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--- a/README.md
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@@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ The following is a list of static resources.
- [azure_webapps](docs/resources/azure_webapps.md)
- [azure_bastion_hosts_resource](docs/resources/azure_bastion_hosts_resource.md)
- [azure_bastion_hosts_resources](docs/resources/azure_bastion_hosts_resources.md)
+- [azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource](docs/resources/azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource.md)
+- [azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources](docs/resources/azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources.md)
For more details and different use cases, please refer to the specific resource pages.
diff --git a/docs/resources/azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource.md b/docs/resources/azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource.md
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+title: About the azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource Resource
+platform: azure
+# azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource
+Use the `azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource` InSpec audit resource to test properties related to a express circuit resource.
+## Azure REST API version, endpoint and http client parameters
+This resource interacts with api versions supported by the resource provider.
+The `api_version` can be defined as a resource parameter.
+If not provided, the latest version will be used.
+For more information, refer to [`azure_generic_resource`](azure_generic_resource.md).
+Unless defined, `azure_cloud` global endpoint, and default values for the http client will be used.
+For more information, refer to the resource pack [README](../../README.md).
+## Availability
+### Installation
+This resource is available in the [InSpec Azure resource pack](https://github.com/inspec/inspec-azure).
+For an example `inspec.yml` file and how to set up your Azure credentials, refer to resource pack [README](../../README.md#Service-Principal).
+Also, refer to [Azure documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/expressroute/express-route-circuit-connections/get) for properties available.
+Any attribute in the response may be accessed with the key names separated by dots (`.`).
+## Syntax
+describe azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource(resource_group: 'example', circuit_name: 'cn', peering_name: 'pn', connection_name: 'cn') do
+ it { should exist }
+## Parameters
+| Name | Description |
+| resource_group | Azure resource group that the targeted resource resides in. `MyResourceGroup` |
+| circuit_name | Name of the Express route circuit to test. `circuit_name` |
+| peering_name | Name of the peering to test. `peering_name` |
+| connection_name | The name of the express route circuit connection. `connection_name` |
+All of the parameter sets should be provided for a valid query:
+- `resource_group`, `circuit_name`, `peering_name`, `connection_name`
+## Properties
+| Name | Description |
+| resource_group | The name of the resource group in which to create the ExpressRoute circuit. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. `MyResourceGroup` |
+| name | The name of the ExpressRoute circuit. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. `Myexpress circuitHostName` |
+| type | type of express ExpressRoute circuit |
+| provisioning_state | State of express ExpressRoute circuit creation |
+| location | Specifies the supported Azure location where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. |
+| circuit_connection_status | Express Route Circuit connection state. |
+| ipv6_circuit_connection_config_status | IPv6 Address PrefixProperties of the express route circuit connection i.e Express Route Circuit connection state. |
+Also, refer to [Azure documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/expressroute/express-route-circuits/get) for other properties available.
+Any attribute in the response may be accessed with the key names separated by dots (`.`).
+## Examples
+### Ensure that the express circuit resource has is from same type
+describe azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource(resource_group: 'example', circuit_name: 'cn', peering_name: 'pn', connection_name: 'cn') do
+ its('type') { should eq 'Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits' }
+### Ensure that the express circuit resource is in successful state
+describe azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource(resource_group: 'example', circuit_name: 'cn', peering_name: 'pn', connection_name: 'cn') do
+ its('provisioning_state') { should include('Succeeded') }
+### Ensure that the express circuit resource is from same location
+describe azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource(resource_group: 'example', circuit_name: 'cn', peering_name: 'pn', connection_name: 'cn') do
+ its('location') { should include df_location }
+## Matchers
+This InSpec audit resource has the following special matchers. For a full list of available matchers, please visit our [Universal Matchers page](/inspec/matchers/).
