textureatlas.enchant.js is a plugin for enchant.js that make it very easy to use a texture atlas generated from Texture Packer in your enchant.js game/application.
Download Texture Packer
Set the export setting to output JSON(Array)
Create a texture atlas as usual. You will get two files, which are .json and .png files.
Include textureatlas.enchant.js into your HTML file.
Preload both the json file and the png file in your game.
- Create a texture atlas and give it a name for later access.
// Create a texture atlas called 'mainAtlas', using
// atlas.json and atlas.png files
- Create an instance of a AtlasSprite class and use it as a normal enchant.js Sprite
var bgSprite = new enchant.AtlasSprite('mainAtlas', 'bg_01.png');
bgSprite.x = Core.instance.width/2 - bgSprite.width/2;
- You can also change the sprite's graphic quickly by reassigning the sprite identifier.
bgSprite.spriteId = 'enemies-01.png';