联系作者:刘恒祯,武汉大学,[email protected]
Section | Parameter | Value | Description |
Configure | navSys |
nFrame |
Navigation frame, especially the INS mechanism |
usegnssvel |
true |
Whether use GNSS velocity update or not | |
useZUPT |
false |
Whether use ZUPT detection and update or not | |
useodonhc |
true |
Whether use ODO/NHC update or not (ODO not completed yet) | |
usesinglenhc |
true |
Whether to use single NHC update or not | |
usesingleodo |
false |
Whether use single ODO update or not (ODO not completed yet) | |
onlyinsmech |
false |
Whether use only the INS mechanism or not | |
IMU Settings | imudataformat |
asc |
IMU data format (0: imr, 1: asc, 2: txt[7 columns]) |
imurawcoordinate |
Raw IMU data in RFU or FRD | |
imuInitStaticTime |
5.0 |
IMU initial alignment time [min] | |
imuSamplingRate |
100.0 |
IMU sampling rate [Hz] | |
imuInitialGPSTWeek |
2315 |
IMU initial GPS week | |
useAttFromRoughAlign |
false |
Use initial attitude from rough alignment | |
GNSS Settings | useInitalPosVelFromRTK |
false |
Use initial position and velocity from RTK solution |
State Settings | estimateImuScale |
true |
Estimate IMU scale (21-dimension states if true, 15 if false) |
Plot Settings | plotResults |
true |
Use matplotlib to automatically plot navigation results |
File Paths | file-roverobs-renix |
F:\GINS-Navi\data\WHU20240522-XWGI7660\rover.24O |
Rover observation file path |
file-baseobs-renix |
F:\GINS-Navi\data\WHU20240522-XWGI7660\base.24O |
Base observation file path | |
file-navi-renix |
F:\GINS-Navi\data\WHU20240522-XWGI7660\base.24N |
Navigation file path | |
gnssfilepath |
F:\GINS-Navi\data\WHU20240522-XWGI7660\GNSS-RTK.txt |
GNSS file path | |
imrfilepath |
F:\GINS-Navi\data\WHU20240522-XWGI7660\rover.imr |
IMR file path | |
ascfilepath |
F:\GINS-Navi\data\WHU20240522-XWGI7660\rover.ASC |
ASC file path | |
imutxtfilepath |
IMU TXT file path | |
odofilepath |
ODO file path | |
outputpath |
F:\GINS-Navi\data\WHU20240522-XWGI7660\ |
Output path | |
Initial Information | startweek |
2315 |
Start week (or you can use 'auto') |
endweek |
2315 |
End week (or you can use 'auto') | |
starttow |
291724.0 |
Start time of week (or you can use 'auto') | |
endtow |
295006.0 |
End time of week (or you can use 'auto') | |
initpos |
[30.528078962, 114.355762445, 40.9652] |
Initial position [deg, deg, m] (derived from RTK results) | |
initvel |
[-0.002, -0.838, -0.028] |
Initial velocity [m/s] (derived from RTK results) | |
initatt |
[0.183, 0.183, 272.55] |
Initial attitude [deg] (not used if useAttFromRoughAlign is true) |
initposstd |
[1.0, 1.0, 2.0] |
Initial position standard deviation [m] (N-E-D) | |
initvelstd |
[0.5, 0.5, 0.5] |
Initial velocity standard deviation [m/s] | |
initattstd |
[0.5, 0.5, 1.0] |
Initial attitude standard deviation [deg] | |
initgyrbias |
[0.5, -1.0, 6.0] |
Initial gyroscope bias [deg/h] | |
initaccbias |
[-200, 700, 0] |
Initial accelerometer bias [mGal] | |
initgyrscale |
[0, 0, 0] |
Initial gyroscope scale [ppm] | |
initaccscale |
[0, 0, 0] |
Initial accelerometer scale [ppm] | |
initgyrbiasstd |
[50, 50, 50] |
Initial gyroscope bias standard deviation [deg/h] | |
initaccbiasstd |
[250, 250, 250] |
Initial accelerometer bias standard deviation [mGal] | |
initgyrscalestd |
[1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0] |
Initial gyroscope scale standard deviation [ppm] | |
initaccscalestd |
[1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0] |
Initial accelerometer scale standard deviation [ppm] | |
gyrarw |
[0.24, 0.24, 0.24] |
Gyroscope angle random walk [deg/s/sqrt(h)] | |
accvrw |
[0.24, 0.24, 0.24] |
