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File metadata and controls

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联系作者:刘恒祯,武汉大学,[email protected]

1 配置


Section Parameter Value Description
Configure navSys nFrame Navigation frame, especially the INS mechanism
usegnssvel true Whether use GNSS velocity update or not
useZUPT false Whether use ZUPT detection and update or not
useodonhc true Whether use ODO/NHC update or not (ODO not completed yet)
usesinglenhc true Whether to use single NHC update or not
usesingleodo false Whether use single ODO update or not (ODO not completed yet)
onlyinsmech false Whether use only the INS mechanism or not
IMU Settings imudataformat asc IMU data format (0: imr, 1: asc, 2: txt[7 columns])
imurawcoordinate RFU Raw IMU data in RFU or FRD
imuInitStaticTime 5.0 IMU initial alignment time [min]
imuSamplingRate 100.0 IMU sampling rate [Hz]
imuInitialGPSTWeek 2315 IMU initial GPS week
useAttFromRoughAlign false Use initial attitude from rough alignment
GNSS Settings useInitalPosVelFromRTK false Use initial position and velocity from RTK solution
State Settings estimateImuScale true Estimate IMU scale (21-dimension states if true, 15 if false)
Plot Settings plotResults true Use matplotlib to automatically plot navigation results
File Paths file-roverobs-renix F:\GINS-Navi\data\WHU20240522-XWGI7660\rover.24O Rover observation file path
file-baseobs-renix F:\GINS-Navi\data\WHU20240522-XWGI7660\base.24O Base observation file path
file-navi-renix F:\GINS-Navi\data\WHU20240522-XWGI7660\base.24N Navigation file path
gnssfilepath F:\GINS-Navi\data\WHU20240522-XWGI7660\GNSS-RTK.txt GNSS file path
imrfilepath F:\GINS-Navi\data\WHU20240522-XWGI7660\rover.imr IMR file path
ascfilepath F:\GINS-Navi\data\WHU20240522-XWGI7660\rover.ASC ASC file path
imutxtfilepath IMU TXT file path
odofilepath ODO file path
outputpath F:\GINS-Navi\data\WHU20240522-XWGI7660\ Output path
Initial Information startweek 2315 Start week (or you can use 'auto')
endweek 2315 End week (or you can use 'auto')
starttow 291724.0 Start time of week (or you can use 'auto')
endtow 295006.0 End time of week (or you can use 'auto')
initpos [30.528078962, 114.355762445, 40.9652] Initial position [deg, deg, m] (derived from RTK results)
initvel [-0.002, -0.838, -0.028] Initial velocity [m/s] (derived from RTK results)
initatt [0.183, 0.183, 272.55] Initial attitude [deg] (not used if useAttFromRoughAlign is true)
initposstd [1.0, 1.0, 2.0] Initial position standard deviation [m] (N-E-D)
initvelstd [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] Initial velocity standard deviation [m/s]
initattstd [0.5, 0.5, 1.0] Initial attitude standard deviation [deg]
initgyrbias [0.5, -1.0, 6.0] Initial gyroscope bias [deg/h]
initaccbias [-200, 700, 0] Initial accelerometer bias [mGal]
initgyrscale [0, 0, 0] Initial gyroscope scale [ppm]
initaccscale [0, 0, 0] Initial accelerometer scale [ppm]
initgyrbiasstd [50, 50, 50] Initial gyroscope bias standard deviation [deg/h]
initaccbiasstd [250, 250, 250] Initial accelerometer bias standard deviation [mGal]
initgyrscalestd [1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0] Initial gyroscope scale standard deviation [ppm]
initaccscalestd [1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0] Initial accelerometer scale standard deviation [ppm]
gyrarw [0.24, 0.24, 0.24] Gyroscope angle random walk [deg/s/sqrt(h)]
accvrw [0.24, 0.24, 0.24] Accelerometer velocity random walk [m/s/sqrt(h)]
gyrbiasstd [50.0, 50.0, 50.0] Gyroscope bias standard deviation [deg/h]
accbiasstd [250.0, 250.0, 250.0] Accelerometer bias standard deviation [mGal]
gyrscalestd [1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0] Gyroscope scale standard deviation [ppm]
accscalestd [1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0] Accelerometer scale standard deviation [ppm]
corrtime 1.0 Correlation time [h]
Installation Parameters antlever [0.164, -0.035, -0.890] Antenna lever arm [m] (NED)
odolever [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] Odometer lever arm [m]
installangle [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] Installation angle [deg]
Measurement Noise odonhc_measnoise [0.10, 0.07, 0.07] ODO/NHC measurement noise [m/s]
zupt_vmeasnoise [0.10, 0.10, 0.10] ZUPT velocity measurement noise [m/s]
zupt_wmeasnoise 50 ZUPT angular velocity measurement noise [deg/h]
CodeNoise 4.0 Code noise [m]
CPNoise 0.05 Carrier phase noise [m]
