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204 lines (163 loc) · 6.98 KB

File metadata and controls

204 lines (163 loc) · 6.98 KB

watchit -- wait for file system events



usage: watchit [-h] (--polling | --watcher) [--continued] [--success]
               [--interval [INTERVAL]] [--timeout [TIMEOUT]]
               [--no-recursive] [-x [PATTERNS [PATTERNS ...]]]
               [-g [GLOBS [GLOBS ...]]] [--machine-readable] [--debug]
               files [files ...]

By default, watchit waits until any change occurs, prints an event, and exits. Return codes are 0=changed, 1=added, 2=removed. Use a while-loop to wait for changes.

Note: pyinotify is a soft dependency and will only be imported if not using polling. Using the watcher is the default, though.

Also note that the polling mechanism is seriously limited: it only supports watching explicitly specified files for changes. Use the file system watcher if you want to watch directories, patterns, and want to detect added and removed files.

positional arguments:
    files                 files and/or directories to watch

optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --polling, -p         use polling instead of watching for file
                          system events; does not support watching
                          directories (default: False)
    --watcher, -w         watch for file system events using pyinotify
                          (external dependency) (default: True)
    --continued, -c       continue watching after a change has occurred
                          (default: False)
    --success, -s         return 0 on any change (instead of 0=changed,
                          1=added, 2=removed) (default: False)
    --interval [INTERVAL], -i [INTERVAL]
                          interval in seconds to use when polling (-p)
                          or time for one run when watching in
                          continuous mode (-c -w) (default: 1)
    --timeout [TIMEOUT], -I [TIMEOUT]
                          time limit in seconds for one run when
                          watching or polling in continuous mode (-c);
                          disabled with 0 (default: 0)
    --no-recursive, -R    do not watch directories recursively when
                          using the watcher (-w) (default: False)
    -x [PATTERNS [PATTERNS ...]], --regex [PATTERNS [PATTERNS ...]]
                          watch for files matching this regex (requires
                          -w) (default: ['.*'])
    -g [GLOBS [GLOBS ...]], --glob [GLOBS [GLOBS ...]]
                          watch for files matching this glob pattern
                          (requires -w) (default: [])
    --machine-readable, -m
                          print messages in a machine-readable format
                          ("<time> <type> <file>") (default: False)
    --debug, -d           print detailed info for all events (default:


Wait until files have been modified, then restart a program. The watcher works recursive by default (use -R to disable).

while watchit . -wg '*.py'; do killall; ./; done

Wait until a file has been modified, then do something with it based on the event.

watchit -w myfile.ext

case $? in
    0) echo "modified - copying it somewhere...";;
    1) echo "(added - event cannot happen)";;
    2) echo "removed - fetching it from somewhere...";;

Watch for the first event below the current directory (.), then exit, and handle files based on their suffices. Only watch for changes that match any of the given glob patterns.

function build() { echo "building..."; }  # dummy

while event="$(watchit . -wsg '*.qml' '*.js' '*.svg' '*.cpp' '.h')"; do
    printf "%s\n" "$event"
    if [[ "$event" =~ \.cpp$ || "$event" =~ \.h$ ]]; then
    elif [[ "$event" =~ \.qml$ || "$event" =~ \.js$ ]]; then
        qmllint qml/**/*.qml
    elif [[ "$event" =~ \.svg$ ]]; then
        # render images...
        inkscape image.svg -o image.png -w 200 -h 100

Collect events matching the given patterns ($cPATTERNS) below the current directory (.) for $cTIMEOUT seconds. Parse and handle events in the loop.

function do_something() { echo "doing something..."; }  # dummy
function log() { # 1: type, 2: time, 3: message
    printf "[%7s] %s: %s\n" "$@"
cPATTERNS=('*.cpp' '*.h' '*.md' '*.png')

while events="$(watchit -wmsI "$cTIMEOUT" . -g "${cPATTERNS[@]}")"; do
    mapfile -t events_arr <<<"$events"

    for event in "${events_arr[@]}"; do
        status="${event#* }"; status="${status%% *}"
        file="${event#* * }"
        time="${event%% *}"

        # do something with $file...

        case "$status" in
            "*") log "CHANGED" "$time" "$file";;
            "+") log "ADDED" "$time" "$file";;
            "-") log "REMOVED" "$time" "$file";;
            *) log "UNKNOWN" "$time" "$file"; exit 2;;


Wait for events below the current directory, but explicitly include the current script as file and as pattern. Restart the script when it is changed itself.

function do_something() { echo "doing something..."; }  # dummy
function fullpath() {
    [[ -z "$1" ]] && return 1
    echo "$(readlink -m "$(dirname "$1")")/$(basename "$1")"

function run_watch_loop() {
    while event="$(watchit -wms "$0" . -g '*.cpp' '*.h' "$(fullpath "$0")")"; do
        local file="${event#* * }"

        if [[ "$(fullpath "$file")" == "$(fullpath "$0")" ]]; then
            echo RELOADING
            return 255


    printf "%s\n" "$events"
    return 1

run_watch_loop; ret=$?
if (( $ret == 255 )); then
    echo "script has changed, restarting..."

Polling vs. watching

Watching (-w) has better performance and is much more versatile than polling (-p), but it depends on pyinotify which might not be available. Polling has no external dependencies.

Polling cannot detect renamed files, and will report them as deleted instead. This is because polling can only check explicitly listed files. It does pick up previously deleted files in continuous mode, though.

In exiting mode (default), the watcher will report renamed files as deleted, too. This is because renaming consists of two events, which will only be reported in continuous mode (remove, then add; enable with -c).


watchit is released under the GNU General Public License v3 (or later).

Example code is CC0-1.0.