in IETF RFC 2119.
  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), and the terms "object", "name", "value", "array", and "number", are defined in IETF RTC 4627. MapSetJSON documents have the standard JSON MIME type, "application/json".
  • A "viewer" is a software tool that presents the interactive interface specified by a MapSetJSON document to a user.
  • An "interpreter" is a software tool that interprets a MapSetJSON document. An interpreter might be a viewer or any other type of tool, such as a validator.

A MapSetJSON document consists of a single JSON object which is an instance of the Document class. See Document Class.

MapSetJSON defines classes of objects, following these conventions:

  • An instance of a class is represented as a JSON object.
  • A class instance JSON object must have a "type" field, whose value must be a string indicating the name of the class.
  • When we say class B "inherits from" class A, we mean that all of the members allowed or required by class A are also allowed or required by class B, unless otherwise noted. A is a "parent" or "superclass" of B and B is a "subclass" of A.
  • A "concrete" class may be instantiated in a document. An "abstract" class is defined solely for use as a superclass of other classes. It must not be instantiated in a document.
  • Interpreters should generally ignore members of a class instance JSON object that they do not recognize. This allows each interpreter to make best effort at processing documents using MapSetJSON extensions the interpreter does not support.

This specification defines the following class inheritance hierarchy:

  • Object (abstract)
    • Node (abstract)
      • Collection (abstract)
        • Document
      • Layer (abstract)
    • View (abstract)
      • BoundingBoxView

Additional classes may be defined in MapSetJSON extensions.

When stating the value type of class members, we will use standard JSON types such as array and number, as well as the following:

Type JSON Type Example Definition
URL string "" A URL, in the standard format defined by RFC 1738.
timestamp string "2012-01-30T12:00:00Z" A timestamp (date and time), in the standard format defined by ISO 8601.
CRS object
  "type": "name",
  "properties": {
    "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
Coordinate reference system (CRS) object, as defined in the GeoJSON CRS specification. The default CRS is a geographic coordinate reference system, using the WGS84 datum, with longitude and latitude units of decimal degrees.
bounding box array of arrays of numbers
  [-180.0, -90.0],
  [180.0, 90.0]
Geospatial bounding box as defined by the GeoJSON bounding box specification.
reference string "x17" A reference is a string that is not intended to be meaningful to users and does not need to be translated if the document is localized in multiple languages.

The Object class is an abstract superclass for all MapSetJSON classes.

Abstract class:
Inherits from:
Member Type Values Meaning
type string required The class of which this object is a member.
alternateTypes array of strings optional

Fallback options in case the type class of this object is not supported by the interpreter (for example, the class might be defined by an experimental MapSetJSON extension.)

If it makes sense to interpret the object as an instance of more commonly supported classes, those classes may be specified here in preference order.

id reference optional An identifier that can be used to refer to this object. Must be unique over the scope of a MapSetJSON document.

Node objects control content to be rendered in a map and might appear as entries in the layer selection interface.

Some members of Node are marked below as meta-data [2]. Viewers should offer users the ability to view a summary of a node's meta-data members but can otherwise ignore them.

Authors of MapSetJSON documents should avoid defining meta-data members in cases where they are redundant and likely to cause confusion. For example, for nodes that link to external content, the "dateModified" member is redundant with the Last-Modified HTTP header of the linked content, and the HTTP header's value is more likely to accurately reflect the last modification time.

In the discussion below, "resource" can refer to the overall MapSetJSON document (if the Node is a Document) or content the node links to (if the Node is a Layer).