Update Frequency odonhcupdaterate 1.0 ODO/NHC update rate [Hz]
zuptupdaterate 1.0 ZUPT update rate [Hz]
RTK Post Options pos1-posmode kinematic Positioning mode
pos1-frequency l1+2+3 Frequency
pos1-soltype combined Solution type
pos1-elmask 10 Elevation mask [deg]
pos1-snrmask_r off SNR mask for rover
pos1-snrmask_b off SNR mask for base
pos1-snrmask_L1 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 SNR mask for L1
pos1-snrmask_L2 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 SNR mask for L2
pos1-snrmask_L5 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 SNR mask for L5
pos1-dynamics on Dynamics mode
pos1-tidecorr off Tidal correction
pos1-ionoopt brdc Ionospheric option
pos1-tropopt saas Tropospheric option
pos1-sateph brdc Satellite ephemeris option
pos1-posopt1 off Positioning option 1
pos1-posopt2 off Positioning option 2
pos1-posopt3 off Positioning option 3
pos1-posopt4 off Positioning option 4
pos1-posopt5 off Positioning option 5
pos1-posopt6 off Positioning option 6
pos1-exclsats Excluded satellites
pos1-navsys 59 Navigation systems
pos2-armode off Ambiguity resolution mode
pos2-gloarmode on GLONASS AR mode
pos2-bdsarmode on BDS AR mode
pos2-arthres 3 Ambiguity resolution threshold
pos2-arthres1 0.9999 Ambiguity resolution threshold 1
pos2-arthres2 0.25 Ambiguity resolution threshold 2
pos2-arthres3 0.1 Ambiguity resolution threshold 3
pos2-arthres4 0.05 Ambiguity resolution threshold 4
pos2-arlockcnt 0 AR lock count
pos2-arelmask 0 Elevation mask for AR [deg]
pos2-arminfix 10 Minimum number of satellites for AR
pos2-armaxiter 1 Maximum number of iterations for AR
pos2-elmaskhold 0 Elevation mask for hold [deg]
pos2-aroutcnt 5 Output count for AR
pos2-maxage 60 Maximum age of differential [s]
pos2-syncsol off Synchronized solution
pos2-slipthres 0.05 Slip threshold [m]
pos2-rejionno 30 Ionospheric delay rejection threshold [m]
pos2-rejgdop 30 GDOP rejection threshold
pos2-niter 1 Number of iterations
pos2-baselen 0 Base station length [m]
pos2-basesig 0 Base station sigma [m]
Output out-solformat llh Solution format
out-outhead on Output header
out-outopt on Output option
out-outvel on Output velocity
out-timesys gpst Time system
out-timeform tow Time format
out-timendec 3 Time decimal places
out-degform deg Degree format
out-fieldsep Field separator
out-outsingle off Output single
out-maxsolstd 0 Maximum solution standard deviation [m]
out-height geodetic Height reference
out-geoid internal Geoid model
out-solstatic all Static solution
out-nmeaintv1 0 NMEA interval 1 [s]
out-nmeaintv2 0 NMEA interval 2 [s]
out-outstat off Output status
Statistics stats-eratio1 100 Error ratio 1
stats-eratio2 100 Error ratio 2
stats-errphase 0.003 Phase error [m]
stats-errphaseel 0.003 Phase error elevation [m]
stats-errphasebl 0 Phase error baseline [m/10km]
stats-errdoppler 1 Doppler error [Hz]
stats-stdbias 30 Standard bias [m]
stats-stdiono 0.03 Standard ionospheric error [m]
stats-stdtrop 0.3 Standard tropospheric error [m]
stats-prnaccelh 1.0 PRN acceleration horizontal [m/s²]
stats-prnaccelv 0.1 PRN acceleration vertical [m/s²]
stats-prnbias 1e-05 PRN bias [m]
stats-prniono 0.001 PRN ionospheric error [m]
stats-prntrop 0.0001 PRN tropospheric error [m]
stats-prnpos 0 PRN position error [m]
stats-clkstab 5e-12 Clock stability [s/s]
Antenna 1 ant1-postype llh Position type
ant1-pos1 90 Position 1 [deg
ant1-pos2 0 Position 2 [deg
ant1-pos3 -6335367.6285 Position 3 [m
ant1-anttype Antenna type
ant1-antdele 0 Antenna delta E [m]
ant1-antdeln 0 Antenna delta N [m]
ant1-antdelu 0 Antenna delta U [m]
Antenna 2 ant2-postype llh Position type
ant2-pos1 30.528231 Position 1 [deg
ant2-pos2 114.356985 Position 2 [deg
ant2-pos3 42.6548 Position 3 [m
ant2-anttype Antenna type
ant2-antdele 0 Antenna delta E [m]
ant2-antdeln 0 Antenna delta N [m]
ant2-antdelu 0 Antenna delta U [m]
ant2-maxaveep 0 Maximum averaging epochs
ant2-initrst off Initial reset
Miscellaneous misc-timeinterp off Time interpolation
misc-sbasatsel 0 SBAS satellite selection
misc-rnxopt1 RINEX option 1
misc-rnxopt2 RINEX option 2
misc-pppopt PPP option
file-satantfile Satellite antenna file
file-rcvantfile Receiver antenna file
file-staposfile Station position file
file-geoidfile Geoid file
file-ionofile Ionosphere file
file-dcbfile DCB file
file-eopfile EOP file
file-blqfile BLQ file
file-tempdir Temporary directory
file-geexefile GEE executable file
file-solstatfile Solution status file
file-tracefile Trace file

