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Intercepting another App

moodyblue edited this page Mar 5, 2018 · 13 revisions

PlexConnect intercepts Trailers by default but you can intercept another App instead (see list at the bottom). Basically you need to:

  1. Specify which App is intercepted
  2. Generate certificates for it
  3. (optionally) Replace its icon with the Plex icon

The following examples assume that you are intercepting KorTV.

Specify which App is intercepted

This is done using the hosttointercept = parameter in Settings.cfg.

Generate certificates for it

  • Generate certificates using the procedure for OSX or Windows replacing -subj "/C=US/" with -subj "/C=US/"
  • Load certificates in the ATV using the procedure described here

If you give the certificates another name, such as kortv.pem kortv.cer and kortv.key, you need to update certfile parameter in Settings.cfg accordingly. In this case you also need to modify reverse proxy rules (only if you are using them).

Replace App icon with Plex icon

Edit Settings.cfg so that icon = com.wkntv.appletv and then follow this procedure.

List of Apps that can be intercepted

'': 'iMovieNewAuth'
'': 'vega'
'': 'qello'
'': 'hulu'
'': 'com.vevo.appletv'
'': 'com.smithsonian.appletv'
'': 'com.disney.junior.appletv'
'': ''
'': 'com.disney.xd.appletv'
'': ''
'': 'com.wsjlive.appletv.v2' (or 'WSJ_Live-V2' in older firmwares)
'': 'movie-trailers'
'': ''
'': 'vimeo'
'': 'skynews'
'': 'com.pbs.appletv'
'': 'com.mlssoccer.appletv'
'': 'iTunesConnect'
'': 'com.abcnews.appletv'
'': 'com.willowtv.appletv'
'': 'com.aenetworks.lifetime.appletv'
'': 'crunchyroll'
'': ''
'': 'com.redbulltv.appletv'
'': 'NHL'
'': 'com.cnbc.appletv'
'': ''
'': 'com.wwe.appletv.v2'
'': 'netflix'
'': 'com.aenetworks.appletv'
'': ''
'': 'com.pbskids.appletv.v2'
'': 'com.wkntv.appletv'
'': 'com.crackle.appletv.v2'
'': 'com.acc.appletv'
'': 'nba'
'': 'com.aenetworks.history.appletv'
'': 'com.foxnow.appletv'
'': 'flickr'
'': 'carterville'
'': 'flagstaff'
'': ''
'': 'com.fxnow.appletv'
'': 'com.festival.appletv'
'': 'com.aolon.appletv'
  • The first value of each line goes into hosttointercept = and is also used to generate certificates
  • The second value of each line goes into icon =