There are different ways to get the project on your local machine. Our recommendation for getting the project on your
- local machine is by using the installer.
Using the Drupal Console Installer
You can install the Drupal Console locally by running the installer in your project
- directory, the installer will take care of downloading the necesary files to run drupal console on you computer.
You can place this file anywhere you wish. If you put it in your PATH, you can access it
- globally. On unixy systems you can even make it executable and invoke it without php.
Access console from anywhere on your system
$ mv console.phar /usr/local/bin/drupal
Apply executable permissions on the downloaded file:
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/drupal
You can now execute console using:
$ drupal
NOTE: The name drupal is just an alias you can name it
- anything you like.
Install Drupal Console Using Composer
You can install this project using composer.
Install Drupal Console globally using composer:
$ composer global require drupal/console:@stable
Make sure you download the console.phar file from the most current release.
Update project
Drupal 8 is under heavy development, to keep in sync with the latest changes. The easiest and recommended way of
- updating Drupal Console is using the self-update command.
Depending on the installation method:
Installed globally (and renamed to "drupal"):
$ drupal self-update
Installed globally (using composer):
$ composer global update drupal/console:@stable
Installed locally (running
- from directory where the console.phar has been downloaded):
$ php console.phar self-update
Available Drupal Console Commands
Note: Drupal Console commands *must* be run from the root of a Drupal 8 installation.
Drupal Console Command
- {% for namespace, commands in command_list %}
- {% if namespace != 'none' %}