Abstract class:
Inherits from:
Member Type Values Meaning
name string optional User-visible name for this node. If this node is a Document, the name should be used as the document title. Otherwise it should be used as the node's label in the layer selection interface.
crs CRS optional (default: WGS84) Coordinate reference system used to interpret coordinates in other members of the node.
bbox bounding box optional Bounding box around the spatial coverage of the resource.
description string optional (Meta-data.) Description of the resource.
subject array of strings optional (Meta-data.) Subjects covered by the resource. Subjects might be user-defined tags or might be drawn from a subject thesaurus such as the U.S. Library of Congress Subject Headings.
coverage string optional (Meta-data.) Human-readable description of the temporal or spatial coverage of the resource. (This member is a human-readable complement to the machine-readable bbox member.)
creator string optional (Meta-data.) Name of the entity primarily responsible for making the resource.
contributors string optional (Meta-data.) Names of entities who contributed to the resource.
publisher string optional (Meta-data.) Name of the entity primarily responsible for making the resource available.
rights string optional (Meta-data.) Rights held in and over the resource, such as copyright.
license URL optional (Meta-data.) URL of a license granting privileges over the resource. Use canonical URL when possible.
morePermissions string optional (Meta-data.) Information about additional privileges beyond those granted by the license.
dateCreated timestamp optional (Meta-data.) When the resource was created.
dateModified timestamp optional (Meta-data.) When the resource was last modified.
dateAdded timestamp optional (Meta-data.) When the resource was added to the map set.

A Collection object is a Node that contains other Nodes.

Abstract class:
Inherits from:
Member Type Values Meaning
children array of Node objects required Ordered list of children contained in the collection.

A Document object defines the top level of a MapSetJSON document. There must be exactly one Document object in each MapSetJSON file.

Abstract class:
Inherits from:
Member Type Values Meaning
mapsetjson string required Version of the MapSetJSON specification the document conforms to. For example: "0.1". The existence of this member distinguishes MapSetJSON from other JSON document types.
url string optional Canonical URL where this document can be found.
extensions ExtensionsDeclaration object optional MapSetJSON extensions needed to interpret this document.
view View object optional View parameters for map when map set is initially loaded. If no view is specified, the viewer should initially view the minimum-size geospatial area that contains all of the map content visible when the map set is first loaded. If no map content is initially visible, the viewer may use an arbitrary initial view.

5.5.1   Document Example

  // members inherited from Object
  "type": "Document",
  "id": "...",

  // members inherited from Node
  "name": "...",
  "crs": { (CRS object ) },
  "bbox": [
    [-180.0, -90.0],
    [180.0, 90.0]
  "description": "...",
  "subject": [
    "(Key word 1)",
  "coverage": "(Human readable description of temporal or spatial coverage)",
  "creator": "(Name of entity)",
  "contributors": [
    "(Name of entity 1)",
  "publisher": "...",
  "rights": "Copyright (C) ...",
  "license": " ...",
  "morePermissions": "You may also ...",
  "dateCreated": "2012-01-30T12:00:00Z",
  "dateModified": "2012-01-30T12:00:00Z",
  "dateAdded": "2012-01-30T12:00:00Z",

  // members inherited from Collection
  "children": [
    { (Node object 1) },

  // members defined in Document
  "mapsetjson": "0.1",
  "url": "",
  "extensions": { (ExtensionsDeclaration object) },
  "view": { (View object) }

A Layer object is a Node that does not contain other Nodes. Concrete subclasses of Layer are defined in MapSetJSON extensions.

Abstract class:
Inherits from:
Member Type Values Meaning
show boolean true The layer's contents should be displayed in the map when the map set is first loaded.
false (default) The layer's contents should not be displayed. Loading of the contents should be postponed until the user turns on visibility of the layer.
drawOrder integer optional (default: 1000) Stacking order for overlapping content in the map. Viewers should render layers with higher values on top of layers with lower values. Draw order specifications in the primary MapSetJSON document take precedence over those found in linked content.
master boolean true This layer is the master layer. (The document must not have more than one master layer.) If this layer's contents contain interface controls, such as an initial view or a tour, the viewer should use those controls for the overall map set display. Interface controls specified in the primary MapSetJSON document (see View Class) take precedence over those found in the master layer.
false (default) This layer is not the master layer.
url URL required Link to the content of the layer.

A View object defines geospatial viewing parameters for a map.

Abstract class:
Inherits from:

(No additional members.)

A BoundingBoxView object specifies viewing parameters for a map in the form of a bounding box. The viewer should display an area around the specified bounding box.

Abstract class:
Inherits from:
Member Type Values Meaning
crs CRS optional (default: WGS84) Coordinate reference system used to interpret coordinates in other members of the object.
bbox bounding box required The initial map view should be an area around this bounding box.
scale number optional (default: 1) Amount by which the bounding box should be scaled when calculating the view. A value less than 1 means to show only a center subset of the bounding box. A value greater than 1 means to include some area outside the bounding box.

