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How To: Make Devise work with other formats like mobile, iPhone and iPad (Rails specific)

Garrett George edited this page Mar 16, 2021 · 3 revisions

1.Make your app render Apple iOS templates for iOS devices like iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, etc. In the Rails app/controllers/application_controller.rb add this code:

  before_filter :adjust_format_for_iphone
  def adjust_format_for_iphone    
    request.format = :ios if request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] =~ %r{Mobile/.+Safari}

2.Set Devise to display views for iOS In the config/initializers/devise.rb, look for the 'config.navigational_formats' and add every other formats you have config.navigational_formats = [:"*/*", "*/*", :html, :ios]

3.Create each view you need for Devise (login form, signup form, ...) Name your view like 'new.ios.erb' eg: 'app/views/devise/sessions/new.ios.erb' for login form

4.Create an initializer in the folder config/initializers Add this code into your initializer

ActionController::Responder.class_eval do
  alias :to_ios :to_html

This code has to correspond to your format (ie: :to_ios, :to_ipad, :to_mobile)

5.Add your format to config/initializers/mime_types.rb

Mime::Type.register_alias "text/html", :ios

6.Note that if you use OAUTH for Facebook you will need to configure it to use facebook's mobile authentication path. This post explains how.

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