You can develop this role using Vagrant virtual machine. It can be started using Vagrant directly by running
vagrant up
while in vagrant/
subdirectory. This machine will be provisioned with playbook
, which will run this role and all required dependencies. After that, you can connect
to this machine with vagrant ssh
You can also start this virtual machine using molecule testing framework (see below for instructions about installation and running). Just run following command:
$ molecule test --destroy never --driver-name vagrant
This command will provision the test virtual machine, run the test suite, and quit without destroying the VM. You can connect to the console using VirtualBox console.
For testing this role molecule framework is used. The tests themselves are written using testinfra
To install molecule:
Have python installed on your system
- installed by default on many operating systems
- can be installed from HomeBrew on macOS by issuing
brew install python@2
Install pip - python package manager
curl | sudo /usr/local/bin/python2
Install virtualenv package using pip Install location might vary. Usually pip will be installed in a location on system path, so it should be available by just running
. It is known that in recent versions of python installed by HomeBrew on macOS systems the binary location is a bit convoluted. For instance, it might be/usr/local/Cellar/python@2/2.7.15_1/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/pip
. To make it easier to use, you can create a symbolic link in a directory on system path. For instance:sudo ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/python@2/2.7.15_1/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/pip
virtualenv --no-site-packages ~/.venv
(this step will need to be executed before running molecule in a new shell)source ~/.venv/bin/activate
Install required packages
pip install molecule ansible
[option] for running tests in docker container, install docker from Docker website and install docker python package
pip install docker-py
[option] for running tests in a vagrant environment, install vagrant, VirtualBox, and python package for vagrant
pip install python-vagrant
In the instructions above location of python binary may need to be adjusted.
In the role main directory, activate virtualenv:
source ~/.venv/bin/activate
Then you can run the tests:
molecule test
By default, the tests are being run in a docker container. To run it in vagrant/virtualbox virtual machine, run:
molecule test --driver-name vagrant