This Python plugin reads Mapbox Vector Tiles (MVT) from vector tile servers, local MBTiles files or from a directory in zxy structure.
A help can be found here:
The plugin can create a QGIS styling from a Mapbox GL JSON style on the fly.
The Vector Tile Reader plugin is released under the GNU license (see LICENSE)
Vector Tile Reader has been developed by
- Martin Boos
- Stefan Keller
- Dijan Helbling
- Nicola Jordan
- Raphael Das Gupta
- Carmelo Schumacher
docker-compose build qgis2
docker-compose run -d --name qgis2 qgis2
docker exec -it qgis2 sh -c " vector_tiles_reader"
Name conventions for Vector Tiles Reader QGIS Plugin:
- Official full name : "Vector Tiles Reader" or "Vector Tiles Reader QGIS-Plugin"
- Camel Case no space: "VectorTilesReader"
- Lower Case no space: "vector_tiles_reader"
- Abbreviated names : "VT Reader" or "vtr"
- QGIS 3
- This Plugin was tested on Ubuntu 17.10, Windows 10 and OSX
Download the latest published release inside QGIS:
- Plugins -> Manage and Install Plugins...
- Search for 'Vector Tiles Reader'
- Install
:: Set the path on the next line to the directory where the plugin is located
set PATH_TO_VTR="C:\DEV\Vector-Tiles-Reader-QGIS-Plugin"
mklink /D "%appdata%\QGIS\QGIS3\profiles\default\python\plugins\vector_tiles_reader" %PATH_TO_VTR%
:: Make sure the IDE knows about the qgis package (run in admin console)
mklink /D "%programfiles%\QGIS 3.6\apps\Python37\Lib\site-packages\qgis" "%programfiles%\QGIS 3.6\apps\qgis\python\qgis"
ln -sr ./ ~/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/Vector-Tile-Reader
Location of QGIS plugins directory:
QGIS | Path |
2 | ~/.qgis2/python/plugins |
3 | ~/Library/Application\ Support/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins |
ls -s ./
Any vector tile service, implementing the TileJSON specification with the vector_layers extension should work.
For the feature to work, you have to create a connection using a URL pointing to the TileJSON of the tile service.
For example you can use{API-KEY}
and get your own API-Key from MapTiler Cloud