Modify CMakeList.txt
From ./ceres_bundle_adjustment/CMakeLists.txt:
... 18 if (WIN32) 19 # copy dlls 20 set(CERES_ROOT_DIR "{root}/ceres") ... 34 endif() ...
change {root} to your own (e.g., C:/Users/hjoon) ceres root directory as explained in the installation guide.
Run CMake
Install CMake if not already installed: https://cmake.org/install/
Navigate to ./ceres_bundle_adjustment, make build directory, and run cmake
mkdir build cd build cmake ..
Compile and build
Once CMake build is complete, open the generated ./ceres_bundle_adjustment/build/CeresMulticamCalib.sln in Visual Studio and build the project as Release, x64:
This will generate CeresMulticamCalib.exe inside ./ceres_bundle_adjustment/build/bin/Release/:
(cf) Running CeresMulticamCalib.exe will look something like this:
You do not need to directly run CeresMulticamCalib.exe. Python codes will run it as explained in the section II. of this tutorial.
Build the depdency If you can't find
by runningstrings /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 | grep GLIBCXX
Please install it as follows
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libstdc++6
Run CMake
Install CMake if not already installed: https://cmake.org/install/
Navigate to ./ceres_bundle_adjustment, make build directory, and run cmake
mkdir build cd build cmake ..
Make runnable CeresMulticamCalib
Compile the exectuable CeresMulticamCalib
For the python code, replace
in L6L6: #define ROOT_DIR "/home/hongsuk.c/Projects/MultiCamCalib/ceres_bundle_adjustment"