+describe azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource(resource_group: 'example', circuit_name: 'cn', peering_name: 'pn', connection_name: 'cn') do
+ its('provisioning_state') { should eq 'Succeeded' }
+ its('ipv6_circuit_connection_config_status') { should eq 'Connected' }
+ its('circuit_connection_status') { should eq 'Connected' }
+### exists
+# If a express circuit resource is found it will exist
+describe azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource(resource_group: 'example', circuit_name: 'cn', peering_name: 'pn', connection_name: 'cn') do
+ it { should exist }
+# express circuit resources that aren't found will not exist
+describe azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource(resource_group: 'example', circuit_name: 'cn', peering_name: 'pn', connection_name: 'does_not_exist') do
+ it { should_not exist }
+## Azure Permissions
+Your [Service Principal](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-group-create-service-principal-portal) must be setup with a `contributor` role on the subscription you wish to test.
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+title: About the azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources Resource
+platform: azure
+# azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources
+Use the `azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources` InSpec audit resource to test properties related to express_route_circuits for a resource group or the entire subscription.
+## Azure REST API version, endpoint and http client parameters
+This resource interacts with api versions supported by the resource provider.
+The `api_version` can be defined as a resource parameter.
+If not provided, the latest version will be used.
+For more information, refer to [`azure_generic_resource`](azure_generic_resource.md).
+Unless defined, `azure_cloud` global endpoint, and default values for the http client will be used.
+For more information, refer to the resource pack [README](../../README.md).
+## Availability
+### Installation
+This resource is available in the [InSpec Azure resource pack](https://github.com/inspec/inspec-azure).
+For an example `inspec.yml` file and how to set up your Azure credentials, refer to resource pack [README](../../README.md#Service-Principal).
+Also, refer to [Azure documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/expressroute/express-route-circuit-connections/list) for properties available.
+Any attribute in the response may be accessed with the key names separated by dots (`.`).
+## Syntax
+An `azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources` resource block returns all Azure express route circuits, either within a Resource Group (if provided)
+describe azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources(resource_group: 'rg', circuit_name: 'cn', peering_name: 'pn') do
+## Parameters
+| Name | Description |
+| resource_group | Azure resource group that the targeted resource resides in. `MyResourceGroup` |
+| circuit_name | The name of the express route circuit to test. `circuit_name` |
+| peering_name | Name of the peering to test. `peering_name` |
+All of the parameter sets should be provided for a valid query:
+- `resource_group`, `circuit_name`, `peering_name`
+## Properties
+|Property | Description | Filter Criteria* |
+| names | A list of name the resource group in which to create the ExpressRoute circuit. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. `MyResourceGroup` | `name` |
+| ids | A list of id the ExpressRoute circuit. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. `Myexpress circuitHostName | `id` |
+| tags | A list of `tag:value` pairs defined on the resources. | `tags` |
+| provisioning_states | State of express_route_circuits creation | `provisioning_state` |
+| types | Types of all the express_route_circuits | `type` |
+| locations | Specifies the supported Azure location where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. | `location` |
+| circuit_connection_status| Express Route Circuit connection state. | `circuit_connection_status`|
+| ipv6_circuit_connection_config_status |IPv6 Address PrefixProperties of the express route circuit connection.| `ipv6_circuit_connection_config_status` |
+| properties| The properties of Resource. | `properties` |
+* For information on how to use filter criteria on plural resources refer to [FilterTable usage](https://github.com/inspec/inspec/blob/master/dev-docs/filtertable-usage.md).
+## Examples
+### Ensure that the express_route_circuits resource is in successful state
+describe azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources(resource_group: 'rg', circuit_name: 'cn', peering_name: 'pn') do
+ its('provisioning_states') { should include('Succeeded') }
+### Ensure that the express_route_circuits resource is from same location
+describe azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources(resource_group: 'rg', circuit_name: 'cn', peering_name: 'pn') do
+ its('location') { should include df_location }
+## Matchers
+This InSpec audit resource has the following special matchers. For a full list of available matchers, please visit our [Universal Matchers page](https://www.inspec.io/docs/reference/matchers/).
