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File metadata and controls

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Chapter 4 – Leap-frogging infrastructure development

In the previous chapters, we've gone from learning what a terminal is, to being able to set up and debug a semi-production worthy consul cluster, packaged with .deb-files.

Every service you create would have to be similarly treated – pre-install, post-install, pre-uninstall scripts, start-up scripts, /etc/default/consul environment variables, firewalling, build-scripts, packaging of the above and then modifying them all depending on your deployment environment.

In this chapter I'll show you how you can go the next step with micro-services in F# on Linux. This is because on top of the above fiddling per-service, we also need:

  • Logging
    • From kernel/firewall for intrusion detection and health checks
    • From auditd for commands being run
    • From systemd for start-and-stop of services, exit codes, etc
    • From your apps
    • From your load-balancer
    • From any infrastructure components you have
  • Metrics
    • From all of the above
  • Load-balancing
  • Service discovery (where is 'web', what nodes are 'web'?)
  • Horisontal scaling – bring up more nodes when needed
  • Scaling down again – when load stops peaking
  • Rolling deploys – a new version of your service should be 'eased' into load
  • Firewalling
  • Users/groups between APIs – we've only touched upon users/groups inside a single operating system
  • Running commands on all nodes in your production
  • Managing networking – need a switch? A bridge between two VLANs?
  • Managing external storage – need to add disk in a VM?
  • Failover & Health checks – when things go down and reacting on it


In this chapter you'll get to understand Kubernetes and 1) how to deploy services for a subset of the above bullet points, and 2) how to let your own stateless and stateful service make use of as much as possible of the above.

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

We'll deploy these services with a few commands:

  1. Hashicorp Consul & Consul UI
  2. Apache ZooKeeper
  3. Apache Kafka
  4. A F# service with Suave and Logary writing to Kafka
  5. A F# service with Suave and Logary reading from Kafka
  6. A schema registry
  7. PostgreSQL
  8. EventStore
  9. Elastic's ElasticSearch & Kibana
  10. InfluxData's InfluxDB & Grafana
  11. Apache Flink
  12. Prometheus

Once the initial setup is done, we'll also deploy these operators:

  1. A backup operator for ZooKeeper
  2. A backup operator for Kafka
  3. A backup operator for ElasticSearch
  4. A backup operator for InfluxDB
  5. A backup operator for PostgreSQL

A primer on Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a cloud-orchestration platform run by the Linux Foundation, the same organisation officially in charge of shepherding Linux, the operating system. It solves a lot of the thorny issues of configuration management and operations that would otherwise have to be solved by each company by itself.

Alternative to...

If you'd not discovered Kubernetes through e.g. this guide, your path to what it offers would probably look something like:

  1. Manually managing your server like in chapter 1-3.
  2. Discovering configuration management and,
  3. using it to install everything as well as,
  4. using it to configure one-shot configurations.
  5. Noticing you need something that coordinates deployments, manages service metadata, versions, tenancy. Create a CMDB
  6. Write custom micro-services for each use case: { rolling deployments, backups, service metadata-discovery, ... }
  7. Look around for something more "off the shelf" and then discovery Kubernetes.


When deploying services, you'll recall from previous chapter that a service binds to an IP and a Port; in conjunction called an Endpoint. Ports are only possible to bind for a single service at a time, so they are a scarce resource.

Kubernetes sets up networking so that each 'node' is run on top of an overlay network, with a unique IP. Specifically a docker-container in the default case. This node is called a 'pod' in Kubernetes vocabulary. Via docker(-like) virtualisation, many 'pods' can run in a single VM/machine/node, all coordinates via the 'kubectl' daemon.

Kubernetes architecture

These pods are then linked with the overlay network software called OpenVSwitch.

Kubernetes networking with OVS

This sort of setup removes a lot of the hindrances you'd not discover until your development organisation had grown to a certain complexity requirement. For example, if you need to bridge on-site local GPU resources with cloud services, OVS would give you a way out.

Why did I just learn linux then?

You need to understand that everything in this eco-system is built around Linux, and you need Linux skills both to administrate it and to run services on top of it; the containers you'll run your services in, are actually small linux distributions but running on top of the host's kernel.

Software running in containers also needs to be secured like described in the previous chapters – a container does perform a bit of isolation, but it's not at the same level of a VM on top of a Hypervisor. For example, by default a Dockerfile runs your software as root, but that still gives you access to the devices and some modules of the kernel which aren't namespaced. So create an app-user.

