A library that provides Brazilian vaccination data targeting iOS, Android and the Jvm.
There's always a release
and debug
version of the same task, so replace $variant
for the one you need.
Creating debug and release aar
$ gradle :vaccination-tracker:bundle${variant}Aar
These will create an .aar
in the vaccination-tracker/build/libs/
directory, that can be imported in any android project directly.
To publish the library to your local maven repository you just need to run:
$ gradle :vaccination-tracker:publish${variant}PublicationToMavenLocal
You can publish it to mavenCentral
. To do that you'll need to sign it. Fill this data in your local.properties
Then, you can run:
$ gradle :vaccination-tracker:publish${variant}PublicationToSonatypeRepository
Either way, you can import it by adding
dependencies {
For the iOS we'll use UniversalFatFramework
to be able to share this library with other developers.
These are .framework
s with extra benefits:
- Universal means they run on any iOS architecture (simulators and devices)
- Fat means that they're self contained. A dependencies are there.
There's also a release
and debug
version of the same task, so replace $variant
for the one you need.
$ gradle :vaccination-tracker:universal${variant}Framework
--- WIP ---