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Gradients for COLR/CPAL Fonts

December 2019


Table of Contents


We propose an extension of the COLR table to support greater graphic capabilities. The current version number of COLR table is 0. We propose this as COLR table format version 1.

The initial design proposal aimed to add support for gradient fills, in addition to the existing solid color fills, and to integrate variation into color formats in variable fonts. As the design work progressed, it seemed appropriate to introduce other capabilities:

  • Different composition modes
  • Affine transformations
  • Flexible means of re-use of components to provide size reduction

While extending the design for these additional capabilities, it also seemed appropriate to change the basic structure for color glyph descriptions from a vector of layered elements to be a directed, acyclic graph.

It is our understanding that this brings the capabilities of COLR/CPAL to nearly match those of SVG Native for vector graphics. SVG Native allows embedding PNG and JPEG images while this proposal does not. We'd like to explore in the future, how COLR/CPAL can be mixed with sbix to address that limitation as well.

The aim is for version 1 of the COLR table to be incorporated into a future version of the OpenType spec and into an update of the ISO/IEC 14496-22 Open Font Format (OFF) standard.

Earlier revisions of this document provided many details regarding the proposed COLR extensions. These have since been moved and elaborated with full details in a separate document for submission to OFF—see the next section.

Extending ISO/IEC 14496-22 Open Font Format

The COLR version 1 enhancements have been proposed for incorporation into the ISO/IEC 14496-22 Open Font Format standard. In ISO process, this would be done as an amendment (Amendment 2) of the current edition of that standard. Content for a working draft of that amendment has been prepared in a separate doc: Proposed changes to ISO/IEC 14496-22 (Amendment 2).


This section is NOT meant for ISO submissions

Font Tooling

Cosimo (@anthrotype) and Rod (@rsheeter) have implemented nanoemoji to compile a set of SVGs into color font formats, including COLR v1.

color-fonts has a collection of sample color fonts.

Chromium, Skia, Freetype support

Chrome Canary as of version 90.0.4421.5 and above supports COLRv1 fonts when switching on the COLR v1 flag.

To enable the feature and experiment with it, follow these steps:

  1. Download and open Chrome Canary, make sure it's updated to a version equal or newer than 90.0.4421.5.
  2. Go to chrome://flags/#colr-v1-fonts and enable the feature.

Screenshot of Chrome flag settings page.

Skia support is in tip-of-tree Skia, implementation details

FreeType support is in tip-of-tree FreeType, see freetype.h for API details.

C++ Structures

The following provides a C++ implementation of the structures defined above.

// Base template types

template <typename T, typename Length=uint16>
struct ArrayOf
  Length count;
  T      array[/*count*/];

// Index of the first variation record in the variation index map or
// variation store if no variation index map is present.
// A record with N variable fields finds them at VarIdxBase+0, ...,+N-1
// Use 0xFFFFFFFF to indicate no variation.
typedef uint32 VarIdxBase;

// Color structures

// The (Var)ColorStop alpha is multiplied into the alpha of the CPAL entry
// (converted to float -- divide by 255) looked up using paletteIndex to
// produce a final alpha.
struct ColorStop
  F2DOT14    stopOffset;
  uint16     paletteIndex;
  F2DOT14    alpha; // Default 1.0. Values outside [0.,1.] reserved.

struct VarColorStop
  F2DOT14    stopOffset; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 0
  uint16     paletteIndex;
  F2DOT14    alpha; // Default 1.0. Values outside [0.,1.] reserved.
                    // VarIdx varIndexBase + 1
  VarIdxBase varIndexBase;

enum Extend : uint8
  EXTEND_PAD     = 0,

struct ColorLine
  Extend             extend;
  ArrayOf<ColorStop> colorStops;

struct VarColorLine
  Extend             extend;
  ArrayOf<VarColorStop> colorStops;

// Composition modes

// Compositing modes are taken from
// NOTE: a brief audit of major implementations suggests most support most
// or all of the specified modes.
enum CompositeMode : uint8
  // Porter-Duff modes
  COMPOSITE_CLEAR          =  0,  //
  COMPOSITE_SRC            =  1,  //
  COMPOSITE_DEST           =  2,  //
  COMPOSITE_SRC_OVER       =  3,  //
  COMPOSITE_DEST_OVER      =  4,  //
  COMPOSITE_SRC_IN         =  5,  //
  COMPOSITE_DEST_IN        =  6,  //
  COMPOSITE_SRC_OUT        =  7,  //
  COMPOSITE_DEST_OUT       =  8,  //
  COMPOSITE_SRC_ATOP       =  9,  //
  COMPOSITE_DEST_ATOP      = 10,  //
  COMPOSITE_XOR            = 11,  //
  COMPOSITE_PLUS           = 12,  //