Starting Minikube

The first step is to create a local Kubernetes cluster to play around with. To accomplish this, install minikube (assuming you have 16 GiB memory and 8 cores):

minikube start  --memory 8192 --cpus 4
kubectl run hello-minikube --port=8080
kubectl expose deployment hello-minikube --type=NodePort
kubectl get pod
curl $(minikube service hello-minikube --url) -i

On top of that, let's also add the "Heapster" addon to Kubernetes, in order to monitor our deployment with Grafana and Influx.

minikube addons enable heapster
minikube addons open heapster

Heapster with Grafana

Let's get Consul up and running now that we have some basic monitoring support.

Starting a Consul cluster

In this folder, you'll find a number of .yml files that specify how Consul is deployed.


We'll be using these concepts:

  • Pod – a node with an assigned IP and a grouping of containers. A logical host, from an application perspective.
  • Servicelogically specifies ports for a named service. Combined with the Pod's IP address, we have an endpoint that we can connect to. One could say that Service gives a policy for which a Pod is accessed.
  • Endpointimplicit configuration item created by the Kubernetes infrastructure, by POST-ing to the corresponding Service REST-resource; which associates the POST-ed IPs with the Service's logical name.
  • StatefulSet – configuration for stable, unique network identifiers and persistent storage. Will be used for bootstrapping Consul.
  • Secret – a location for storing sensitive data in the Kubernetes cluster.
  • ConfigMap – decouples images from their configurations, letting Kubernetes/infrastructure provide configuration at runtime rather than "hard-coding" it in an image.


You also need cfssl and cfssljson to run. On OS X you can install them like so.

brew install cfssl consul

Creating a Certificate Authority (CA)

In order to secure communication between Consul nodes, we'll need a CA. In the ./ca folder, I've prepared Certificate Signing Requests for creating both the authority and consul-specific certificates.

cfssl gencert -initca ca/ca-csr.json | cfssljson -bare ca

You should now have these files in your directory:      ca-key.pem     ca.pem         consul.csr     imgs
ca             ca.csr         consul-key.pem consul.pem     services

Creating a gossip encryption key

We need to generate a new gossip key again. Remember from Chapter 3, that this key was used for symmetric encryption of gossip data between consul nodes.

GOSSIP_ENCRYPTION_KEY=$(consul keygen)

This value is now available in your shell to inspect.


Saving the secrets to Kubernetes

Let's save the generated secrets/files into a Secret named consul in Kubernetes.

kubectl create secret generic consul \
  --from-literal="gossip-encryption-key=${GOSSIP_ENCRYPTION_KEY}" \
  --from-file=ca.pem \
  --from-file=consul.pem \

Validate it's been saved with:

$ kubectl get secret consul
NAME      TYPE      DATA      AGE
consul    Opaque    4         1m

Saving Consul's server configuration to Kubernetes

With the secrets properly saved, let's save Consul's own configuration file to a ConfigMap:

kubectl create configmap consul --from-file=configs/server.json

If you look inside server.json, you'll find a normal Consul server config. By default consul will run in server mode and not bootstrapped. The settings in server.json are there to tell Consul to validate its TLS certificates used for encryption both on incoming and outgoing TLS connections.

Creating a new Service

The file ./services/consul.yml lets you expose Consul internally in the cluster to each other. Note the named ports which can be used by their names when you specify connectivity between services in the future.

$ kubectl create -f services/consul.yml
service "consul" created

This creates the metadata for the service, but doesn't schedule it in a pod. Yet.

With the service created, give it its configuration, check that three pods are created an in the Running state and that they aren't yet joined to a cluster:

$ kubectl create -f statefulsets/consul.yml
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                              READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
consul-0                          1/1       Running   0          5s
consul-1                          1/1       Running   0          22s
consul-2                          1/1       Running   0          17s
hello-minikube-3015430129-85prd   1/1       Running   0          1h
$ kubectl logs consul-0
2017/01/02 16:18:35 [ERR] agent: coordinate update error: No cluster leader

Creating a new StatefulSet

First, let's have a look at the design motifs of StatefulSets:

  • Data per instance which should not be lost even if the pod is deleted, typically on a persistent volume
    • Some cluster instances may have tens of TB of stored data - forcing new instances to replicate data from other members over the network is onerous
  • A stable and unique identity associated with that instance of the storage - such as a unique member id
  • A consistent network identity that allows other members to locate the instance even if the pod is deleted
  • A predictable number of instances to ensure that systems can form a quorum
    • This may be necessary during initialization
  • Ability to migrate from node to node with stable network identity (DNS name)
  • The ability to scale up in a controlled fashion, but are very rarely scaled down without human intervention

Bootstrapping a consul cluster matches all of these requirements. We have a service "consul" that needs a stable number of nodes – instances of the running server.

