0.3 (17-04-2016) Add toggle() functions Add keepSelectedCellColor property Fixed issues #41 Fixed issues #38 0.2.1 (10-01-2016) Public show() and hide() functions Public isShown property 0.2 (15-12-2015) Passed navigationController when initializing Added the alignment of the text inside cell Fixed issue #16: Sometimes navigationController is nil 0.1.8 (15-09-2015) Fixed issue: Sometimes navigationController is nil 0.1.7 (04-09-2015) Use optional for some properties that relating to navigation controller 0.1.6 (28-08-2015) No need to use containerView param when initializing menuView now 0.1.5 (27-08-2015) Support device orientation Support Split View on iPad 0.1.4 (26-08-2015) Fixed issue [#5] (PhamBaTho#5). The dropdown overlay appears overtop the tab bar now Refactoring and clean up 0.1.3 (25-07-2015) Use usingSpringWithDamping instead of contentOffset for show/hide animation 0.1.2 (21-07-2015) Allow change of arrow image after creation of menu