This project is based on the comparison between computer virus and real life virii, since both adapt to the environment they live in; computer virii, though, adapt thanks to human beings writing the code, instead this executable should autonomously modify itself to reduce chances of being deleted.
- Antidebug
- Anti-Disassembler
- Anti-Emulation/VM
- Self delete
- Memory encryption
- Polymorphic and Metamorphic encryption
- DNA-determined functions
- Self-replication through networks and USB
- DGME - Darwinian Genetic Mutation Engine
- Neural network
Mainly time puzzles, file creation and access and many other small tricks to find out if the process is being analysed and self-delete the executable to avoid further analysis.
A neural network makes decisions about the best strategy to apply in case of Debugger or Sandbox detetion, Antivirus presence or unexpected exception.
LOOKING FOR COOPERATORS! -> create a new issue