Let's go through the StatefulSet and see what's in it. The configuration names the StatefulSet instance.

apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
  kind: StatefulSet
      name: consul

The yml file continues with mapping a Service to create replicas of. The replica is named $serviceName-$replica.

  serviceName: consul
  replicas: 3

The template specifies how the Pod should be created. Instances of Pods based on this template are created, but with unique identities.

        app: consul
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10
        fsGroup: 1000

The rest of the spec follows v1.PodSpec.

        - name: consul
          image: "consul:0.7.2"
            - name: POD_IP
                  fieldPath: status.podIP
            - name: GOSSIP_ENCRYPTION_KEY
                  name: consul
                  key: gossip-encryption-key
            - "agent"
            - "-advertise=$(POD_IP)"
            - "-bind="
            - "-bootstrap-expect=3"
            - "-client="
            - "-config-file=/etc/consul/server.json"
            - "-datacenter=dc1"
            - "-data-dir=/consul/data"
            - "-domain=cluster.local"
            - "-encrypt=$(GOSSIP_ENCRYPTION_KEY)"
            - "-server"
            - "-ui"

The volume mounts are passed to the docker daemon. In this case, the docker daemon mounts the folder /consul/data and we name the volume data in Kubernetes.

            - name: data
              mountPath: /consul/data

These will be mapped to the ConfigMap consul, and Secret consul that we created before.

            - name: config
              mountPath: /etc/consul
            - name: tls
              mountPath: /etc/tls

These ports match the ports specified in the Service consul.

            - containerPort: 8500
              name: ui-port
            - containerPort: 8400
              name: alt-port
            - containerPort: 53
              name: udp-port
            - containerPort: 8443
              name: https-port
            - containerPort: 8080
              name: http-port
            - containerPort: 8301
              name: serflan
            - containerPort: 8302
              name: serfwan
            - containerPort: 8600
              name: consuldns
            - containerPort: 8300
              name: server

The volume element is a sibling to containers above and specifies how volumes should be mapped to the running container.

        - name: config
            name: consul
        - name: tls
            secretName: consul

The volumeClaimTemplates node is a sibling to the template node. Each template instantiation maintains its mapping to the above created Pod instance. It must create an instance with a name matching one of the volumeMounts in the Pod template above. It takes precedence over any volumes in the template above.

In this case the volumes config and tls are created for each container and auto-mounted to a configMap and secretName, respectively, whilst this spec creates the persistent storage that a consul node needs.

    - metadata:
        name: data
          - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: 10Gi

Let's create the StatefulSet.

kubectl create -f statefulsets/consul.yml

And verify that it was successfully created.

$ kubectl get statefulset
consul    3         3         30m

A Job to join the nodes

Contrary to passing -join to consul nodes n2, n3, like we did in the previous chapter, this time we're using the consul binary to tell the process about its sibling servers.

We'll only ever run this job once per cluster initialisation. Because jobs "execute containers", this job will spawn a new consul container with custom parameters: -rpc-addr=consul-0.consul.$(NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local:8400.

kubectl create -f jobs/consul-join.yml

Again, we verify that it ran OK.

$ kubectl get jobs
consul-join   1         1            29s

Talking to the cluster

Let's verify that Consul's nodes have started successfully.

$ kubectl port-forward consul-0 8400:8400
Forwarding from -> 8400
Forwarding from [::1]:8400 -> 8400

Then in another terminal, run.

$ consul members
Node      Address          Status  Type    Build  Protocol  DC
consul-0  alive   server  0.7.2  2         dc1
consul-1  alive   server  0.7.2  2         dc1
consul-2  alive   server  0.7.2  2         dc1

Let's also check the Web UI.

$  kubectl port-forward consul-0 8500:8500
Forwarding from -> 8500
Forwarding from [::1]:8500 -> 8500

Then in another terminal, run this to start your browser.

$ open

Testing failure

Consul is built to support failure of nodes. Because it's a persistent service, it will rely on its persistent-volume backed state on resumption from a crash. The StatefulSet will ensure that there are always three pods running. This means that you can delete pods freely. In one terminal, let's tail the log of consul-1, while deleting the pod for consul-2.