+describe azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources(resource_group: 'rg', circuit_name: 'cn', peering_name: 'pn') do
+ its('names') { should include circuitName }
+ its('locations') { should include location }
+ its('types') { should include 'Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits' }
+ its('provisioning_states') { should include('Succeeded') }
+ its('circuit_connection_status') { should include('Connected') }
+ its('ipv6_circuit_connection_config_status') { should include('Connected') }
+### exists
+# Should exist if express_route_circuits are in the resource group
+describe azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources(resource_group: 'rg', circuit_name: 'cn', peering_name: 'pn') do
+ it { should exist }
+# Should not exist if no express_route_circuits are in the resource group
+describe azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources(resource_group: 'rg', circuit_name: 'cn', peering_name: 'should_not_exist') do
+ it { should_not exist }
+## Azure Permissions
+Your [Service Principal](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-group-create-service-principal-portal) must be setup with a `contributor` role on the subscription you wish to test.
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+++ b/libraries/azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource.rb
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+require 'azure_generic_resource'
+class AzureExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsResource < AzureGenericResource
+ name 'azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource'
+ desc 'ExpressRoute circuit connect your on-premises infrastructure to Microsoft through a connectivity provider'
+ example <<-EXAMPLE
+ describe azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource(resource_group: 'example', circuit_name: 'cn', peering_name: 'pn', connection_name: 'cn') do
+ it { should exist }
+ end
+ def initialize(opts = {})
+ # Options should be Hash type. Otherwise Ruby will raise an error when we try to access the keys.
+ raise ArgumentError, 'Parameters must be provided in an Hash object.' unless opts.is_a?(Hash)
+ # Azure REST API endpoint URL format for the resource:
+ # GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/
+ # providers/Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits/{circuitName}/peerings/{peeringName}/
+ # connections/{connectionName}?api-version=2021-02-01
+ #
+ # The dynamic part that has to be created in this resource:
+ # Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits/{circuitName}/peerings/{peeringName}/
+ # connections/{connectionName}?api-version=2021-02-01
+ #
+ # Parameters acquired from environment variables:
+ # - {subscriptionId} => Required parameter. It will be acquired by the backend from environment variables.
+ #
+ # User supplied parameters:
+ # - resource_group => Required parameter unless `resource_id` is provided. {resourceGroupName}
+ # - name => Required parameter unless `resource_id` is provided. ExpressRouteCircuit name. {vmName}
+ # - resource_id => Optional parameter. If exists, `resource_group` and `name` must not be provided.
+ # In the following format:
+ # /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/
+ # providers/Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits/{circuitName}/peerings/{peeringName}/
+ # connections/{connectionName}
+ # - api_version => Optional parameter. The latest version will be used unless provided. api-version
+ #
+ # **`resource_group` and (resource) `name` or `resource_id` will be validated in the backend appropriately.
+ # We don't have to do anything here.
+ #
+ # Following resource parameters have to be defined here.
+ # - resource_provider => Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits
+ # The `specific_resource_constraint` method will validate the user input
+ # not to accept a different `resource_provider`.
+ #
+ opts[:resource_provider] = specific_resource_constraint('Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits', opts)
+ opts[:required_parameters] = %i(circuit_name peering_name)
+ opts[:resource_path] = [opts[:circuit_name], 'peerings', opts[:peering_name], 'connections'].join('/')
+ opts[:resource_identifiers] = %i(connection_name)
+ # static_resource parameter must be true for setting the resource_provider in the backend.
+ super(opts, true)
+ end
+ def to_s
+ super(AzureExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsResource)
+ end
+ def provisioning_state
+ properties.provisioningState if exists?
+ end
+ def circuit_connection_status
+ properties.circuitConnectionStatus if exists?
