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+FeatureTransforms = "8fd68953-04b8-4117-ac19-158bf6de9782" Impute = "f7bf1975-0170-51b9-8c5f-a992d46b9575" NamedDims = "356022a1-0364-5f58-8944-0da4b18d706f" OrderedCollections = "bac558e1-5e72-5ebc-8fee-abe8a469f55d" diff --git a/src/AxisSets.jl b/src/AxisSets.jl index 8621849..fffe089 100644 --- a/src/AxisSets.jl +++ b/src/AxisSets.jl @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module AxisSets using AutoHashEquals using AxisKeys +using FeatureTransforms using Impute using NamedDims using OrderedCollections @@ -88,5 +89,7 @@ include("dataset.jl") include("indexing.jl") include("functions.jl") include("impute.jl") +include("featuretransforms.jl") +include("utils.jl") end diff --git a/src/featuretransforms.jl b/src/featuretransforms.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..09fa100 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/featuretransforms.jl @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +""" + FeatureTransforms.apply(ds::KeyedDataset, t::Transform, [key]; dims=:, kwargs...) + +Apply the `Transform` to each component of the [`KeyedDataset`](@ref). +Returns a new dataset with the same constraints, but transformed components. + +The transform can be applied to a subselection of components via a [`Pattern`](@ref) `key`. +Otherwise, components are selected by the desired `dims`. + +Keyword arguments including `dims` are passed to the appropriate `FeatureTransforms` method +for a component. + +# Example +```jldoctest +julia> using AxisKeys, FeatureTransforms; using AxisSets: KeyedDataset, Pattern, flatten; + +julia> ds = KeyedDataset( + flatten([ + :train => [ + :load => KeyedArray([7.0 7.7; 8.0 8.2; 9.0 9.9]; time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray([-2.0 4.0; 3.0 2.0; -1.0 -1.0]; time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ], + :predict => [ + :load => KeyedArray([7.0 7.7; 8.1 7.9; 9.0 9.9]; time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray([0.5 -1.0; -5.0 -2.0; 0.0 1.0]; time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ] + ])... + ); + +julia> p = Power(2); + +julia> r = FeatureTransforms.apply(ds, p, (:_, :price, :_)); + +julia> [k => parent(parent(v)) for (k, v) in r.data] +4-element Vector{Pair{Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}, Matrix{Float64}}}: + (:train, :load) => [7.0 7.7; 8.0 8.2; 9.0 9.9] + (:train, :price) => [4.0 16.0; 9.0 4.0; 1.0 1.0] + (:predict, :load) => [7.0 7.7; 8.1 7.9; 9.0 9.9] + (:predict, :price) => [0.25 1.0; 25.0 4.0; 0.0 1.0] +``` +""" +function FeatureTransforms.apply(ds::KeyedDataset, t::Transform, key=Pattern((:__,)); kwargs...) + return map(ds, _pattern(key)) do a + FeatureTransforms.apply(a, t; kwargs...) + end +end diff --git a/src/impute.jl b/src/impute.jl index 9bd548d..04cdc9c 100644 --- a/src/impute.jl +++ b/src/impute.jl @@ -126,10 +126,6 @@ julia> [k => parent(parent(v)) for (k, v) in Impute.filter(ds; dims=:loc).data] """ Impute.apply(ds::KeyedDataset, f::Filter; dims) = Impute.apply!(deepcopy(ds), f; dims=dims) -_pattern(dims::Pattern) = dims -_pattern(dims::Tuple) = Pattern(dims) -_pattern(dims) = Pattern(:__, dims) - function Impute.apply!(ds::KeyedDataset, f::Filter; dims) pattern = _pattern(dims) dim = pattern.segments[end] diff --git a/src/utils.jl b/src/utils.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d0f94ec --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils.jl @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# Convert a dims argument to a Pattern +_pattern(dims::Pattern) = dims +_pattern(dims::Tuple) = Pattern(dims) +_pattern(::Colon) = Pattern(:__) +_pattern(dims) = Pattern(:__, dims) diff --git a/test/featuretransforms.jl b/test/featuretransforms.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cdb0ae4 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/featuretransforms.jl @@ -0,0 +1,360 @@ +@testset "FeatureTransforms" begin + + M1 = [0.0 1.0; 1.0 2.0; -0.5 0.0] + M2 = [-2.0 4.0; 3.0 2.0; -1.0 -1.0] + M3 = [0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.5; -0.5 0.0] + M4 = [0.5 -1.0; -5.0 -2.0; 0.0 1.0] + + ds = KeyedDataset( + flatten([ + :train => [ + :load => KeyedArray(M1; time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(M2; time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ], + :predict => [ + :load => KeyedArray(M3; time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(M4; time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ] + ])... + ) + + @testset "transform" begin + @test is_transformable(ds) + end + + @testset "OneToOne" begin + T = FakeOneToOneTransform() + + @testset "default applies to all components" begin + expected = KeyedDataset( + flatten([ + :train => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(3, 2); time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(ones(3, 2); time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ], + :predict => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(3, 