Delete useless code / Put cool stuff into seperate scripts
explore other additional output formats - csv?
very verbosly print out exlcusioned tutors or students
check if students.csv is empty
pretty print if students.csv is misssing any args
better USAGE in the guide
move stuff from README to GUIDE
combine stylesheets
CLI option for generating or not generating the instruction slips?
Write very detailed README
(proper) script headers
CLI option for same-tutor exclusion
Does tutormain.py need to generate the target_students.csv?
Run tutormain.py, see error about wkhtmltopdf and install to laptop
Difference between main.py and tutormain.py?????
Merge target.py into convert_into_csv.py so only the one code needs to be run to generate the propper .json file
Tries counter in convert_to_csv.py for generating random sequence with same-tutor exlusion
Argparse in convert_to_csv.py to pass classes/students that need to be excluded
Put all the HTML and CSS into an external file
- Proper f-strings in html file
- What are exactly the dependencies I need??
- Put everything into one python script???
folder so inputs and outputs and code don't get mixed around- Argparse for tutormain.py