#Coding standards front end
##Code formatting
- Use Polygot Markup with the following emphasis:
- Use XHTML compliant Boolean attributes e.g. <input type="text" required="required" />.
- Use double quotation marks for attributes.
- Use the minimized tag syntax, with a space before the closing slash, for void elements, e.g. <br />. *Use consistent line breaks:
- Add line breaks only between sibling sectioning elements & ARIA landmark roles.
- Place inline tags on the same line.
- Place block-level tags on a new line and indented.
- Include templating serverside code as part of the nesting of elements.
- Wrap long lines of text and treat as block-level elements, using 150 char length as a guide.
###Example of style
/* header */
.action .action-information,
.button .information:last-child {
background: url("../images/generic-logo.png") no-repeat center 0 #fff;
border: 1px solid #000;
-webkit-box-shadow: /* multiple properties on different lines */
0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2),
0 2px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2),
0 2px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2),
0 2px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2),
0 2px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2),
0 2px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
color: #333;
display: block;
font-family: Helmet, Freesans, sans-serif; /* bbc glue font stack /*
font-size: 1.3em; /* only use ems for font-sizes (including on the body) */
padding: 5px 0 2% 0;
-webkit-transition: all 700ms ease; /* use ms for duration */
-moz-transition: all 700ms ease;
-ms-transition: all 700ms ease;
-o-transition: all 700ms ease;
transition: all 700ms ease;
z-index: 3;
.action a {
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);
###Structure of a style
Use "semi-expanded" structure.
###Selector naming
- Use only lowercase.
- Use only hyphens to separate words.
###Property order
By the length of prefix (long to short) for vendor prefixed properties.
Carry on the alphabetical order for multiple properties (e.g. border-bottom, border-left...):
.download { border-bottom: 1px solid #000; border-left: 2px solid #000; border-right: 1px solid #000; border-top: 2px solid #000; }
###Property value order
background: [colour] ["url"] [scroll] [repeat] [position];
border: [size] [type] [colour];
###Prefixed Property value spacing
.download {
-webkit-transition: all 700ms ease;
-moz-transition: all 700ms ease;
-ms-transition: all 700ms ease;
-o-transition: all 700ms ease;
transition: all 700ms ease;
###Text formatting
- Use consistent, version-control-friendly text formatting:
- Use tabs for indentation - length of 4 spaces.
- Use UNIX-style line endings.
- Trim trailing whitespace from lines. *Ensure all text-based files end with a newline character.
###Media assets naming conventions
- Use only lowercase.
- Use only hyphens to separate words e.g. "home-logo.png".
##Development Guidelines
Use HTML5 Boilerplate as a foundation:
- Use modernizr.
- Use the non-semantic helper classes:
- Use the class="clearfix" approach to clearing floats.
- Use the image replacement and text hiding classes.
- Adhere to the W3C's Mobile best practises on every project.
- Use polyfills.
- Use HTML5 semantic tags e.g. sectioning and form elements.
- Use Microformats and HTML5 microdata.
- Use WAI-ARIA landmark roles - see this blog post for more information. Never use ARIA roles to target CSS styles.
- Place all Javascript before the closing </body> tag, except modernizr.
- Use Classes over IDs with the exception of:
- In-page navigation.
With the following exceptions:
- Use an IE conditional class and "safe hacks".
- Order the <head> as follows:
- <meta>
- Charset first.
- Then alphabetically ordered.
- <title>
- <link>
- <script>
- <meta>
Structure of a stylesheet
- fonts (including url to licence)
- normalise html5
- default styles (based on boilerplate/normalise)
- html
- body
- links: a, a:hover, a:active, a:visited
- sectioning content: aside, article, nav, section
- heading content: h1 – h6, hgroup
- text-level semantics: address, blockquote, code, em, pre, strong
- grouping content
- lists: dl, dt, dd, ul, ol, li
- paragraphs
- tables: table, thead, tr, th, tbody, td
- form content: form, fieldset, legend, label, input, textarea, select, option
- embedding content: audio, canvas, embed, iframe, img, object, video
- helper classes (non-semantic)
- shared states
- style patterns: ordered by complexity
- layout patterns (non-semantic)
- @media queries
- device width (linearised content first)
- default styles (based on boilerplate/normalise)
- helper classes (non-semantic)
- shared states
- style patterns: ordered by complexity
- layout patterns (non-semantic)
- device width (linearised content first)
####Comments and indentation
Comment within a stylesheet to aid other developers.
