If you want to subscribe to certain or all logs of ioBroker adapters, you can use logTransporter. To activate in your adapter, add "logTransporter": true
to the common structure of your io-package.json
In your adapter code (like in the main.js
file), you will then need to call requireLog(true)
to activate.
Once requireLog() is set to true, you can use on('log', callback)
to subscribe to all new logs coming in from adapters. The callback function returns all logs with the following object (example):
{from:'testlog.0', message: 'testlog.0 (12504) adapter disabled', severity: 'error', ts:1585413238439}
Full example from a main.js
adapter.on('log', function(logObject) {
// Here we have the log in "logObject" and can handle it accordingly.
const severity = logObject.severity; // the log level (severity): info, warn, error, etc.
// ....
There is a special type of adapters, that consume logs. Normally all adapters write their messages into the log file with logger. But some adapters must to show logs or to store them something else.
To create such a type of adapter it must have logTransporter flag in common structure.
If such a flag is present, the adapter.js creates automatically the special state for it - "system.adapter.adapterName.X.logging". This variable must be set by logTransport adapter to true, when this adapter wants to receive logs.
"system.adapter.adapterName.X.logging" is fifo queue of redis type list.
Other adapters monitor all variables "*.logging" and write into according lists the log messages. The list is limited by 1000 messages (by default).
The logTransport instance receives the event "log" with message.
To control "system.adapter.adapterName.X.logging" state the adapter must use requireLog function.
E.g. adapter.requireLog(true);
to enable receiving of logs.
The functionality is implemented in adapter.js and the developer should just set the common flag logTransporter and call requireLog().
The functionality for non-logTransport adapters is implemented in adapter.js and the developer must not care about it.