All = Shift + Ctrl + Alt + Cmd
- All + E = Evernote quick note
- All + V = Paste and remove from history
- All + T = Text expander search
- All + \ = iTerm / Shell
- All + Space = Spotlight
- Cmd + Space = Hold down to send selected text or file to LaunchBar
- Ctrl + Cmd + Space = Character viewer / emoji
- All + M = Middle
- All + F = Full
- All + Left arrow = Left half (Multiple taps changes size)
- All + Right arrow = Right half (Multiple taps changes size)
- All + Up arrow = Top half (Multiple taps changes size)
- All + Down arrow = Bottom half (Multiple taps changes size)
- All + 1 = Top left
- All + 2 = Bottom left
- All + 3 = Top right
- All + 4 = Bottom right
- All + [ = Previous display
- All + ] = Next display
- All + Tab = Next third
- All + + = Bigger
- All + - = Smaller
- . (dot) = URL
- Cmd + Space = Hold down to send selected text or file to LaunchBar
- Enter = Open
- Right arrow = Browse
- Space = Text input
- Tab = Send
- To discovermore , hover mouse over item and click
- Tab = enter date or time within calendar input
- Shift + Alt + Cmd + Drag = WOW! Drag the WINDOW part, not the tab
- Cmd + Right, Cmd + Left = Cycle between panes
- Ctrl + a = Move cursor to beginning of line
- Ctrl + e = Move cursor to end of line
- Escape + b = Move cursor back one word
- Escape + f = Move cursor forward one word
- Ctrl + k = Delete from cursor to end of line
- Ctrl + u = Delete from cursor to beginning of line
- Escape + d = Delete word in front of cursor
- Ctrl + w = Delete word behind cursor
Cmd + N = New window
Cmd + T = New tab
Cmd + Shift + N = New icognito window
Cmd + W = Close tab
Cmd + Shift + T = Reopen last tab closed
Cmd + Shift + [ = Previous tab
Cmd + Shift + ] = Nexttab
Cmd + L = Highlight URL
Cmd + Left arrow = Back button
Cmd + Right arrow = Forward button
Cmd + Alt + I = Open inspector
Cmd + Alt + U = View source
Cmd + , = Settings
Cmd + Shift + Delete = Clear browsing data
Cmd + R = Refresh
Cmd + Shift + R = Hard refresh
Cmd + Alt + I = Open inspector
Cmd + [ = Previous panel
Cmd + ] = Next panel
Cmd + Alt + [ = Previous panel in history
Cmd + Alt + ] = Next panel in history
Cmd + P = Search for file
Cmd + Shift + P = Search for method or CSS selector
Ctrl + G = Jump to line
- H = Hide element
- Cmd + Click = Go to source declaration
- Up, Down = By 1
- Page Up, Page Down = By 10
- Shift + Page Up, Shift + Page Down = By 100
- Alt + Up, Alt + Down = By 0.1
Add / remove a cursor: Alt + Click
Select all occurrences: Ctrl + Cmd + G
Select / unselect next text occurrence: Ctrl + G / Ctrl + Shift + G
Delete line: Cmd + Backspace
Duplicate line: Cmd + D
Move line up /down : Alt + Shift + Up / Down arrow
Dash documentation: Cmd + Shift + D
- div#page>div.logo+ul#navigation>li*5>a
- element#id.class
- element[attribute attribute=“value"]
- element*5
- element.item-$*5 //$ = item number
- Cmd + Ctrl + Left / Right = In and out
- Ctrl + Shift + 9/0 = Prev / Next sibling