$ kubectl tail -f consul-1

Then in another terminal:

$ kubectl tail -f consul-2

Observe how the pods (kubectl get pods are restarted and a quorum is resumed via the logs).

F# service writing to Kafka

With Consul set up and the foundations of Kubernetes well learnt, we'll start writing some code of our own. We'd like to create a web service that responds with its version, is stateless and horisontally scalable and is capable of placing messages on a Kafka topic (using the default partitioner).

To bootstrap the projects, we'll use a project called Forge. Start by installing it.

Linux: brew tap samritchie/forge && brew install forge, OS X/macOS: brew tap samritchie/forge && brew install forge and on Windows: scoop install forge. Unfortunately, at the time of writing I haven't been able to find a HTTP link to the different package managers, to share.

Creating a new web project

Start by removing the finished solutions from ./chapter-04/apps and then create a new suave project; it will be our main point of interaction.

$ forge new project --name Api --folder . --template suave
Generating project...

Note the lower-case template name and the uppercase "Api" name. Now let's build the project, to be able to run it, and change to a prerelease version of Suave to get the latest goodness.

$ chmod +x && ./ && ./
Finished Target: Build
Total:     00:00:02.7263792
Status:    Ok
$ tree ./build
├── Api.exe
├── Api.exe.mdb
├── FSharp.Core.dll
└── Suave.dll

0 directories, 4 files

The first build downloads all packages, the second time it actually builds the program.

Running the program

Now, make your App.fs file look like this:

module Api.Program

open Suave
open Suave.Successful

let config =
  { defaultConfig with
      bindings = [ HttpBinding.createSimple Protocol.HTTP "::" 8080 ] }

let main argv =
  startWebServer config (OK "Hello World!")

Then run ./ again. You can now start the API.

$ mono build/Api.exe
[14:20:35 INF] Smooth! Suave listener started in 106.655 with binding :::8080

In a different terminal, curl the API.

$ curl 'http://[::]:8080' -i
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Suave (
Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2017 13:24:07 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 12

Hello World!

Viewing in VSCode

Writing a statically typed language without an editor can gives you hints is like love without kisses. So let's install VSCode and ionide.

brew cask install visual-studio-code

Or by surfing to its homepage. Proceed to install the [Ionide extension][ionide] (all of them). It will give you code-completion and label the code as you type.

Ionide extension

If you installed VSCode via a click-click installer, you can add the code binary to your path by pressing CMD+P, like so:

VSCode on PATH

Adding tests

We'll add some test stubs as well. These will be used to test our code and API in the future. In the apps folder, run:

$ forge new project --name Api.Tests --folder . --template expecto
Generating project...
/Users/h/dev/lynx/linux-intro/chapter-04/apps/paket.dependencies contains
package FAKE in group Main already.
0 seconds - ready.
$ xbuild Api.Tests/Api.Tests.fsproj && mono --debug Api.Tests/bin/Debug/Api.Tests.exe
[16:34:55 INF] EXPECTO? Running tests...
[16:34:55 ERR] samples/should fail failed in 00:00:00.0003260.
I should fail because the subject is false.
[16:34:55 INF] EXPECTO! 2 tests run in 00:00:00.0360801 – 1 passed, 0 ignored, 1 failed, 0 errored. ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Creating a container

Kubernetes uses a runtime; either docker or rkt (pronounced [ˈrɒkɪt]) for packaging and running software. Kubernetes has API adapters for them both. As such, we should build an image that can be started as a container on Docker.

We'll need to copy the binaries into the image and then run them with Mono. When you've compiled once (like above with xbuild), create the following Dockerfile next to the Api and Api.Tests folders.

FROM fsharp:latest

COPY build /app
CMD mono /app/Api.exe

In order to build the image and also have that image accessible to Kubernetes, set the environment variables for the minikube docker host. By running docker version you validate that the docker client has access to the host.

$ eval $(minikube docker-env)
$ docker version
 Version:      1.12.0
 Version:      1.11.1

Now, let's build the container to be named api and have tag v1.

$ docker build --tag api:v1 .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 474.1 MB
Step 1 : FROM fsharp:latest
latest: Pulling from library/fsharp
16da43b30d89: Pull complete
Successfully built 83687f974734

Running the container

The container should be run in interactive mode -i, with the stdin/stdout/stderr attached to your terminal -t, be removed when you send it SIGINT --rm:

$ docker run --rm -it api:v1
[15:54:20 INF] Smooth! Suave listener started in 84.895 with binding :::8080

Press CTRL+C and then validate that the image api comes up in the following listing.

