A react wrapper for the grid library
For full documentation of features refer to the readme there as well as the typescript types which provide some self documentation.
import { ReactGrid } from 'grid-react-adapter'
/* Mock Data */
const cols = Array.from({ length: 100 }, () => ({}))
const rows = Array.from({ length: 1000 }, (_, rowIndex) => ({
data: cols.map((_, columnIndex) => ({
formatted: rowIndex + ', ' + columnIndex,
value: rowIndex + ', ' + columnIndex,
rows[0].header = true
rows[0].height = 50
/* Mock Data */
class Table extends React.Component {
render () {
return (
<ReactGrid rows={rows} cols={cols} />
row options, see Row formatcols
column options, see Col formatref
access the component and wrappedgrid
:(context : {virtualRow: number, virtualCol: number, data: IGridDataResult<any>}) => ReactElement<any> | string | undefined
render prop called for each visible cell (where cell doesn't include headers)headerCellRenderer
:(context : {virtualRow: number, virtualCol: number, data: IGridDataResult<any>}) => ReactElement<any> | string | undefined
render prop called for each visible header cell
Props derived form the core grid options object:
// controls whether the scroll is smooth or snaps to cell boundaries
snapToCell?: boolean;
// setting to true will enable the editModel to function, which by default is text only editing
allowEdit?: boolean;
/* a function the grid calls to let you know it thinks you should fetch more data
based on the current scroll position, called when using the default datamodel */
loadRows?: RowLoader; // (rowIndexes : number[]) => void
// options for column specific behaviors
col?: {
// disables the drag and drop column reordering functionality
disableReorder?: boolean;
// for your own reference or mainly for copy paste to enable pasting of rich data beyond just the string representation
value? : any
// the display representation of the value for this cell
formatted: string
hidden: true, // Boolean
width: 50, // Number
data: [{ formatted: '0,0' }, { formatted: '0,1' }, ...], // Array of Cells
header: false, // Boolean
height: 50, // Number
In addition to the examples above, the full grid api can be accessed by using a ref like so:
class Component extends React.Component {
setGrid = (reactGrid) => {
this.grid = reactGrid.grid;
// etc..
render() {
return (
<ReactGrid rows={rows} cols={cols} ref={this.setGrid}/>
This is an escape hatch to allow full access to the grid (which is written in pure ts), but we are committed to supporting grid features in a first class React style so please open an issue for anything you think is missing from the React wrapper api and we can discuss the best way to add it in a React-y way.