+ end
+ def ipv6_circuit_connection_config_status
+ properties.ipv6CircuitConnectionConfig.circuitConnectionStatus
+ end
diff --git a/libraries/azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources.rb b/libraries/azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources.rb
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+++ b/libraries/azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+require 'azure_generic_resources'
+class AzureExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsResources < AzureGenericResources
+ name 'azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources'
+ desc 'ExpressRoute circuits connect your on-premises infrastructure to Microsoft through a connectivity provider'
+ example <<-EXAMPLE
+ describe azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources(resource_group: 'rg', circuit_name: 'cn', peering_name: 'pn') do
+ it{ should exist }
+ end
+ attr_reader :table
+ def initialize(opts = {})
+ # Options should be Hash type. Otherwise Ruby will raise an error when we try to access the keys.
+ raise ArgumentError, 'Parameters must be provided in an Hash object.' unless opts.is_a?(Hash)
+ # Azure REST API endpoint URL format listing the all resources for a given subscription:
+ # GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/
+ # providers/Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits/{circuitName}/peerings/{peeringName}/connections?api-version=2021-02-01
+ #
+ #
+ # The dynamic part that has to be created for this resource:
+ # Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits/{circuitName}/peerings/{peeringName}/connections?api-version=2021-02-01
+ #
+ # Parameters acquired from environment variables:
+ # - {subscriptionId} => Required parameter. It will be acquired by the backend from environment variables.
+ #
+ # For parameters applicable to all resources, see project's README.
+ #
+ # User supplied parameters:
+ # - resource_group => Optional parameter.
+ # - api_version => Optional parameter. The latest version will be used unless provided.
+ #
+ # **`resource_group` will be used in the backend appropriately.
+ # We don't have to do anything here.
+ #
+ # Following resource parameters have to be defined/created here.
+ # resource_provider => Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits
+ # The `specific_resource_constraint` method will validate the user input
+ # not to accept a different `resource_provider`.
+ #
+ opts[:resource_provider] = specific_resource_constraint('Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits', opts)
+ opts[:required_parameters] = %i(circuit_name peering_name)
+ opts[:resource_path] = [opts[:circuit_name], 'peerings', opts[:peering_name], 'connections'].join('/')
+ # static_resource parameter must be true for setting the resource_provider in the backend.
+ super(opts, true)
+ # Check if the resource is failed.
+ # It is recommended to check that after every usage of superclass methods or API calls.
+ return if failed_resource?
+ # Define the column and field names for FilterTable.
+ # - column: It is defined as an instance method, callable on the resource, and present `field` values in a list.
+ # - field: It has to be identical with the `key` names in @table items that will be presented in the FilterTable.
+ # @see https://github.com/inspec/inspec/blob/master/docs/dev/filtertable-usage.md
+ table_schema = [
+ { column: :ids, field: :id },
+ { column: :names, field: :name },
+ { column: :locations, field: :location },
+ { column: :types, field: :type },
+ { column: :tags, field: :tags },
+ { column: :provisioning_states, field: :provisioning_state },
+ { column: :circuit_connection_status, field: :circuit_connection_status },
+ { column: :ipv6_circuit_connection_config_status, field: :ipv6_circuit_connection_config_status },
+ { column: :properties, field: :properties },
+ ]
+ # FilterTable is populated at the very end due to being an expensive operation.
+ AzureGenericResources.populate_filter_table(:table, table_schema)
+ end
+ def to_s
+ super(AzureExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsResources)
+ end
+ private
+ # Populate the @table with the resource attributes.
+ # @table has been declared in the super class as an empty array.
+ # Each item in the @table
+ # - should be a Hash object
+ # - should have the exact key names defined in the @table_schema as `field`.
+ def populate_table
+ # If @resources empty than @table should stay as an empty array as declared in superclass.
+ # This will ensure constructing resource and passing `should_not exist` test.
+ return [] if @resources.empty?
