ImportError: failed to find libmagic. Check your installation
Install libmagic from conda
conda install -c conda-forge libmagic
python-magic>=0.4.15; sys_platform != 'win32'
python-magic-bin==0.4.14; sys_platform == 'win32'
Make sure your password encryption for “root” user is set on legacy, when you initialize your database on MySQL.prefPane
Install MySQLdb. You can do this by running in a jupyter notebook cell:
conda install mysqlclient
- Run the following commmand in a jupyter notebokk cell:
pip install pyodbc
- Then run the following commands on the terminal:
brew install unixodbc
(in my case, it appeared an error that got solved by running:)
sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(brew --prefix)/*
brew install unixodbc
brew tap microsoft/mssql-preview
brew update
brew install mssql-tools
(again, in my case, it appeared another error that got solved by running:)
brew untap microsoft mssql-preview
brew tap microsoft/mssql-release
brew update
brew install mssql-tools