  // Blend modes
  COMPOSITE_SCREEN         = 13,  //
  COMPOSITE_OVERLAY        = 14,  //
  COMPOSITE_DARKEN         = 15,  //
  COMPOSITE_LIGHTEN        = 16,  //
  COMPOSITE_COLOR_BURN     = 18,  //
  COMPOSITE_HARD_LIGHT     = 19,  //
  COMPOSITE_SOFT_LIGHT     = 20,  //
  COMPOSITE_EXCLUSION      = 22,  //
  COMPOSITE_MULTIPLY       = 23,  //

  // Modes that, uniquely, do not operate on components
  COMPOSITE_HSL_HUE        = 24,  //
  COMPOSITE_HSL_COLOR      = 26,  //

// Affine 2D transformations

// This is a standard 2x3 matrix for 2D affine transformation.
struct Affine2x3
  Fixed xx;
  Fixed yx;
  Fixed xy;
  Fixed yy;
  Fixed dx;
  Fixed dy;

struct VarAffine2x3
  Fixed xx;  // VarIdx varIndexBase + 0
  Fixed yx;  // VarIdx varIndexBase + 1
  Fixed xy;  // VarIdx varIndexBase + 2
  Fixed yy;  // VarIdx varIndexBase + 3
  Fixed dx;  // VarIdx varIndexBase + 4
  Fixed dy;  // VarIdx varIndexBase + 5
  VarIdxBase varIndexBase;

// Paint tables

// Each layer is composited on top of previous with mode COMPOSITE_SRC_OVER.
// NOTE: uint8 size saves bytes in most cases and does not
// preclude use of large layer counts via PaintComposite or a tree
// of PaintColrLayers.
struct PaintColrLayers
  uint8               format; // = 1
  uint8               numLayers;
  uint32              firstLayerIndex;  // index into COLRv1::layerList

// The Paint(Var)Solid alpha is multiplied into the alpha of the CPAL entry
// (converted to float -- divide by 255) looked up using paletteIndex to
// produce a final alpha.
struct PaintSolid
  uint8      format; // = 2
  uint16     paletteIndex;
  F2DOT14    alpha; // Default 1.0. Values outside [0.,1.] reserved.

struct PaintVarSolid
  uint8      format; // = 3
  uint16     paletteIndex;
  F2DOT14    alpha; // Default 1.0. Values outside [0.,1.] reserved.
                    // VarIdx varIndexBase + 0
  VarIdxBase varIndexBase;

struct PaintLinearGradient
  uint8                  format; // = 4
  Offset24<ColorLine>    colorLine;
  FWORD                  x0;
  FWORD                  y0;
  FWORD                  x1;
  FWORD                  y1;
  FWORD                  x2; // Normal; Equal to (x1,y1) in simple cases.
  FWORD                  y2;

struct PaintVarLinearGradient
  uint8                  format; // = 5
  Offset24<VarColorLine> colorLine;
  FWORD                  x0; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 0
  FWORD                  y0; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 1
  FWORD                  x1; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 2
  FWORD                  y1; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 3
  FWORD                  x2; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 4. Normal; Equal to (x1,y1) in simple cases.
  FWORD                  y2; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 5
  VarIdxBase             varIndexBase;

struct PaintRadialGradient
  uint8                  format; // = 6
  Offset24<ColorLine>    colorLine;
  FWORD                  x0;
  FWORD                  y0;
  UFWORD                 radius0;
  FWORD                  x1;
  FWORD                  y1;
  UFWORD                 radius1;

struct PaintVarRadialGradient
  uint8                  format; // = 7
  Offset24<VarColorLine> colorLine;
  FWORD                  x0; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 0
  FWORD                  y0; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 1
  UFWORD                 radius0; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 2
  FWORD                  x1; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 3
  FWORD                  y1; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 4
  UFWORD                 radius1; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 5
  VarIdxBase             varIndexBase;

struct PaintSweepGradient
  uint8                  format; // = 8
  Offset24<ColorLine>    colorLine;
  FWORD                  centerX;
  FWORD                  centerY;
  F2DOT14                startAngle; // 180° in counter-clockwise degrees per 1.0 of value
  F2DOT14                endAngle;   // 180° in counter-clockwise degrees per 1.0 of value

struct PaintVarSweepGradient
  uint8                  format; // = 9
  Offset24<VarColorLine> colorLine;
  FWORD                  centerX; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 0
  FWORD                  centerY; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 1
  F2DOT14                startAngle; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 2. 180° in counter-clockwise degrees per 1.0 of value
  F2DOT14                endAngle; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 3. 180° in counter-clockwise degrees per 1.0 of value
  VarIdxBase             varIndexBase;

