# coding: UTF-8
The files in this distribution are covered by the Ruby license (see LICENSE) except the features mentioned below:
- Darkfish
Darkfish was written by Michael Granger and is included under the MIT license. Darkfish contains images from the Silk Icons set by Mark James.
See lib/rdoc/generator/darkfish.rb for license information.
- Sdoc
Portions of SDoc by (Володя Колесников) Vladimir Kolesnikov are included under the MIT license as RDoc::Generator::JsonIndex. See lib/rdoc/generator/json_index.rb for license information.
methods on RDoc::CodeObject subclasses were derived from sdoc. -
RDoc::ClassModule#document_self_or_methods comes from Sdoc.
- peg-markdown
RDoc’s Markdown support is derived from peg-markdown by John MacFarlane. It is used under the MIT license. See RDoc::Markdown for license details.
- MarkdownTest
test/test_rdoc_markdown_test.rb uses MarkdownTest 1.0.3’s source files which are included as test/MarkdownTest_1.0.3/*.text which are Copyright © 2004-2005 John Gruber daringfireball.net and is included under the same terms as Perl itself.
See dev.perl.org/licenses/ for the terms of the Perl license.