As a role, the runit package will be installed.
As a task, an instance of a named runit service instance will be created.
- Debian (Ubuntu)
- RedHat (CentOS)
required: true
default: ""
- The name of the service, directories will be created with this name and this name
will be used to start and stop the service. The name should consist of [A-Za-z0-9_-]
required: true
choices: [ "up", "down", "once" ]
Change the state of the service only if enabled='yes'
* up - Keep the service up, if it crashes or stops attempt to restart it.
* down - Bring the service down.
* once - Can only be run from the down state. Will start the service, however, will not restart if the service crashes.
required: false
default: ""
choices: [ "yes", "no" ]
- if enabled the service will be running and also will start on system boot
if disabled the service will not be running and will not start on system boot
if not defined, there will be no change in the enabled state
default: 7
required: false
- The number of seconds to wait for the service to start or stop before timing out
required: false
default: "yes"
choices: [ "yes", "no" ]
- 'yes' Automatically creates the run_service_file and the log_service_file to execute the service.
requires the 'user' and 'command' values to be set
- 'no' The caller is required to create the run file and the run log file.
See the notes for a more detailed explanation.
required: false (required if auto='yes')
default: null
- The command to run that will start the executable to run. Required if auto='yes'
required: false (required if auto='yes')
default: "root"
- The user that the service will run under. It is recommended that this value be set if auto='yes'
required: false
default: ""
- The group that the service will run under. Don't set this unless needed.
required: false
default: {}
- A hash of key value pairs of environmental variables that should be available for the service
required: false
default: null
choices: [ "restart", "reload" ]
- if the service is up and enabled causes the given action to take place:
* restart will stop the servie and the start it
* reload will send the HUP signal to cause a config reload
Runit is a simple service runner who intention is to keep a service running always, even if it crashes. A service is defined as an executable that runs on a server.
The way that a runit service is configured, where {{service_name}} is the name of the service that you create, is as follows:
Config Files:
/etc/sv/{{service_name}}/run /etc/sv/{{service_name}}/log/run
The file named 'run' is typically a shell script to launch the executable for your service.
A simple common run file looks like:
exec 2>&1
exec chpst -e /etc/sv/{{ service_name }}/env -u {{ service_user }} {{ service_command }}
A simple rolling log service file looks like:
exec chpst -u {{ service_user }} svlogd -tt /var/log/{{ service_name }}
To enable a service a symlink is created as follows (disabling is simply removing the symlink):
/etc/service/{{service_name}} ------> /etc/sv/{{service_name}}
To manually start a service:
sudo sv start {{service_Name}}
To manually get the service status:
sudo sv status {{service_Name}}
If auto='yes' the above config files will be created for you and you'll need to set the 'command' to run and the 'user' to run the service under.
If you would like to control the details of the files, simply set auto='no', enabled='no', create the two run files and place them in the correct service location (/etc/sv/{{service_name}}/run ...). For your convenience the file config paths are returned as 'run_service_file' and 'log_service_file'. After your custom run files are in place set enabled='yes', state='up'.
See test.yml for a working version.
- hosts: servers
sudo: true
- { role: gotansible.runit }
- name: place file to run
copy: dest=/opt/runme mode=0755
- name: create log dir
file: state=directory path=/var/log/myservice
- name: test runit
runit: name=myservice enabled=true state=up timeout=9 user='root' command='bash /opt/runme'
register: myservice_status
- name: restart myservice
runit: name=myservice enabled=true state=up timeout=9 action=restart
when: not myservice_status.restarted
Created by Franklin Wise in Santa Monica, CA.