Thank you for considering contributing to Voucher!
If you are interested in adding a new check to Voucher's code base, please read the Checks documentation first, to get an idea as to how Checks work.
Review this document and the Code of Conduct.
We encourage all contributors to join our mailing list voucher-users.
Setup a Go development environment if you haven't already.
Get the source code by using Go get:
$ go get -u
Fork this project on GitHub.
Setup your fork as a remote for your project:
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git remote add <your username> <your fork's remote path>
- Create your feature branch based off of the
branch. (It might be worth doing agit pull
if you haven't done one in a while.)
$ git checkout master
$ git pull
$ git checkout -b <the name of your branch>
Please run
go fmt
while you work on your change, to clean up your formatting/check for issues. -
If you add a dependencies, run
go mod tidy
to prune any no-longer-needed dependencies fromgo.mod
. -
To update dependencies to use newer minor or patch releases when available: run
make update-deps
Push your changes to your fork's remote:
$ git push -u <your username> <the name of your branch>
Sign the Contributor License Agreement
Run the test suite and make certain that the tests are not failing. If you are adding code which would be untested, please consider adding tests to cover that code.
For new features or changes users should be aware of, add an entry to
. -
Open a PR against grafeas/voucher
If you are maintaining the Voucher project you can make a release of Voucher
using goreleaser
First, update the default branch to the commit that you'd like to create a release for.
$ git checkout main
$ git pull
If everything looks good, decide the new version. Voucher uses Semantic Versioning which basically means that API compatible changes should bump the last digit, backwards compatible changes should bump the second, and API incompatible changes should bump the first digit. For example, if we are fixing a bug that doesn't affect other systems we can bump from v1.0.0 to v1.0.1. If the change is backwards compatible with the previous version, we can bump from v1.0.0 to v1.1.0. If the change is not backwards compatible, we must bump the version from v1.0.0 to v2.0.0.
Edit the
- Move the
section to the version chosen above. - Keep a blank
section at the top of the file. - Commit and send in your changes, including the reason you selected the target version.
Once your changes are approved, run the following, where version
is replaced with the appropriate version for
this release.
(Note that you will need to have Git configured to sign tags with your OpenPGP key or this command will fail.)
$ git tag -s <version>
Push the tag to the server, where version
is the same version you
specified before:
$ git push origin refs/tags/<version>
Once pushed, the release will be published automatically by goreleaser running in GitHub Actions.