Accelerometer velocity random walk [m/s/sqrt(h)] | |
gyrbiasstd |
[50.0, 50.0, 50.0] |
Gyroscope bias standard deviation [deg/h] | |
accbiasstd |
[250.0, 250.0, 250.0] |
Accelerometer bias standard deviation [mGal] | |
gyrscalestd |
[1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0] |
Gyroscope scale standard deviation [ppm] | |
accscalestd |
[1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0] |
Accelerometer scale standard deviation [ppm] | |
corrtime |
1.0 |
Correlation time [h] | |
Installation Parameters | antlever |
[0.164, -0.035, -0.890] |
Antenna lever arm [m] (NED) |
odolever |
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] |
Odometer lever arm [m] | |
installangle |
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] |
Installation angle [deg] | |
Measurement Noise | odonhc_measnoise |
[0.10, 0.07, 0.07] |
ODO/NHC measurement noise [m/s] |
zupt_vmeasnoise |
[0.10, 0.10, 0.10] |
ZUPT velocity measurement noise [m/s] | |
zupt_wmeasnoise |
50 |
ZUPT angular velocity measurement noise [deg/h] | |
CodeNoise |
4.0 |
Code noise [m] | |
CPNoise |
0.05 |
Carrier phase noise [m] | |
Update Frequency | odonhcupdaterate |
1.0 |
ODO/NHC update rate [Hz] |
zuptupdaterate |
1.0 |
ZUPT update rate [Hz] | |
RTK Post Options | pos1-posmode |
kinematic |
Positioning mode |
pos1-frequency |
l1+2+3 |
Frequency | |
pos1-soltype |
combined |
Solution type | |
pos1-elmask |
10 |
Elevation mask [deg] | |
pos1-snrmask_r |
off |
SNR mask for rover | |
pos1-snrmask_b |
off |
SNR mask for base | |
pos1-snrmask_L1 |
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
SNR mask for L1 | |
pos1-snrmask_L2 |
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
SNR mask for L2 | |
pos1-snrmask_L5 |
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
SNR mask for L5 | |
pos1-dynamics |
on |
Dynamics mode | |
pos1-tidecorr |
off |
Tidal correction | |
pos1-ionoopt |
brdc |
Ionospheric option | |
pos1-tropopt |
saas |
Tropospheric option | |
pos1-sateph |
brdc |
Satellite ephemeris option | |
pos1-posopt1 |
off |
Positioning option 1 | |
pos1-posopt2 |
off |
Positioning option 2 | |
pos1-posopt3 |
off |
Positioning option 3 | |
pos1-posopt4 |
off |
Positioning option 4 | |
pos1-posopt5 |
off |
Positioning option 5 | |
pos1-posopt6 |
off |
Positioning option 6 | |
pos1-exclsats |
Excluded satellites | |
pos1-navsys |
59 |
Navigation systems | |
pos2-armode |
off |
Ambiguity resolution mode | |
pos2-gloarmode |
on |
GLONASS AR mode | |
pos2-bdsarmode |
on |
BDS AR mode | |
pos2-arthres |
3 |
Ambiguity resolution threshold | |
pos2-arthres1 |
0.9999 |
Ambiguity resolution threshold 1 | |
pos2-arthres2 |
0.25 |
Ambiguity resolution threshold 2 | |
pos2-arthres3 |
0.1 |
Ambiguity resolution threshold 3 | |
pos2-arthres4 |
0.05 |
Ambiguity resolution threshold 4 | |
pos2-arlockcnt |
0 |
AR lock count | |
pos2-arelmask |
0 |
Elevation mask for AR [deg] | |
pos2-arminfix |
10 |
Minimum number of satellites for AR | |
pos2-armaxiter |
1 |
Maximum number of iterations for AR | |
pos2-elmaskhold |
0 |
Elevation mask for hold [deg] | |
pos2-aroutcnt |
5 |
Output count for AR | |
pos2-maxage |
60 |
Maximum age of differential [s] | |
pos2-syncsol |
off |
Synchronized solution | |
pos2-slipthres |
0.05 |
Slip threshold [m] | |
pos2-rejionno |
30 |
Ionospheric delay rejection threshold [m] | |
pos2-rejgdop |
30 |
GDOP rejection threshold | |
pos2-niter |
1 |
Number of iterations | |
pos2-baselen |
0 |
Base station length [m] | |
pos2-basesig |
0 |
Base station sigma [m] | |
Output | out-solformat |
llh |
Solution format |
out-outhead |
on |
Output header | |
out-outopt |
on |
Output option | |
out-outvel |