2); time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(ones(3, 2); time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ] + ])... + ) + + r = FeatureTransforms.apply(ds, T) + + @test r isa KeyedDataset + @test isequal(r, expected) + @test !isequal(ds, expected) + end + + @testset "using pattern" begin + expected = KeyedDataset( + flatten([ + :train => [ + :load => KeyedArray(M1; time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(ones(3, 2); time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ], + :predict => [ + :load => KeyedArray(M3; time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(ones(3, 2); time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ] + ])... + ) + + r = FeatureTransforms.apply(ds, T, (:_, :price, :_)) + + @test r isa KeyedDataset + @test isequal(r, expected) + @test !isequal(ds, expected) + end + + @testset "using symbol" begin + expected = KeyedDataset( + flatten([ + :train => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(3, 2); time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(M2; time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ], + :predict => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(3, 2); time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(M4; time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ] + ])... + ) + + r = FeatureTransforms.apply(ds, T, :loc) + + @test r isa KeyedDataset + @test isequal(r, expected) + @test !isequal(ds, expected) + end + + @testset "using dims" begin + # replaces the first :loc column with ones(...) + expected = KeyedDataset( + flatten([ + :train => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(3, 1); time=1:3, loc=[:x]), + :price => KeyedArray(M2; time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ], + :predict => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(3, 1); time=1:3, loc=[:x]), + :price => KeyedArray(M4; time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ] + ])... + ) + + r = FeatureTransforms.apply(ds, T, :loc; dims=2, inds=[1]) + + @test r isa KeyedDataset + @test isequal(r, expected) + @test !isequal(ds, expected) + end + end + + @testset "OneToMany" begin + T = FakeOneToManyTransform() + + @testset "default applies to all components" begin + expected = KeyedDataset( + flatten([ + :train => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(3, 4); time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y, :x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(ones(3, 4); time=1:3, id=[:a, :b, :a, :b]), + ], + :predict => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(3, 4); time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y, :x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(ones(3, 4); time=1:3, id=[:a, :b, :a, :b]), + ] + ])... + ) + + r = FeatureTransforms.apply(ds, T) + + @test r isa KeyedDataset + @test isequal(r, expected) + @test !isequal(ds, expected) + end + + @testset "using pattern" begin + expected = KeyedDataset( + flatten([ + :train => [ + :load => KeyedArray(M1; time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(ones(3, 4); time=1:3, id=[:a, :b, :a, :b]), + ], + :predict => [ + :load => KeyedArray(M3; time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(ones(3, 4); time=1:3, id=[:a, :b, :a, :b]), + ] + ])... + ) + + r = FeatureTransforms.apply(ds, T, (:_, :price, :_)) + + @test r isa KeyedDataset + @test isequal(r, expected) + @test !isequal(ds, expected) + end + + @testset "using symbol" begin + expected = KeyedDataset( + flatten([ + :train => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(3, 4); time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y, :x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(M2; time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ], + :predict => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(3, 4); time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y, :x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(M4; time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ] + ])... + ) + + r = FeatureTransforms.apply(ds, T, :loc) + + @test r isa KeyedDataset + @test isequal(r, expected) + @test !isequal(ds, expected) + end + + @testset "using dims" begin + expected = KeyedDataset( + flatten([ + :train => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(3, 2); time=1:3, loc=[:x, :x]), + :price => KeyedArray(M2; time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ], + :predict => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(3, 2); time=1:3, loc=[:x, :x]), + :price => KeyedArray(M4; time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ] + ])... + ) + + r = FeatureTransforms.apply(ds, T, :loc; dims=2, inds=[1]) + + @test r isa KeyedDataset + @test isequal(r, expected) + @test !isequal(ds, expected) + end + end + + @testset "ManyToOne" begin + T = FakeManyToOneTransform() + + @testset "default applies to all components" begin + expected = KeyedDataset( + # ideally we would drop the :time