// Paint a non-COLR glyph, filled as indicated by paint.
struct PaintGlyph
  uint8                  format; // = 10
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  uint16                 glyphID;    // not a COLR-only gid
                                 // shall be less than maxp.numGlyphs

struct PaintColrGlyph
  uint8                  format; // = 11
  uint16                 glyphID;    // shall be a COLR gid

struct PaintTransform
  uint8                  format; // = 12
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  Offset24<Affine2x3>    transform;

struct PaintVarTransform
  uint8                  format; // = 13
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  Offset24<VarAffine2x3> transform;

struct PaintTranslate
  uint8                  format; // = 14
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  FWORD                  dx;
  FWORD                  dy;

struct PaintVarTranslate
  uint8                  format; // = 15
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  FWORD                  dx; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 0
  FWORD                  dy; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 1
  VarIdxBase             varIndexBase;

struct PaintScale
  uint8                  format; // = 16
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  F2DOT14                scaleX;
  F2DOT14                scaleY;

struct PaintVarScale
  uint8                  format; // = 17
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  F2DOT14                scaleX; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 0
  F2DOT14                scaleY; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 1
  VarIdxBase             varIndexBase;

struct PaintScaleAroundCenter
  uint8                  format; // = 18
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  F2DOT14                scaleX;
  F2DOT14                scaleY;
  FWORD                  centerX;
  FWORD                  centerY;

struct PaintVarScaleAroundCenter
  uint8                  format; // = 19
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  F2DOT14                scaleX; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 0
  F2DOT14                scaleY; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 1
  FWORD                  centerX; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 2
  FWORD                  centerY; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 3
  VarIdxBase             varIndexBase;

struct PaintScaleUniform
  uint8                  format; // = 20
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  F2DOT14                scale;

struct PaintVarScaleUniform
  uint8                  format; // = 21
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  F2DOT14                scale; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 0
  VarIdxBase             varIndexBase;

struct PaintScaleUniformAroundCenter
  uint8                  format; // = 22
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  F2DOT14                scale;
  FWORD                  centerX;
  FWORD                  centerY;

struct PaintVarScaleUniformAroundCenter
  uint8                  format; // = 23
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  F2DOT14                scale; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 0
  FWORD                  centerX; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 1
  FWORD                  centerY; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 2
  VarIdxBase             varIndexBase;

struct PaintRotate
  uint8                  format; // = 24
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  F2DOT14                angle; // 180° in counter-clockwise degrees per 1.0 of value

struct PaintVarRotate
  uint8                  format; // = 25
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  F2DOT14                angle; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 0. 180° in counter-clockwise degrees per 1.0 of value
  VarIdxBase             varIndexBase;

struct PaintRotateAroundCenter
  uint8                  format; // = 26
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  F2DOT14                angle; // 180° in counter-clockwise degrees per 1.0 of value
  FWORD                  centerX;
  FWORD                  centerY;

struct PaintVarRotateAroundCenter
  uint8                  format; // = 27
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  F2DOT14                angle; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 0. 180° in counter-clockwise degrees per 1.0 of value
  FWORD                  centerX; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 1
  FWORD                  centerY; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 2
  VarIdxBase             varIndexBase;

struct PaintSkew
  uint8                  format; // = 28
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  F2DOT14                xSkewAngle; // 180° in counter-clockwise degrees per 1.0 of value
  F2DOT14                ySkewAngle; // 180° in counter-clockwise degrees per 1.0 of value

struct PaintVarSkew
  uint8                  format; // = 29
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  F2DOT14                xSkewAngle; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 0. 180° in counter-clockwise degrees per 1.0 of value
  F2DOT14                ySkewAngle; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 1. 180° in counter-clockwise degrees per 1.0 of value
  VarIdxBase             varIndexBase;

struct PaintSkewAroundCenter
  uint8                  format; // = 30
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  F2DOT14                xSkewAngle; // 180° in counter-clockwise degrees per 1.0 of value
  F2DOT14                ySkewAngle; // 180° in counter-clockwise degrees per 1.0 of value
  FWORD                  centerX;
  FWORD                  centerY;

