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This super simple plugin uses NLP to parse your content for dates and times so that they can be easily tracked through your yournal pages.



Click on Today, or the left/right chevrons to navigate to today's journal page or the next or previous days'.

Weekly View

  1. Ensure the correct start day of week is selected in the plugin settings.
  2. Click on Week <number> to navigate to the weekly view.
  3. This will create:
    • A page in the format YYYY/Week XX
    • Page embeds for all the dates in that week

Simple Parsing

Complex Parsing with Scheduled and Deadline options

Auto Inline Parsing

As per the video, use %enable auto-parsing% to turn on auto parsing (off by default) and %disable auto-parsing% to turn it off.

Or, you can just use the hotkey combination a p to toggle auto-parsing on and off.

Semi-auto Inline Parsing

Like auto inline-parsing, but this time the parsing is triggered only if the date/time language is prefixed with an @, % or ^. Without the prefix, the block will not auto-parse. The available prefixes are:

  • @ is to simply parse the date
  • % converts it to a scheduled item
  • ^ converts it to a deadline item

You can use the hotkey combination s p to toggle semi-auto-parsing on and off. See the video below for instructions:

Using the Command Palette

Use Ctrl + Shift + p for Windows or Cmd + Shift + p for Mac. Then type @goto and select the first option that comes up. You will be presented with a search box to enter the day or date you want to go to.

Changing languages

Currently, the following languages are supported:

  1. German: de
  2. French: fr
  3. Japanese: ja
  4. Dutch: nl
  5. Portuguese: pt
  6. Russion: ru
  7. Chinese: zh

Add the following line inside the plugin settings, and change the language accordingly:

        "lang": "ja"


If the plugin is not available in the marketplace, you can load it manually by downloading the latest release here and manually loading it into Logseq.




Darwis once again for his out of the box thinking