constraint when it gets reduced + OrderedSet(Pattern[(:__, :time), (:__, :loc), (:__, :id)]), + LittleDict(flatten([ + :train => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(2); loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(ones(2); id=[:a, :b]), + ], + :predict => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(2); loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(ones(2); id=[:a, :b]), + ] + ])...) + ) + + r = FeatureTransforms.apply(ds, T; dims=:time) + + @test r isa KeyedDataset + @test isequal(r, expected) + @test !isequal(ds, expected) + end + + @testset "using pattern" begin + expected = KeyedDataset( + flatten([ + :train => [ + :load => KeyedArray(M1; time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(ones(2); id=[:a, :b]), + ], + :predict => [ + :load => KeyedArray(M3; time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(ones(2); id=[:a, :b]), + ] + ])... + ) + + r = FeatureTransforms.apply(ds, T, (:_, :price, :_); dims=:time) + + @test r isa KeyedDataset + @test isequal(r, expected) + @test !isequal(ds, expected) + end + + @testset "using symbol" begin + expected = KeyedDataset( + flatten([ + :train => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(2); loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(M2; time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ], + :predict => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(2); loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(M4; time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ] + ])... + ) + + r = FeatureTransforms.apply(ds, T, :loc; dims=:time) + + @test r isa KeyedDataset + @test isequal(r, expected) + @test !isequal(ds, expected) + end + end + + # Note: There are no ManyToMany transforms implemented just yet + @testset "ManyToMany" begin + T = FakeManyToManyTransform() + + @testset "default applies to all components" begin + expected = KeyedDataset( + flatten([ + :train => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(3, 4); time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y, :x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(ones(3, 4); time=1:3, id=[:a, :b, :a, :b]), + ], + :predict => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(3, 4); time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y, :x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(ones(3, 4); time=1:3, id=[:a, :b, :a, :b]), + ] + ])... + ) + + r = FeatureTransforms.apply(ds, T) + + @test r isa KeyedDataset + @test isequal(r, expected) + @test !isequal(ds, expected) + end + + @testset "using pattern" begin + expected = KeyedDataset( + flatten([ + :train => [ + :load => KeyedArray(M1; time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(ones(3, 4); time=1:3, id=[:a, :b, :a, :b]), + ], + :predict => [ + :load => KeyedArray(M3; time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(ones(3, 4); time=1:3, id=[:a, :b, :a, :b]), + ] + ])... + ) + + r = FeatureTransforms.apply(ds, T, (:_, :price, :_)) + + @test r isa KeyedDataset + @test isequal(r, expected) + @test !isequal(ds, expected) + end + + @testset "using symbol" begin + expected = KeyedDataset( + flatten([ + :train => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(3, 4); time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y, :x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(M2; time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ], + :predict => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(3, 4); time=1:3, loc=[:x, :y, :x, :y]), + :price => KeyedArray(M4; time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ] + ])... + ) + + r = FeatureTransforms.apply(ds, T, :loc) + + @test r isa KeyedDataset + @test isequal(r, expected) + @test !isequal(ds, expected) + end + + @testset "using dims" begin + expected = KeyedDataset( + flatten([ + :train => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(3, 2); time=1:3, loc=[:x, :x]), + :price => KeyedArray(M2; time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ], + :predict => [ + :load => KeyedArray(ones(3, 2); time=1:3, loc=[:x, :x]), + :price => KeyedArray(M4; time=1:3, id=[:a, :b]), + ] + ])... + ) + + r = FeatureTransforms.apply(ds, T, :loc; dims=2, inds=[1]) + + @test r isa KeyedDataset + @test isequal(r, expected) + @test !isequal(ds, expected) + end + end + +end diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl index fe3c839..7933500 100644 --- a/test/runtests.jl +++ b/test/runtests.jl @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ using AxisKeys using AxisSets using Dates using Documenter +using FeatureTransforms +using FeatureTransforms.TestUtils using Impute using Missings using OrderedCollections @@ -27,6 +29,7 @@ using Impute: ThresholdError include("indexing.jl") include("functions.jl") include("impute.jl") + include("featuretransforms.jl") # The doctests fail on x86, so only run them on 64-bit hardware & Julia 1.6 Sys.WORD_SIZE == 64 && v"1.6" <= VERSION < v"1.7" && doctest(AxisSets)