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Dockerized in silico somatic mutation spike in pipeline to generate training data set with ground truths


  • Have internet connection, and able to pull and run docker images from Docker Hub, as we have dockerized the entire BAMSurgeon workflow.
  • Recommended: Have cluster management system with valid qsub command, such as Sun Grid Engine.

Three scenario to simulate somatic mutations depending on data available to you

1) An ideal example is when you have sequencing replicates of the same normal samples

This is our approach to define high-confidence somatic mutations in SEQC2 consortium's cancer reference samples, presented at 2018 AACR Abstract.

In this case, in silico mutations will be spiked into Replicate_002.bam. Since Replicate_002.bam and Replicate_001.bam are otherwise the same sample, any mutations detected that you did not spike in are false positives. The following command is a single-thread example.

$PATH/TO/somaticseq/utilities/dockered_pipelines/bamSimulator/ \
--genome-reference  /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/GRCh38.fa \
--tumor-bam-in      /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/Replicate_001.bam \
--normal-bam-in     /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/Replicate_002.bam \
--tumor-bam-out     syntheticTumor.bam \
--normal-bam-out    syntheticNormal.bam \
--split-proportion  0.5 \
--num-snvs          20000 \
--num-indels        8000 \
--min-vaf           0.0 \
--max-vaf           1.0 \
--left-beta         2 \
--right-beta        5 \
--min-variant-reads 2 \
--output-dir        /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/trainingSet \
--action            qsub

This is a workflow created using modified BAMSurgeon.

  • creates semi-simulated tumor-normal pairs out of your input tumor-normal pairs. The "ground truth" of the somatic mutations will be synthetic_snvs.vcf and synthetic_indels.leftAlign.vcf in the output directory.
  • For multi-thread job (WGS), use instead. See below for additional options and parameters.

A schematic of the BAMSurgeon simulation procedure Somatic Mutation Simulation

2) This example mimicks DREAM Challenge

In this case, a high-coverage BAM file is randomly split into two. One of which is designated normal, and the other one is designated tumor where mutations will be spiked in. Like the previous example, any mutations found between the designated tumor and designated normal are false positive, since not only are they from the same sample, but also from the same sequencing run. This example will not capture false positives as a result of run-to-run biases if they exist in your sequencing data. It will, however, still capture artefacts related to sequencing errors, sampling errors, mapping errors, etc.

$PATH/TO/somaticseq/utilities/dockered_pipelines/bamSimulator/ \
--output-dir        /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/trainingSet \
--genome-reference  /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/GRCh38.fa \
--tumor-bam-in      /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/highCoverageGenome.bam \
--tumor-bam-out     syntheticTumor.bam \
--normal-bam-out    syntheticNormal.bam \
--split-proportion  0.5 \
--min-variant-reads 2 \
--threads           24 \
--action            qsub \
--num-snvs 10000 --num-indels 8000 --num-svs 1500 \
--min-vaf 0.0 --max-vaf 1.0 --left-beta 2 --right-beta 5 \
--split-bam --indel-realign --merge-output-bams

The --split-bem will randomly split the high coverage BAM file into two BAM files, one of which is designated normal and the other one designated tumor for mutation spike in. The --indel-realign is an option that will perform GATK Joint Indel Realignment on the two BAM files. You may or may not invoke it depending on your real data sets. The --merge-output-bams creates another script that will merge the BAM and VCF files region-by-region. It will need to be run manually after all the spike in is done.

A schematic of the DREAM Challenge simulation procedure DREAM Simulation

3) Example Command for multi-thread jobs that merge and then split the input tumor and normal BAM files

$PATH/TO/somaticseq/utilities/dockered_pipelines/bamSimulator/ \
--output-dir        /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/trainingSet \
--genome-reference  /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/GRCh38.fa \
--tumor-bam-in      /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/Tumor_Sample.bam \
--normal-bam-in     /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/Normal_Sample.bam \
--tumor-bam-out     syntheticTumor.bam \
--normal-bam-out    syntheticNormal.bam \
--split-proportion  0.5 \
--min-variant-reads 2 \
--threads           24 \
--num-snvs 30000 --num-indels 10000 --num-svs 1500 \
--min-vaf 0.0 --max-vaf 1.0 --left-beta 2 --right-beta 5 \
--merge-bam --split-bam --indel-realign --merge-output-bams

The --merge-bam will merge the normal and tumor BAM files into a single BAM file. Then, --split-bem will randomly split the merged BAM file into two BAM files. One of which is designated normal, and one of which is designated tumor. Synthetic mutations will then be spiked into the designated tumor to create "real" mutations. This is the approach described in our 2017 AACR Abstract.