+ @resources.each do |resource|
+ @table << {
+ id: resource[:id],
+ name: resource[:name],
+ location: resource[:location],
+ type: resource[:type],
+ tags: resource[:tags],
+ provisioning_state: resource[:properties][:provisioningState],
+ circuit_connection_status: resource[:properties][:circuitConnectionStatus],
+ ipv6_circuit_connection_config_status: resource[:properties][:ipv6CircuitConnectionConfig][:circuitConnectionStatus],
+ properties: resource[:properties],
+ }
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/integration/verify/controls/azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource.rb b/test/integration/verify/controls/azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource.rb
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@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+resource_group = input('resource_group', value: nil)
+circuit_name = input('circuitName', value: nil)
+location = input('circuitLocation', value: nil)
+peering_name = input('peeringName', value: nil)
+connection_name = input('connectionName', value: nil)
+control 'azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource' do
+ describe azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource(resource_group: resource_group, circuit_name: circuit_name,
+ peering_name: peering_name, connection_name: connection_name) do
+ it { should exist }
+ its('name') { should eq circuit_name }
+ its('type') { should eq 'Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits' }
+ its('provisioning_state') { should include('Succeeded') }
+ its('location') { should include location }
+ its('ipv6_circuit_connection_config_status') { should eq 'Connected' }
+ its('circuit_connection_status') { should include 'Connected' }
+ end
+ describe azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource(resource_group: resource_group, circuit_name: circuit_name,
+ peering_name: peering_name, connection_name: connection_name) do
+ it { should_not exist }
+ end
+ describe azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource(resource_group: resource_group, circuit_name: circuit_name,
+ peering_name: peering_name, connection_name: 'does_not_exist') do
+ it { should_not exist }
+ end
diff --git a/test/integration/verify/controls/azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources.rb b/test/integration/verify/controls/azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources.rb
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index 000000000..77451bbdd
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+++ b/test/integration/verify/controls/azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+erc_resource_group = input('resource_group', value: nil)
+erc_circuit_name = input('circuitName', value: nil)
+erc_location = input('circuitLocation', value: nil)
+peering_name = input('peeringName', value: nil)
+control 'azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources' do
+ describe azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources(resource_group: erc_resource_group, circuit_name: erc_circuit_name, peering_name: peering_name) do
+ it { should exist }
+ its('names') { should include circuitName }
+ its('locations') { should include erc_location }
+ its('types') { should include 'Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits' }
+ its('provisioning_states') { should include('Succeeded') }
+ its('circuit_connection_status') { should include('Connected') }
+ its('ipv6_circuit_connection_config_status') { should include('Connected') }
+ end
diff --git a/test/unit/resources/azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource_test.rb b/test/unit/resources/azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource_test.rb
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index 000000000..1394858cb
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+++ b/test/unit/resources/azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resource_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+require_relative 'helper'
+require 'azure_express_route_circuit'
+class AzureExpressRouteCircuitConstructorTest < Minitest::Test
+ def test_empty_param_not_ok
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) { AzureExpressRouteCircuit.new }
+ end
+ # resource_provider should not be allowed.
+ def test_resource_provider_not_ok
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) { AzureExpressRouteCircuit.new(resource_provider: 'some_type') }
+ end
+ def test_resource_group
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) { AzureExpressRouteCircuit.new(name: 'my-name') }
+ end
diff --git a/test/unit/resources/azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources_test.rb b/test/unit/resources/azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources_test.rb
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+++ b/test/unit/resources/azure_express_route_circuit_connections_resources_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+require_relative 'helper'
+require 'azure_express_route_circuits'
+class AzureExpressRouteCircuitsConstructorTest < Minitest::Test
+ # resource_type should not be allowed.
+ def test_resource_type_not_ok
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) { AzureExpressRouteCircuits.new(resource_provider: 'some_type') }
+ end
+ def tag_value_not_ok
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) { AzureExpressRouteCircuits.new(tag_value: 'some_tag_value') }
+ end
+ def tag_name_not_ok
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) { AzureExpressRouteCircuits.new(tag_name: 'some_tag_name') }
+ end
+ def test_resource_id_not_ok
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) { AzureExpressRouteCircuits.new(resource_id: 'some_id') }
+ end
+ def test_name_not_ok
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) { AzureExpressRouteCircuits.new(name: 'some_name') }
+ end