$ docker images
api        v1  85342420bbe2  2 minutes ago 763.5 MB

Running with Kubernetes

We should similarly be able to create a Deployment with Kubernetes.

$ kubectl run api --image=api:v1 --port=8080
deployment "api" created
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                   READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
api-2076293793-djdsx                   1/1       Running   0          36s
$ kubectl get deploy
api                   1         1         1            1           1m

Then we expose it so that we can make HTTP requests to it.

$ kubectl expose deployment api --type=NodePort
service "api" exposed

And test it out:

$ curl $(minikube service api --url)
Hello World!

Publishing messages to Kafka

There are two libraries you can use for publishing to a recent Kafka version (v0.10 at time of writing): kafunk and RdKafka. We'll try out both, so that you can see the differences in code.

Add nuget Kafkunk to paket.dependencies and Kafunk to Api/paket.references. Then run mono .paket/paket.exe install or press CMD+SHIFT+P and run the Paket: Install command from within VSCode.

Paket install VSCode

This changes the fsproj to include your package. The fsproj file is used by msbuild/xbuild to compile the F# code into Common Intermediate Language (CIL).

Now, let's write some code that takes POST messages in the URI path and publish those on a Kafka topic. This code goes in Api.fs.

module Api.Program

open Suave
// operators gives >=>
open Suave.Operators
// gives OK
open Suave.Successful
// gives NOT_FOUND
open Suave.RequestErrors
// gives pathScan and path
open Suave.Filters
// gives the ability to set a mime type
open Suave.Writers
// the kafka library
open Kafunk

// Same as before.
let suaveConfig =
  { defaultConfig with
      bindings = [ HttpBinding.createSimple Protocol.HTTP "::" 8080 ] }

// I normally encapsule my runtime state in a record like this
type State =
  { kafka : KafkaConn
    producer : Producer }

  interface System.IDisposable with
    member x.Dispose () =

// This is a helper function that aliases the longer system.text fn
let utf8 =
  System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes : string -> byte[]

// The main work is done here. Note how it takes a `state` variable and
// returns a function from string to WebPart. This first `state` parameter
// is given in `main` below. The second parameter `message` will be given
// anew every request as the message can differ.
let publish state : string -> WebPart =
  fun (message : string) ->
    // this is how to create an Async Suave web part
    fun httpCtx ->
      async {
        // Suave/F# async fits nicely with Kafunk's API.
        let! prodRes =
          Producer.produce state.producer [| ProducerMessage.ofBytes (utf8 message) |]
        // Finally, we return this string to the requestor.
        return! CREATED "Alrighty then!" httpCtx

// This function is the api composition. It should be clear and make it easy
// to find any particular path supported by the API.
let web state =
  // `choose` will go through its `WebPart list` from top to bottom to find
  // a WebPart that matches
  choose [
    POST >=> pathScan "/api/publish/%s" (publish state)
    GET >=> path "/health" >=> OK "Alive!"
    NOT_FOUND "The requested resource was not found"
  // this API always returns strings
  >=> setMimeType "text/plain; charset=utf-8"

// By separating out configuration to its own function, it's easier to see
// where side-effects, like connections to message brokers, happen.
let configure argv =
  let pcfg =
    ProducerConfig.create (
      requiredAcks = RequiredAcks.Local)
  let kafka = Kafka.connHost "localhost" // side-effecting
  let producer = Producer.create kafka pcfg // side-effecting
  // Returns a State record
  { kafka = kafka; producer = producer }

let main argv =
  // with `use` we can ensure that the connection is closed when the app
  // is interrupted
  use state = configure argv
  startWebServer suaveConfig (web state)

You can now recompile the program and run it. If you have a local Kafka-broker you should be able to tail -f its logs to see messages being produced. On OS X the logs are placed at /usr/local/var/log/kafka/kafka_output.log by default. On Linux, they'd end up in /var/lib/log/kafka/kafka_output.log.

F# service reading from Kafka

Let's generate a Worker console app that can consume messages from the Kafka topic.

forge new project --name Worker --folder . --template console

To get acquainted with RdKafka, let's use that for the new console app. Add the package RdKafka to your paket.dependencies and to paket.references. To make it work, change the TargetFrameworkVersion-element to. Then run paket install again.