2 程序编译与运行

2.1 源码及编译

项目采用CMake管理, ./include ./src目录下提供了所有源码。建议使用Mingw编译。

2.2 依赖库

windows下依赖WIN32 API以实现窗体, 第三方的Eigen库、MatPlotlib-cpp库、tqdm-cpp库、thread-pool库等内容均在./ThirdParty目录下。

CMakeLists已经配置完善,用户简单一步编译程序即可,推荐CLion IDE。

2.3 运行结果

配置中的“Output Path”设置了导航结果信息(含STD)、IMU误差信息(含STD)的输出路径,以及可视化结果(二维、三维轨迹、高程,姿态欧拉角组[RPY],IMU零偏/比例因子误差及STD等)

2.4 可视化



3 数据集

3.1 测试数据

./data/ 目录下放置了六组不同精度IMU的数据,主要有:

LeadorA15(导航级,高精度),XWGI7680(战术级,中高精度),CHC CGI-430 (MEMS,低精度),InvenSense ICM-20602(MEMS,低精度)。



3.2 兼容的数据格式


4 模块继承


5 特色

同时兼容 win(GUI)、linux(CUI),提供详细解算参数设置;


窗体具有 mailto 帮助,GUI progress bar,以及配置读写的容错处理;

从源代码层面集成 rtklib 的RTK后处理模块,算法高精,提供详尽的解算策略;

松组合核心代码纯面向对象思想(工厂模式/抽象/函数模版..., etc),进行了详尽的容错处理,项目代码简洁;


可继承的配置类、文件读写类、代数计算类、可继承的二次开发的 tqdm 进度条类,均为单头文件;

GNSS信息质量控制(观测信息):例如设置可用的绝对阈值(与相对阈值),在启用 GNSS 位置、速度观测更新时,分别对 x、y、z 方向的数据进行约束,剔除某方向质量不好的数据

兼容asc imr txt 多种惯导数据;


提供 n 系 e 系编排的导航框架选择(e系编排有一个小bug仍未修复);



... ...

。。。不想写了。。。看配置文件相信能够看得懂 (doge

