Releases: hechoendrupal/drupal-console-core
d0f45db [console] Tag 1.0.0-rc17 release. (#154)
7eedc6e Allow users to define a specific property that they want from a site (#153)
8986c38 [console] Add allow_failure flag. (#152)
3895bd3 Calling commands rather than adding to queue (#133)
15b5f71 Read file. (#150)
3b82904 [console] Tag 1.0.0-rc15 release 2. (#145)
e1379f8 Validate is array. (#144)
3b0b60f Tag new release 1.0.0 rc15 (#142)
0272081 [list] Show global namespace commands. (#141)
ecec2d4 [console] Update loadExtendConfiguration feature. (#140)
7488a97 [site:debug] Read config per-site. (#139)
801ca7a [list] Relocate command alias. (#138)
22db58d [console] Sync Drupal-Symfony components dependencies. (#137)
96dd25e [console] Improve DrupalStyle class. (#136)
d72c7b6 [#123] Rollback dot-access-configuration. (#135)
22bbb92 [init] Show config directories. (#134)
4bc30ba [console] Add debug option. (#132)
1946136 [console] Tag 1.0.0-rc13 release. (#130)
5a3a930 [console] Add translations contributed modules. (#129)
21fa567 Add translation manager interface (#128)
fb116ed [shell] Relocate command. (#127)
99fc369 [exec] Show command info. (#126)
221ad3b [console] Add missing docblocks and apply PSR-2 code style. (#125)
604ecca Add psy (#124)
6709d27 [yaml] Code fixes. (#122)
b8fa24f [yaml] Relocate commands. (#121)
6e8c0f8 [console] Update composer dev-master. (#120)
db06bb9 [console] Update namespace. (#119)
b0b7377 Validate first colon on placeholder. (#115)
ef13299 Add symfony debug dependency. (#114)
afc3adc Update symfony dependencies to 3.1 (#113)
ef98f40 Update dflydev/dot-access-configuration dependency. (#112)
49f3b70 Patch dflydev/dot-access-configuration Make symfony v3 compatible. (#111)
5761bb1 Add try/catch to chain command registration. (#110)
a1a6c8f Update site-new add quick-start YML files. (#109)
4f9dd65 [init] Fix do not force create extend directory. (#108)
3aacce4 [init] Fix destination options. (#107)
bfe5807 [chain] Remove from placeholder ask. (#106)
ec23bda [site:debug] Relocate command. (#105)
7a61278 Update console-en verison. (#104)
0f1cfd4 Update Symfony dependencies. (#103)
68e89ef Update chain files. (#102)
56a5cdf [chain] Improve placeholder default values management. (#101)
eec3f76 [chain] Improve placeholder default values management. (#100)
9582b34 Extend fixes (#99)
433990f Add loadExtendLibraries feature. (#98)
0247bd0 [console] Relocate chain commands. (#97)
16c18fd Update to Symfony 3. (#96)
7847648 [console] Improve remote execution. (#95)
e851e32 added database:query command to drush.yml (#76)
1c3c4fd [console] Relocate remote class/service. (#94)