All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Feed item uniqueness condition
- Processing delegate created event
- Processing delegates events
- Added github actions for building docker image
- Sorting dao feed by creation date desc
- Fixed Dockerfile
- Update platform events library to collect nats metrics
- Fixed dependencies
- Changed the path name of the go module
- Updated dependencies versions
- Migrated protocol to this repo as different module
- Added LICENSE information
- Added info for contributing
- Added github issues templates
- Added linter and unit-tests workflows for github actions
- Added badges with link to the license and passed workflows
- Feed caching by filters
- Changed dao feed sorting from created_at desc to state + created_at
- Filter spam and canceled proposals in feed
- Up platform events library
- Actualize source libraries
- Actualize active feed items condition
- Sort order of feeds
- Extend get feed filters
- Send timeline to the queue
- Fixed sending proposals updates to the pipeline if was added non-unique action to the timeline
- Handle proposal ends soon event
- Fixed getting subscriber by id in the repo
- Updated platform-events dependency to v0.1.0
- Fixed saving new feed items (on duplicate)
- Fixed payload which is sending to the webhook execution
- The field is exported now
- Added consumers limits (max ack pendings, rate limit, ack wait)
- Added feed.triggered_at
- Fixed feed timeline action to proto conversion
- Updated platform-events dependency to v0.0.15
- Fixed generation
- Fixed uuid fields
- Updated core-api dependency to v0.0.11
- Updated platform-events dependency to v0.0.13
- Added exporting feed item timeline in gRPC server
- Updated core-api protocol version to v0.0.9
- Updated structure of the dao feed
- Updates internal structure and handling feed items
- Updated platform-events dependency to v0.0.13
- Updated platform-events dependency to v0.0.12
- Fixed DeletedAt field in subscriber model
- Fixed Dockerfile
- Updated platform-events dependency to v0.0.11
- Flat feed
- Rename repository from feed to core-feed
- Inject core-api library
- Manipulating with subscriptions
- Simple auth by subscriber identifier
- Publishing callback events
- Handling daos and proposals feed items
- Registering and updating subscribers