This file is used to list changes made in each version of the gauge cookbook.
- Use yum, apt_get and chocolatey packages to install
- Use latest version always
- Remove plugins LWRP and template as they are not managed by chef any more
- Upgrade to gauge 0.9.6
- Upgrade to gauge 0.7.0
- Cleanup some parts of the cookbook
- Upgrade to gauge 0.6.2
This file is used to list changes made in each version of the gauge cookbook.
- Include gauge_screenshot executable
- Upgrade gauge version to 0.6.1
- Upgrade gauge version to 0.5.0
- Minor windows fixups
- Update the to work with gauge 0.4.0
- Remove dependency on wget
- Updated version of Gauge to 0.4.0
- Updated version of Gauge to 0.3.1
- [windows] improve windows program execution
- add support for updating
- [windows] fix windows package name
- [windows] fix incorrect usage of lwrp
- [windows] do not depend on chocolatey to install gauge because chocolatey takes forever to review new packages
- [linux] Add some version information to the installation to be able to upgrade/downgrade gauge as needed
- [windows] improve plugin installation
- add support for installing specific plugin versions
- fix windows installation
- make the plugin provider idempotent
- fix some foodcritic warnings
- Initial commit