All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Fixed: compatibility issue with fieldpalette 0.6
- Added: php8 support
- Changed: replace tree_picker with native picker
- Fixed: invalid namespace
- FieldpaletteModel instance call in CategoryHelper
- FieldpaletteModel instance call in contao 4
- replaced dependency
class errors
- contao 4 branch only
- replaced dependency
Fork from
- primary category support (primary category can be set on news, otherwise first category in list is primary category)
- category jumpTo based on news_archive (can be set on each news category for each news archive)
- news url jumpTo based on news_archive and primary category (can be set on each news category for each news archive) -> news url will be linked to the primary category jumpTo page instead of archive jumpTo page
- news categories can now have a teaser (also based on news_archive, can be set on each news category for each news archive)
- several new inserttags
- adjusted composer.json and dependencies