A schematic of the simulation procedure (scenario #3 as described above) Onkoinsight Simulation

Parameters and Options

The following parameters for the script:

  • --genome-reference /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/human_reference.fa (Required)
  • --selector /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/capture_region.bed (BED file to limit where mutation spike in will be attempted)
  • --tumor-bam-in Input BAM file (Required)
  • --normal-bam-in Input BAM file (Optional, but required if you want to merge it with the tumor input)
  • --tumor-bam-out Output BAM file for the designated tumor after BAMSurgeon mutation spike in
  • --normal-bam-out Output BAM file for the designated normal if --split-bam is chosen
  • --split-proportion The faction of total reads desginated to the normal. (Defaut = 0.5)
  • --num-snvs Number of SNVs to spike into the designated tumor
  • --num-indels Number of INDELs to spike into the designated tumor
  • --num-svs Number of SVs to spike into the designated tumor (Default = 0)
  • --min-depth Minimum depth where spike in can take place
  • --max-depth Maximum depth where spike in can take place
  • --min-vaf Minimum VAF to simulate
  • --max-vaf Maximum VAF to simulate
  • --left-beta Left beta of beta distribution for VAF
  • --right-beta Right beta of beta distribution for VAF
  • --min-variant-reads Minimum number of variant-supporting reads for a successful spike in
  • --output-dir /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/Output_Directory
  • --merge-bam Flag to merge the tumor and normal bam file input
  • --split-bam Flag to split BAM file for tumor and normal
  • --clean-bam Flag to go through the BAM file and remove reads where more than 2 identical read names are present, or reads where its read length and CIGAR string do not match. This was necessary for some BAM files downloaded from TCGA. However, a proper pair-end BAM file should not have the same read name appearing more than twice. Use this only when necessary as it first sorts BAM file by qname, goes through the cleaning procedure, then re-sort by coordinates.
  • --indel-realign Conduct GATK Joint Indel Realignment on the two output BAM files.
  • --seed Random seed. Pick any integer for reproducibility purposes.
  • --threads Split the BAM files evenly into N regions, then process each (pair) of sub-BAM files in parallel.
  • --action The command preceding the run script created into /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/BamSurgeoned_SAMPLES/logs. qsub is to submit the script in SGE system. Default = echo

Recommendations for different scenario for --merge-bam / --split-bam / --indel-realign

  1. If you have sequenced replicate normal, that's the best data set for training. You can use one of the normal as normal, and designate the other normal (of the same sample) as tumor. Use --indel-realign to invoke GATK IndelRealign.
  2. When you have a normal that's roughly 2X the coverage as your data of choice, you can split that into two halves. One designated as normal, and the other one designated as tumor. That DREAM Challenge's approach. Use --split-bam --indel-realign options.
  3. Another approach is to merge the tumor and normal data, and then randomly split them as described above. When you merge the tumor and normal, the real tumor mutations are relegated as germline or noise, so they are considered false positives, because they are supposed to be evenly split into the designated normal. To take this approach, use --merge-bam --split-bam --indel-realign options.
  • Don't use --indel-realign if you do not use indel realignment in your alignment pipeline.
  • You can control and visualize the shape of target VAF distribution with python command:
    import scipy.stats as stats
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    leftBeta, rigthBeta = 2,5
    minAF, maxAF = 0,1
    x = np.linspace(0,1,101)
    y = stats.beta.pdf(x, leftBeta, rigthBeta, loc = minAF, scale = minAF + maxAF)
    _ = plt.plot(x, y)
  • In some BAM files, there are reads where read lengths and CIGAR strings don't match. Spike in will fail in these cases, and you'll need to invoke --clean-bam to get rid of these problematic reads.

To create SomaticSeq classifiers

  • After the mutation simulation jobs are completed, you may create classifiers with the training data with the following (example) command:
  • See our somatic mutation pipeline for more details.
$PATH/TO/somaticseq/utilities/dockered_pipelines/ paired \
--normal-bam       /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/trainingSet/syntheticNormal.bam \
--tumor-bam        /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/trainingSet/syntheticTumor.bam \
--genome-reference /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/GRCh38.fa \
--output-directory /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/trainingSet/somaticMutationPipeline \
--dbsnp-vcf        /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/dbSNP.GRCh38.vcf \
--truth-snv        /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/trainingSet/synthetic_snvs.vcf \
--truth-indel      /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/trainingSet/synthetic_indels.leftAlign.vcf \
--threads          16 \
--run-mutect2 --run-vardict --run-muse --run-lofreq --run-strelka2 --run-somaticseq --train-somaticseq