on |
Output velocity | |
out-timesys |
gpst |
Time system | |
out-timeform |
tow |
Time format | |
out-timendec |
3 |
Time decimal places | |
out-degform |
deg |
Degree format | |
out-fieldsep |
Field separator | |
out-outsingle |
off |
Output single | |
out-maxsolstd |
0 |
Maximum solution standard deviation [m] | |
out-height |
geodetic |
Height reference | |
out-geoid |
internal |
Geoid model | |
out-solstatic |
all |
Static solution | |
out-nmeaintv1 |
0 |
NMEA interval 1 [s] | |
out-nmeaintv2 |
0 |
NMEA interval 2 [s] | |
out-outstat |
off |
Output status | |
Statistics | stats-eratio1 |
100 |
Error ratio 1 |
stats-eratio2 |
100 |
Error ratio 2 | |
stats-errphase |
0.003 |
Phase error [m] | |
stats-errphaseel |
0.003 |
Phase error elevation [m] | |
stats-errphasebl |
0 |
Phase error baseline [m/10km] | |
stats-errdoppler |
1 |
Doppler error [Hz] | |
stats-stdbias |
30 |
Standard bias [m] | |
stats-stdiono |
0.03 |
Standard ionospheric error [m] | |
stats-stdtrop |
0.3 |
Standard tropospheric error [m] | |
stats-prnaccelh |
1.0 |
PRN acceleration horizontal [m/s²] | |
stats-prnaccelv |
0.1 |
PRN acceleration vertical [m/s²] | |
stats-prnbias |
1e-05 |
PRN bias [m] | |
stats-prniono |
0.001 |
PRN ionospheric error [m] | |
stats-prntrop |
0.0001 |
PRN tropospheric error [m] | |
stats-prnpos |
0 |
PRN position error [m] | |
stats-clkstab |
5e-12 |
Clock stability [s/s] | |
Antenna 1 | ant1-postype |
llh |
Position type |
ant1-pos1 |
90 |
Position 1 [deg | |
ant1-pos2 |
0 |
Position 2 [deg | |
ant1-pos3 |
-6335367.6285 |
Position 3 [m | |
ant1-anttype |
Antenna type | |
ant1-antdele |
0 |
Antenna delta E [m] | |
ant1-antdeln |
0 |
Antenna delta N [m] | |
ant1-antdelu |
0 |
Antenna delta U [m] | |
Antenna 2 | ant2-postype |
llh |
Position type |
ant2-pos1 |
30.528231 |
Position 1 [deg | |
ant2-pos2 |
114.356985 |
Position 2 [deg | |
ant2-pos3 |
42.6548 |
Position 3 [m | |
ant2-anttype |
Antenna type | |
ant2-antdele |
0 |
Antenna delta E [m] | |
ant2-antdeln |
0 |
Antenna delta N [m] | |
ant2-antdelu |
0 |
Antenna delta U [m] | |
ant2-maxaveep |
0 |
Maximum averaging epochs | |
ant2-initrst |
off |
Initial reset | |
Miscellaneous | misc-timeinterp |
off |
Time interpolation |
misc-sbasatsel |
0 |
SBAS satellite selection | |
misc-rnxopt1 |
RINEX option 1 | |
misc-rnxopt2 |
RINEX option 2 | |
misc-pppopt |
PPP option | |
file-satantfile |
Satellite antenna file | |
file-rcvantfile |
Receiver antenna file | |
file-staposfile |
Station position file | |
file-geoidfile |
Geoid file | |
file-ionofile |
Ionosphere file | |
file-dcbfile |
DCB file | |
file-eopfile |
EOP file | |
file-blqfile |
BLQ file | |
file-tempdir |
Temporary directory | |
file-geexefile |
GEE executable file | |
file-solstatfile |
Solution status file | |
file-tracefile |
Trace file |
项目采用CMake管理, ./include ./src目录下提供了所有源码。建议使用Mingw编译。
windows下依赖WIN32 API以实现窗体, 第三方的Eigen库、MatPlotlib-cpp库、tqdm-cpp库、thread-pool库等内容均在./ThirdParty目录下。
CMakeLists已经配置完善,用户简单一步编译程序即可,推荐CLion IDE。
配置中的“Output Path”设置了导航结果信息(含STD)、IMU误差信息(含STD)的输出路径,以及可视化结果(二维、三维轨迹、高程,姿态欧拉角组[RPY],IMU零偏/比例因子误差及STD等)
./data/ 目录下放置了六组不同精度IMU的数据,主要有:
LeadorA15(导航级,高精度),XWGI7680(战术级,中高精度),CHC CGI-430 (MEMS,低精度),InvenSense ICM-20602(MEMS,低精度)。
同时兼容 win(GUI)、linux(CUI),提供详细解算参数设置;
窗体具有 mailto 帮助,GUI progress bar,以及配置读写的容错处理;
从源代码层面集成 rtklib 的RTK后处理模块,算法高精,提供详尽的解算策略;
松组合核心代码纯面向对象思想(工厂模式/抽象/函数模版..., etc),进行了详尽的容错处理,项目代码简洁;
可继承的配置类、文件读写类、代数计算类、可继承的二次开发的 tqdm 进度条类,均为单头文件;
GNSS信息质量控制(观测信息):例如设置可用的绝对阈值(与相对阈值),在启用 GNSS 位置、速度观测更新时,分别对 x、y、z 方向的数据进行约束,剔除某方向质量不好的数据
兼容asc imr txt 多种惯导数据;
提供 n 系 e 系编排的导航框架选择(e系编排有一个小bug仍未修复);
... ...
。。。不想写了。。。看配置文件相信能够看得懂 (doge