The code for consuming messages from Kafka can be written like so.

module Worker.Program

open System
open System.Threading
open RdKafka

let utf8ToString =
  System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString : byte[] -> string

let main argv =
  use mre = new ManualResetEventSlim(false)
  use sub = Console.CancelKeyPress.Subscribe(fun _ ->
    printfn "Shutting down"
  let config = Config(GroupId = "example-csharp-consumer")
  use consumer = new EventConsumer(config, "")
  use msgs = consumer.OnMessage.Subscribe (fun msg ->
    let text = utf8ToString msg.Payload
    printfn "Topic: %s Partition: %i Offset: %i%s"
  consumer.Subscribe(ResizeArray<_> ["web-greetings"])
  printfn "Running!"
  mre.Wait() |> ignore

Install RdKafka and run

In order to use RdKafka, you need to have librdkafka available. On OS X, you can run this:

brew install librdkafka
brew link --overwrite mono

On Windows, you can follow this blog entry to debug your dependencies manually ;), if it's not working out of the box.

If you have a local Kafka broker running, you should be able to start it.

mono build/Worker.exe

Now publish some data via the API!

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/api/publish/goodbye'

Press CTRL+C to stop the services. Now, can you start two workers and have the API publish in a round-robin fashion to them?

Setting up Kafka

Kafka is a distributed message broker with ~7 day-limited replay support for topic-partitions. Kafka is highly-available with sysadmin opt-out semantics for when prioritising availability over consistency.

There's also a client-side-only extension called Kafka-streams available that gives at-least-once delivery-semantics inside a stream-processing API. Kafka also has a number of add-on projects, like schema-registry (w/ clients) and databus for database change capture.

In other words, it's a pretty useful piece of software.

While Consul could be used, Kafka uses ZooKeeper (ZK) for historical reasons and because ZK is a very stable piece of software.

The upcoming services: ZK, Kafka, ... will all be deployed without detailed inspection of their respective files. The files required to deploy them are very similar to what we've already done.

Setting up ZK

ZooKeeper is very similar to Consul in functionality. It's used by Kafka for maintaining its cluster state. ZooKeeper in particular is set up using the file from the StatefulSet tutorial.

kubectl create -f zookeeper.yml

TBD: Triggers this issue.

Continue with chapter 05.

Setting up Kafka

kubectl create -f kafka.yml

TBD: Triggers this issue.

Continue with chapter 05.


TBD: and


TBD: but with StatefulSet.

ElasticSearch & Kibana

TBD: but with StatefulSet renamed from PetSet.

InfluxDB & Grafana

TBD: see Heapster implementation

Apache Flink


Setting up Prometheus

kubectl create -f
kubectl create -f
minikube service prometheus-k8s
kubectl create -f
kubectl apply -f

Set up your own service on each node

Let's leave the consul cluster running (you can do a vagrant suspend and then vagrant up to conserve battery power if you leave it overnight).

In your normal terminal, let's download Forge a command-line interface (CLI) for creating and managing F# projects.

We'll create a small Suave service as a console app.

✗ pwd
✗ curl -o -L
✗ unzip
✗ chmod +x
✗ ./ new project MySrv

Forge should be run from solution/repository root. Please ensure you don't run it from folder containing other solutions

Do You want to continue? [Y/n]

Getting templates...
Creating /Users/h/dev/lynx/linux-intro/chapter-03/templates
git clone -b templates --single-branch templates

Enter project name:
> MySrv
Enter project directory (relative to working directory):
> .
Choose a template:
 - suave
 - suaveazurebootstrapper
 - temp

> suave
Generating project...
✗ ./

You should now have a small app MySrv in ./build. Now, let's write some code that lets MySrv register itself in Consul on start. This will enable us to use Consul to steer the load balancer.

Auto-registering in Consul

Introducing Fakta.

  • Poll-based (HTTP)
  • Push-based ("My status is..." to Consulvia Fakta)
  • Socket-based (TCP)

Querying Consul for a specific service

curl -X GET http://localhost:8600/v1/kv/services?recurse=true

Setting up the load balancer's config with consul-template

upstream api {
  {{ ep in eps do }}
    server {{ ep.ipv6 }};
  {{ end }}

Make each server respond with its hostname

open System
open System.Net
open Hopac
open Hopac.Operators
open Suave
open Suave.Successful
open Suave.ResponseErrors

let registerChecks () =

let app =
  choose [
    GET >=> path "/health/hostname" >=> OK (Dns.GetHostName())
    GET >=> OK "Hello world!"
    ResponseErrors.NOT_FOUND "Resource not found"

let main argv =
  registerChecks ()
  startWebServer config app