In order to evaluate in Tool tasks, you need to get the following API keys and put them in .env
There is no need to get an API key for Academia.
There is no need to get an API key for Weather.
Step 1. Sign up an account in
Step 2. You can find your API Read Access Token in
Step 3. Put the API Read Access Token in .env
Step 1. Sign up an account in
Step 2. You can find your API Token in
Step 3. Put the API Token in .env
We provide a video which shows how to obtain the Google Sheet
The orginal Google Sheet data is in this link.
Step 1. Sign up a Google Account
Step 2. Sign in
Step 3. Create a new project
Step 4. Select the new project
Step 5. Select API & Services
Step 6. Click + Enable APIS AND SERVICES
Step 7. Search and Enable Google Sheets API and Google Drive API
Step 8. Click API & Services/Credential and click + CREATE CREDENTIALS
Step 9. After you create a service account, click the service account which you just created.
Step 10. Click KEYS.
Step 11. Click ADD KEY, then click Create new key and select JSON.
Step 12. Name the file as credential.json
and put it in agentboard/utils/sheet/
Step 13. Put the Google Account Email in .env