5.8.1   BoundingBoxView Example

This bounding box contains the entire world map and explicitly specifies the default WGS84 CRS:

  // members inherited from Object
  "type": "BoundingBox",

  // members defined in BoundingBoxView
  "crs": {
    "type": "name",
    "properties": {
      "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
  "bbox": [
    [-180.0, -90.0],
    [180.0, 90.0]
  "scale": 1.0

This document defines core components of the MapSetJSON specification. Anyone may define extensions to the specification.

An ExtensionsDeclaration object declares the extensions that a MapSetJSON document requires in order to be interpreted and displayed properly.

  • The extensions object may have any number of name/value pairs.
  • Within each name/value pair, the value is a string URL pointing to the human-readable specification document for the extension, and the name declares the namespace the document will use to refer to types and members defined in that extension. Each extension name must be unique.
  • In the rest of the MapSetJSON document, types and members defined in an extension are identified using dot notation with the document's namespace for that extension. For example, if a "kml" extension is declared in the extensions object, and that extension defines the "KML" node type, the type would appear in that document as "kml.KML".
  • If an extension defines a new node type, member names within an instance of that node type need not be redundantly prefixed with the extension's namespace.

6.1.1   ExtensionsDeclaration Example

"extensions": {
  "kml": "",
  "geojson": ""
  • An extension is created by publishing a human-readable specification document like this one at a URL accessible to implementers and document authors.
  • Extensions may define new node types and specify their behavior. By convention, type names should be in UpperCamelCase.
  • Extensions may define new members for types defined in the core specification and in other extensions. By convention, member names should be in lowerCamelCase.
  • The MapSetJSON working group will maintain a MapSetJSON Extension Registry. Publishers of new extensions should inform the working group as outlined at the MapSetJSON Home Page.
  • Any viewer implementing this core specification is said to be "MapSetJSON compliant". Viewers should also document which extensions they support, if any.
  • In the event that a viewer does not implement all of the extensions required by a document, the viewer's display of the map set should degrade gracefully:
    • Members with unrecognized names or belonging to an unknown namespace should not cause a fatal error.
    • If a node's type is in the namespace of an unsupported extension, the viewer should examine the "alternateTypes" member and interpret the node as one of those types if possible.

When a map set has many layers, viewing all of them simultaneously may be too resource intensive or create overwhelming map clutter. The layer selection interface allows users to control which layers are visible and when their contents are loaded.

This document:

  "children": [
      "type": "kml.KML",
      "name": "Earthquake Intensity",
      "url": "",
      "show": true
      "type": "geojson.GeoJSON",
      "name": "Fire Vehicle Locations",
      "url": ""

Corresponds to this listing in a layer selection interface:

[X] Earthquake Intensity
[ ] Fire Vehicle Locations

The brackets are filled [X] or empty [ ] showing whether or not the map data is visible in the initial view based on the "show" member, which is false by default.

The layer selection interface includes an entry for each MapSetJSON node. Each node entry should provide the following affordances:

  • Show/Hide: The user should be able to show the node (displaying its contents in the map) and hide the node.
  • Display Load State: There should be a display (for example, an icon in the node entry) that distinguishes between the following load states:
    • Unloaded: The viewer has not yet attempted to load the node (it is hidden).
    • Loading: The viewer is fetching, parsing, or rendering the node contents.
    • Loaded: The node contents are visible in the map.
    • Error: There was a problem with fetching, parsing, or rendering the node.
  • Refresh: The user should be able to refresh the node contents, causing the viewer to fetch and render any updated external data.
  • View Error: The user should be able to get additional information about the error state of a node.

Parts of this specification are modeled on GeoJSON, KML, the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set and the Creative Commons Rights Expression Language.

The authors would like to thank the following early readers for their constructive feedback:

  • Ted Scharff (NASA Ames Research Center)
  • Matt Deans (NASA Ames Research Center)
  • David Lees (NASA Ames Research Center)
  • Tamar Cohen (NASA Ames Research Center)
[1]The visibilityControl member is modeled on KML's listItemType.
[2]These members are roughly modeled on the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set and the Creative Commons Rights Expression Language.