Stunnel docker container. It adds TLS support for HTTP only clients.
Don't foget LINK client container to stunnel. Client must have STUNNEL_CONNECT host and stunnel contaner ip entry in its /etc/hosts file
docker run -itd --name stunnel-sni \
-e STUNNEL_ACCEPT=8000 -e \
-p 8000:8000 ilijaz/stunnel-sni
You can't use FQDN in STUNNEL_CONNECT variable in this case. Because you must put '' entiry in /etc/hosts or use docker inspect in clients run scripts.
docker run -itd --name stunnel-sni \
-e STUNNEL_ACCEPT=8000 -e STUNNEL_CONNECT=x.x.x.x:443 -e \
-p 8000:8000 ilijaz/stunnel-sni