struct PaintVarSkewAroundCenter
  uint8                  format; // = 31
  Offset24<Paint>        paint;
  F2DOT14                xSkewAngle; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 0. 180° in counter-clockwise degrees per 1.0 of value
  F2DOT14                ySkewAngle; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 1. 180° in counter-clockwise degrees per 1.0 of value
  FWORD                  centerX; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 2
  FWORD                  centerY; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 3
  VarIdxBase             varIndexBase;

struct PaintComposite
  uint8                  format; // = 32
  Offset24<Paint>        sourcePaint;
  CompositeMode          compositeMode;   // If mode is unrecognized use COMPOSITE_CLEAR
  Offset24<Paint>        backdropPaint;

struct ClipBox {
  uint8                 format; // = 1
  FWORD                 xMin;
  FWORD                 yMin;
  FWORD                 xMax;
  FWORD                 yMax;

struct VarClipBox {
  uint8                 format; // = 2
  FWORD                 xMin; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 0.
  FWORD                 yMin; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 1.
  FWORD                 xMax; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 2.
  FWORD                 yMax; // VarIdx varIndexBase + 3.
  VarIdxBase            varIndexBase; // Set to 0 in non-variable fonts.

struct Clip {
  uint16                startGlyphID;  // first gid clip applies to
  uint16                endGlyphID;    // last gid clip applies to, inclusive
  Offset24<ClipBox>     clipBox;   // Box or VarBox

struct BaseGlyphPaintRecord
  uint16                glyphID;
  Offset32<Paint>       paint;  // Typically PaintColrLayers

// Entries shall be sorted in ascending order of the `glyphID` field of the `BaseGlyphPaintRecord`s.
typedef ArrayOf<BaseGlyphPaintRecord, uint32> BaseGlyphList;

// Only layers accessed via PaintColrLayers (format 1) need be encoded here.
typedef ArrayOf<Offset32<Paint>, uint32> LayerList;

struct ClipList
  uint8                 format;  // Set to 1.
  ArrayOf<Clip, uint32> clips;  // Clip records, sorted by startGlyphID

struct COLRv1
  // Version-0 fields
  uint16                                            version;
  uint16                                            numBaseGlyphRecords;
  Offset32<SortedUnsizedArrayOf<BaseGlyphRecord>>   baseGlyphRecords;
  Offset32<UnsizedArrayOf<LayerRecord>>             layerRecords;
  uint16                                            numLayerRecords;
  // Version-1 additions
  Offset32<BaseGlyphList>                           baseGlyphList;
  Offset32<LayerList>                               layerList;
  Offset32<ClipList>                                clipList;   // May be NULL
  Offset32<VarIdxMap>                               varIdxMap;  // May be NULL
  Offset32<ItemVariationStore>                      varStore;



Allocate a bitmap for the glyph, using the ClipBox for the glyph (if present) or
by traversing the paint graph to determine bounds.
0) Start at base glyph paint.
 a) Paint a paint, switch:
    1) PaintColrLayers
         Paint each referenced layer by performing a)
    2) PaintSolid
          SkCanvas::drawColor with color configured
    3) PaintLinearGradient
          SkCanvas::drawPaint with liner gradient configured
          (expected to be bounded by parent composite mode or clipped by current clip, check bounds?)
    4) PaintRadialGradient
          SkCanvas::drawPaint with radial gradient configured
          (expected to be bounded by parent composite mode or clipped by current clip, check bounds?)
    5) PaintGlyph
         gid must not COLRv1
         setClipPath to gid path
           recurse to a)
    6) PaintColrGlyph
         gid must be from
         if gid on recursion blacklist, do nothing
         recurse to 0) with different gid
    7) PaintTransform
          apply transform
          call a) for paint
    8) PaintTranslate
          apply transform
          call a) for paint
    9) PaintScale
          apply transform
          call a) for paint
    10) PaintRotate
          apply transform
          call a) for paint
    11) PaintSkew
          apply transform
          call a) for paint
    12) PaintComposite
          paint Paint for backdrop, call a)
          saveLayer() with setting composite mode, on SkPaint
          paint Paint for src, call a)
          restore with save composite mode


HarfBuzz implementation will follow later. No major client relies on HarfBuzz for color fonts currently, but we certainly want to implement later as there are clients who like to remove FreeType dependency completely.



Thanks to Benjamin Wagner (@bungeman), Dave Crossland (@davelab6), and Roderick Sheeter (@rsheeter) for review and detailed feedback on earlier proposal.