Colour swatch
Sectioning comments
Property comments
/* * standards and conventions * * colour swatch: * light blue = #005 * dark blue = #00C * * index: * 1. fonts * 2. normalise html5 * 3. default styles (based on boilerplate/normalise) * 4. helper classes (non-semantic) * 5. shared states * 6. style patterns * 7. layout patterns (non-semantic) * 8. @mediaqueries */
Use indentation and comments to section a stylesheet. There are two types of comments:
Sectioning comments.
Property comments.
/* sectioning comment e.g. "header" */ header { margin: 0; } /* sectioning comment e.g. "primary navigation" */ header nav { float: left; } /* sectioning comment e.g. "search box" */ header search { display: inline; /* property comment e.g. ie double margin fix */ }
###Selector naming
- Plurals for groupings.
- Nouns for specific objects.
- Adjectives (where possible) or verbs for variations
- Past-participle verbs for states.
- The following for pattern parts:
- <pattern name>–inner → for inner wrapper
- <pattern name>–item → for the most common and repeating element in the pattern
- <pattern name>–content → for containing both media and text
- <pattern name>–media → for targeting imgs, swf, video
- <pattern name>–copy → for containing only text e.g. headings and paragraphs
Do not mimic tag names when naming classes, unless they are prefixed. e.g. .component-body.
.actions (grouping - plural) .action (pattern - noun) .action-collapse (sub pattern - verb) .action-inner (pattern part) .action-item (pattern part) .action-content (pattern part) .action-media (pattern part) .action-copy (pattern part) .folder .is-collapsed (state - past participle)
###Progressive enhancement in CSS
- Use forward-facing support (i.e. assume feature support and target lack of with the "no-" classes) with the exceptions of:
- JS → assume no JS and target support with the "js" class.
- Touch → assume a no-touch device and target support with the "touch" class.
####Backgrounds (language feature)
.text-area {
background: url("/images/background-000-50.png") repeat; /* IE fix */
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
- Start with fall back definition to support older browsers.
- Implement newer definition last.
###Fonts and Font Face
Use tweaked (letter/word spacing etc) web-safe fonts first. Then webfonts, but sparingly, with the following caveats:
- Ensure the font is correctly licensed. Find a licence using a webfont service.
- Ensure the rendering quality of the font is acceptable in all browsers.
- Ensure acceptable loading times are maintained as fonts are added.
- Ensure the correct font weights are included and linked correctly.
##Media assets
###File structure
Limit of 10 files per folder before subfolder is created
All vendor/3rd Party scripts to be found in "/vendor" including all assets.
Creation of child folders within structure below are on a per project basis
/assets /fonts /images /sprites vignettes.png background.jpg spacer.gif /scripts project.js jquery.standout.js /styles project-name.css /swfs /vendor jquery.js modernizr.js /fancybox jquery.scrollTo.js
Use spritesheets only for grouped sets of icons.
####Image Formats
- Use JPEG for photos and complex images/icons.
- Use PNG 8 for small and simple images/icons.
- Use PNG 24 for multi-channel transparency.
- Adhere to the WCAG Samurai checklist.
- Do not check using accessibility validators.
Development Process
- Annotate designs to:
- Identify a colour palette.
- Identify the "base styles" using a "typography-first" approach:
- Identify the body copy (the most common block of copy) and its following properties:
- Font family.
- Font size.
- Line height.
- Identify text-based grouping elements (and their box models):
- Paragraphs.
- Lists.
- Heading groups.
- Identify six levels of headings.
- Identify form elements
- Legends.
- Labels.
- Inputs.
- Identify the body copy (the most common block of copy) and its following properties:
- Identify style patterns, subpatterns and pattern parts (starting with most common and smallest first):
- Actions
- Navigation
- Content blocks
- etc...
- Identify layout patterns:
- Grids
- Positioning
- etc...
- Identify animation patterns:
- Colour transitions (e.g. on simple links)
- Show & hide (e.g. reveals, slides, fades)
- etc...
- Identify interaction patterns:
- Clicks
- Drags
- Hovers (including simple links)
- etc...
- Produce a draft mapping of the relationships between patterns in each set.
- Build a toolkit:
- with the following sections:
- Base styles
- Demo of style patterns.
- Demo of layout patterns.
- Demo of animation patterns.
- Demo of interaction patterns.
- Components built from the patterns.
- and with the following features:
- Self-annotating and with common language between design and development.
- A reference for default typography, padding, margin etc.
- Built-in relationship mapping.
- Testable.
- with the following sections:
A collection of best practise standards from around the web and for our specific project needs.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License by the contributors.