Node.js is a global platform and so this site has many translations. The translation of the site into languages other than English is handled by the localization working group of the language in question. If you would like to contribute to the translation of, please refer to the following process:
Since Apr, 1 2020 translation process moved to Crowdin
- Open nodejs-website Crowdin project
- Find your locale and start translation. Find more details in guide for volunteer translators
All translated and approved content will be pushed to this repo automatically. You don't need to create any PRs with translation. Just keep localization process on Crowdin.
Original source can be found in /locale/en. If you find any problem with original source, please create a PR with changes directly to /locale/en
. Crowdin automatically pull all updates within 24 hours.
Please create a new issue in this repo. Crowdin managers team would be happy to add new languages.
An existing localization group is not required to start translation. You can contribute on Crowdin without it. Think about groups like a basement to communicate with other translators of your locale.
Contact your appropriate localization group, and discuss with them the best possible way to contribute. A list of the localization groups can be found below.
Arabic Communitynodejs-bg
Bulgarian Communitynodejs-bn
Bengali Communitynodejs-zh-CN
Chinese Communitynodejs-cs
Czech Communitynodejs-da
Danish Communitynodejs-de
German Communitynodejs-el
Greek Communitynodejs-es
Spanish Communitynodejs-fa
Persian Communitynodejs-fi
Finnish Communitynodejs-fr
French Communitynodejs-he
Hebrew Communitynodejs-hi
Hindi Communitynodejs-hu
Hungarian Communitynodejs-id
Indonesian Communitynodejs-it
Italian Communitynodejs-ja
Japanese Communitynodejs-ka
Georgian Communitynodejs-ko
Korean Communitynodejs-mk
Macedonian Communitynodejs-ms
Malaysian Communitynodejs-nl
Dutch Communitynodejs-no
Norwegian Communitynodejs-pl
Polish Communitynodejs-pt
Portuguese Communitynodejs-ro
Romanian Communitynodejs-ru
Russian Communitynodejs-sv
Swedish Communitynodejs-ta
Tamil Communitynodejs-tr
Turkish Communitynodejs-zh-TW
Taiwanese Communitynodejs-uk
Ukrainian Communitynodejs-vi
Vietnamese Community
If you can't find group for your locale:
- Translate 1000 strings or more on Crowdin for your locale
- Find at least one more translator for your locale
- Create a new issue in this repo requesting the creation of a group for your locale
If you find the group for your locale is archived:
- Try to contact members of the group by creating a new issue in this repo. Include a mention of the group so members get notified of the issue.
- If there is no response from members in 7 days and if you have already done 1000 strings or more on Crowdin for your locale, open an issue in requesting the repository be unarchived.