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GIL - Generalized Image Learning


This repo houses the initial scripts for building a deep learning app on BioData Catalyst powered by Seven Bridges. These scripts will be used to test training scalability, among other issues.

Main script trains a model for image classification.

Input arguments:

Arg Description Type Default Required
--data_dir Path to directory containing images string YES
--data_csv Path to CSV file pointing to images/labels string YES
--image_column Column name for images string YES
--label_column Column name for labels string YES
--arch Model architecture string YES
--test_ratio Percentage for testing data float 0.3
--epochs Number of training epochs int 15
--classes Number of classes. If not specified, classes will be inferred from labels int None
--batch_size Training batch size int 8
--output Specify file name for output string 'model'
--auto_resize Auto-resize to min height/width of image set store_true False
--auto_batch Auto-detect max batch size. Selecting this will override any specified batch size store_true False
--index_first Set images to depth as the first index (uncommon) store_true False

Supported architectures

Most built-in Keras applications are supported. For more information, see

Arg Model
densenet121 DenseNet121
densenet169 DenseNet169
densenet201 DenseNet201
efficientnetb0 EfficientNetB0
efficientnetb1 EfficientNetB1
efficientnetb2 EfficientNetB2
efficientnetb3 EfficientNetB3
efficientnetb4 EfficientNetB4
efficientnetb5 EfficientNetB5
efficientnetb6 EfficientNetB6
efficientnetb7 EfficientNetB7
inceptionresnetv2 InceptionResNetV2
inceptionv3 InceptionV3
mobilenet MobileNet
mobilenetv2 MobileNetV2
nasnetlarge NASNetLarge
nasnetmobile NASNetMobile
resnet101 ResNet101
resnet101v2 ResNet101V2
resnet152 ResNet152
resnet152v2 ResNet152V2
resnet50 ResNet50
resnet50v2 ResNet50V2
vgg16 VGG16
vgg19 VGG19
xception Xception

Batch sizing

Using the auto_batch feature will calculate the maximum batch size based on the memory allocated by TensorFlow when the model is loaded if a GPU is detected. This will override any user defined --batch_size. If no GPU is detected, it will revert to using --batch_size, which defaults to 8 if not defined.

Debug --data_dir /path/to/dir/ --data_csv /path/to/file.csv --image_column image_path_column_name will create a CSV containing the image name, SimpleITK image shape, and Numpy array shape. It will also print this information to the console.